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Everything posted by sabills

  1. All I know is I picked up Kulikov in my hockey manager game and he's leading the team in points, so I'm feeling pretty good about this trade right now.
  2. Its the most non-descript thing I've ever had in my life. I literally cannot describe it. It is utterly without sensation. Its so dull that its almost interesting.
  3. STBC One Buffalo beer is now coming in cans for anyone wants to sit on a boat and drink a beer that you'll have absolutely no opinion about.
  5. Apparently so, yes :lol:
  6. The only true dumpster fire in the east right now is Ottawa. That may actually be an insult to some dumpster fires. Its too bad, too, because I think Karlsson is the best D-man in the league right now, and he's stuck on that wreck. If they don't get Hoffman wrapped up they're insane.
  7. I think I'd still be more OK with Boston than Toronto.
  8. Couldn't have the reverse affect? "Well, if that Nylander kid plays well he could take my spot, soo...."
  9. If they can get their hands on Barrie as the last RHD I think we've got ourselves a legit D. Toss him with McCabe and lets roll.
  10. I took that whole quote as "We'll see what happens in training camp". I mean, if he comes in and blows away the field they're not going to tell him "No, go back to Sweden".They're open to all options, but thats just my read.
  11. I am in the Buffalo! He's already my favorite draft pick from 2016, I hope he gets good enough to make the team just to I can hear P-Ham interview him.
  12. How about "the other company offered me a better career opportunity or was in a location that I preferred"? That's what we're talking about here.
  13. See, you're saying two different things there. Its a business and a job, not a betrothal. If a company offers me a job and I back out at the last minute for another offer they can be pissed about it and never offer me a job again, but its still my right to do so.
  14. http://sabres.buffalonews.com/2016/07/08/vesey-agent-sabres-meeting-went-well/ Keep pulling back more and more. Save that face. We've got time. Also, Murray as loquacious as ever:
  15. I really thought Wild was kidding about that when he said it...
  16. I have not even really thought about Okposo. I just plugged him into my lineup and moved on. He was a backup plan to Stamkos for me. But man, thinking about it, he is exciting. We're talking about a guy who should be a 20-30 goal scorer for the next 3-5 years or so. In so many ways he's the exact guy we wanted for this team. Not great defensively, but a true goal scorer. Plus he chose us. Think noone else would have offered him that same contract? Fat chance, we didn't just win in a bidding contest; he looked at the teams who approached him and said "I have the best chance of putting up numbers with those guys, lets do it." This is exciting, I should be much more excited about it that I have been. When does the season start again?
  17. Yeah, I apologize, this was bad on my part. So here's a better response. And note that this comes from someone who is pretty ready to get rid of Kane, too. Almost none of the things you mentioned are facts, and the ones that are have nothing to do with the case involved. I get mad about people's response to stuff like this because judging criminal proceedings based on someone being a "D-bag" only causes more problems. Again, I am fine with Kane never playing here again, if for no reason other than the fact that he is a blockhead. If you have had multiple situations like this, even if you think you were not at fault, do not put yourself in that position anymore. If you get in trouble when you hang out in bars at 2 in the morning, do not hangout in bars at 2 in the morning. Its pretty simple. Its the same reason I never want P. Kane on my team, either. I was done with him after the whole cab driver thing. You have a reasonable right to being dumb, especially at that age and with that money. Once that currency is used up, its used up in my book, and both the Kane's have spent their share. And if the Pegulas or whomever get their hands on that tape or talk to someone or whatever and determine that he did something violent to a woman then they should cut him. Not trade him, not suspend him, cut him. Don't worry about the money or the cap, he's done on my team right now. But we don't really know anything, and making accusations and assumptions on almost no information, or facts, is how we get in lots of trouble in this world.
  18. I know, I couldn't help myself. Someday I'll learn to not get suckered in by trolls.
  19. EDIT: This was a dumb response on my part and I'm sorry for it
  20. They're turning around, obviously coming back to sign the contract IMHO:
  21. Vegan means no blue cheese, and possibly not beer? Not sure how vegans view yeast.
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