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Everything posted by sabills

  1. John Vogl ‏@BuffNewsVogl 18s19 seconds ago Tim Murray confirms the Sabres and Rasmus Ristolainen have come to terms on a new contract. Deadlines make deals, folks.
  2. Sources now saying its done, fwiw Sami Hoffrén ‏@shoffren 4m4 minutes ago BREAKING: Sources say deal is done between Rasmus Ristolainen and Buffalo Sabres. Dunno who that guy is but a couple guys I trust on twitter retweeted that, so blame them if its BS
  3. The scary thing to me about a bridge deal is that we have both Sam and Eichel coming up around the time that the bridge deal would be up, and they're both looking at BIG money. So if we have to do both of them PLUS a number one d-man at the same time...
  4. Murray might not actually blink in real life.
  5. Nihilism? I mean, say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, but at least its an ETHOS.
  6. For reference, its He/His/Him for a person who identifies as male.
  7. This one was just bad enough that the Republican's can use it to abandon him. He's done much worse, but this one is pretty obviously bad from all sides. They have their moment and they're taking it. If they jump ship now maybe they can get their people out to still vote the down ballot stuff.
  8. You're right, I'm sorry, I read another article on this and it mentioned it more explicitly: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/harrison-browne-on-coming-out-as-transgendered-dealing-with-backlash-puck-daddy-qa-175135794.html I thought that was from the article in this thread, so again I apologize. No reason you would have known that. From that article we find out that he has done no hormone therapy yet, because of the very thing we're talking about: competition.
  9. Are there any reports that this has happened? A very large amount of pedophiles are men that prey on young boys, so I don't see how using a different bathroom makes literally any difference. Harrison has female levels of testosterone because he has yet to go under any hormone therapy. At least read the article first, dude.
  10. I think what we want, in general, is equal rights and equal respect for all as a baseline, not necessarily everyone treated as the same exact person all the time. Hell with men and women, there's evolutionary traits that make me different from other men. I could work out every day of my life and never be this guy: I could study constantly, apply myself fully, and never be Steven Hawking. People are different, which is good and we should celebrate those differences. The point is, entirely, to judge people as individuals, as who they are as a person, not base my assumptions on one fact I know about them. As for sports, whether there should be men/womens pro leagues and competitions is an interesting question. I've always wondered about it, especially in the olympics. Is there any reason we can't have mixed gender curling competitions? Archery? IDK, people of those sports could tell you better. For stuff like hockey and football and golf, the answer is simply that making women compete at the same level means that women would not be able to compete (in most cases). So then, if there was a woman who was good enough to play, like the one girl from the Little League Baseball World Series last year, if she can be good enough to pitch in the majors, there's no reason we shouldn't let her, right? But then what about the guys who aren't good enough for the NBA, should they be allowed in the WNBA? Probably not, because then its not the WNBA, its just a minor league basketball. Shouldn't it be a two way street? And this is where we get back to the fact that not everything IS equal. You have to treat every situation, like every person, as its own individual thing. There are no universal laws or answers for just about anything, unfortunately. Yeah, he identifies as a man, so you refer to him as a man, with male pronouns.
  11. I don't have any trans friends, so for me it was just exposure to the idea on the internet. I think I learned most of what I know from a webcomic, actually: questionablecontent.net. 1) No one thinks that. Well, very few people think that. But just because its inevitable that humans will continue hating and hurting other humans, that doesn't mean you or I have to be the ones who participate in it. 2) See, thats just not true, though. Maybe it will be difficult to do in one generation, but exposure and teaching on the subject absolutely make a difference. I'll give you a real life example: my mom is very conservative and religious. Not that she would ever engage in any sort of hate speech of anyone, but there was always a subtle condemnation for this sort of thing, kind of like your grandparents talking about a black man marrying a white girl; "well, I just don't approve". She's a teacher in the local schools, and they had a class on the subject to educate the faculty and staff on how to deal with it. The next time I saw her the subject came up, and she talked about how she never thought about how hard it must be for those kids, and how obviously they wouldn't go through something like that unless the alternative was even worse for them. She was almost in tears about it. Prior to that she had no real world exposure to the subject; that class gave her a lot of perspective on it. 3) The world is a much, much less violent place than it was even 100 years ago. There is no reason to assume that trend can't continue. Well if you're talking about that then there should be no women's leagues at all, and they should have to compete with men on every level. And that's just not going to cut it; no one in their right mind is going to tell you that there's no physical difference between men and women. Hell, thats the whole point of this thing. However, if the main difference between the two, performance wise anyways, is the hormone levels, then thats all that should really matter, right?
  12. He was born female entirely, at least as far as we know from this article, However, he identifies as a man, and will, after his career is over in the NWHL, be transitioning to a man medically. Currently, he is entirely medically, physically, and biologically a woman (again, as far as we know, obviously thats not something they would go into in this article) but is mentally and psychologically a man. I understand that this is really tough for people to get their heads around. Its taken me a while to get it as much as I do. I'm not going to pretend to be an expert this stuff, I'm just a guy on the internet. Don't overthink it; identify people as they want to be identified, not as they are physically.
  13. Oh I don't think he'd have a problem with it. He's done; in 4 months he can walk away from this wreck, and he's been stuck playing party politics against himself for the last 8 years. He can take a parting shot that cripples conservative policy for years to come when nothing can really come back on him? You bet your ass he takes it. That said, I don't think he could get that candidate through congress, so we won't find out. But if he could he totally would.
  14. I strongly believe that macro economics courses should be eliminated in highschool in favor for personal finance courses. Macro Economics is so complicated that a half year course in it barely scratches the surface in any sort of meaningful way. Teaching kids about how to manage their own money is so so so much more important in the lives of 90% of the population.
  15. We'll have won the cup and be on to the next tank by then.
  16. ...apparently not; replace "You" with "Me":
  17. Jack is the #2 center on this team until he's the #1 center on this team.
  18. What the heck could they give up for it though. Rumors I saw were that they'd want a 1-for-1 trade, and I don't know that we have anyone worth Trouba that people here would be willing to give. Even if its not a 1-for-1, I think you're talking a first rounder to start, plus a roster player or a high level prospect. 1st and Guhle? 1st and Nelson? I don't think thats enough and its already making me twinge a bit. That said, I'd love to have him.
  19. Besides, most of the collection at the Albright Knox is MODERN art, not REAL art, which as we all know is paintings of landscapes and horses AND THAT IS IT.
  20. Makes sense; at one point it was just the "Albright Museum", then Knox paid to add a new building to the campus so they added his name. Now they're adding another building via Gundlach's donation, so he gets his name on the side, too.
  21. Ennis was on the list when he had those flowing locks, but I think he cut them down, right?
  22. I'm just calling it "The Bank"; we're on our 4th one, after all.
  23. I am fine with his grammatical change, but the Oxford comma is the hill I will die on.
  24. What if I told you that in a battle between size and speed, both would fail? ESPN's 30 for 30 Kassian for Hodgson:The Biggest Trade That Never Mattered
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