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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Oh I agree, absolutely. He's just the gold standard to me. I guess I'm saying that I never really accepted the possibility that he COULD be that good.
  2. I think, if what we're seeing is real, that I actually understand the tank more than I did. I was totally for it, but this, this is different. I've never seen a skater have an impact on his team like this (I would have said player, but Dom...). I never got to see Gilbert, or some of the other greats. I really only started REALLY watching the Sabres after the 04-05 lockout, and while there were some really good/greatish players on those teams, noone was superstar level on their own. If anyone can watch this year and still question the tank, I worry for their capability to feed themselves.
  3. I severely, SEVERELY, underestimated Jack's impact on this team. I knew he was good, maybe even great, but I didn't picture the whole team reacting like this to his return. This is a different team than it was a week ago. Crazy.
  4. lol I saw at least one "good riddance Lehner" post.
  5. aaaannd there it is.
  6. You guys go ahead and keep celebrating Lehner being injured. Nilsson doesn't know what the puck looks like.
  7. If I had to make a very uneducated guess, I'd bet something to do with the spicing. Not that its actually having a mind-altering chemical effect in that way, but more that the spices are warming you and making you feel a little flush, which would have a similar sort of experience to being high/drunk. That could be really affected by what you've eaten recently, so it might not happen every time. I can't find the spices they use, but I'd put money on it being some combination of the following: Ginger Cloves Allspice Cinnamon Nutmeg Some of those can do some chemical stuff to your body in large enough doses, but I'd be surprised if that was it. Could you be allergic to one of them?
  8. Cool, thanks, I'll check that out on Monday. XRDP sounds familiar. We tried VNC Viewer but had problems connecting it. I ended up just SSHing in, but actually being able to see the screen would be better. Thanks MattPie.
  9. I am fine with this.
  10. I think I'm going to start flipping off Black GMC's just to try elicit that behavior.
  11. Update to my own issue: The engineer tells me that the test setup isn't done the way it needs to be and I need to redo the cert. They never told me how they wanted it, so I followed what documentation I could find, but its not quite right and we're starting over. FUN. I'm making him stay on the line and make sure everything is correct, then run the tests he needs to see so I can do all of it on my own next week and not have to worry about it. The guy I'm working with is a nice guy, but this company never seems to have its ###### together, and its wearing on me.
  12. ...I am concerned about how you outsmarted them I feel like I know a lot of people who don't play hockey and work desk jobs that aren't sick constantly. Myself, par exemple.
  13. Haha, yeah, I think it was something with the thread being combined. I got an error when I went to post it, so I reposted it in here, and then it showed up twice :doh: Yeah man, it seems like you've gotten sick for most of the winter the past couple years.
  14. I speak a little, though I'm not fluent. NTR is something like Note to Readers or something? AGM is some sort of shareholder end of year meeting? Simple translation: his client wants him to do a month of work in about a day. From what I can tell from my wife and friends who are accountants this ###### happens way too often. "Oh yeah, I never got that to you did I...you can still get it done by Tuesday, right?" Then the accountants work for 30 hours straight because the client has put this off to the LAST possible moment and they have to get it done before X day or else the SEC or someone gets involved. Accountants deserve your respect/pity. As long as we're getting into specific work issues: My company makes products (PCI boards) that are often sold to other larger companies to be put inside their product (usually a server) or larger solution. These larger companies are called Original Equipment Manufacturers, or OEM's. I can get more specific if thats confusing, but suffice to say before we enter an agreement with a company that they'll buy our product, we obviously have to make sure it works with them. These are called certifications, and I am going through one now. Usually the OEM sends us a list of things they want us to test and the equipment they want us to test them with, we do it, fix any issue we run into, then send them the results, and the agreement goes forward. The current cert I'm working on should be done by now, except one of the OEM's engineers wants to actually SEE some of the stuff happen. Fine, no problem, I set up a remote desktop app so he can watch me run some tests. Except I made it a very basic testing setup because my full setup got torn down a MONTH ago when I FINISHED this testing. Now he keeps asking for more and more pieces to this very simple test he wants to run. I worked an extra hour last night, and we're going to get started again in about 10 minutes. I'm so ready to be done with this. Side note, if anyone has a nice, easy way to remote into Linux from Windows, I'm all ears.
  15. That pass on the Okposo goal :wub:
  16. Did anyone mention Corny Hotdog and other various versions thereof? I could only ctrl-f for so many of them.
  17. Should that thing where everyone changed their names to something Russian be included? Because I was around for that and still had no idea what was going on. Then again, its not referenced much.
  18. you know you're not supposed to eat the bones, right?
  19. Yeah, a subset of the glossary for erstwhile members is probably a good idea in general.
  20. I've never heard this before and it is amazing.
  21. Cool Reinhearth stat. I like this twitter account: Buffalo Sabres Stats ‏@SabresStats 4m4 minutes ago Reinhart's 52 points for BUF are now tied with defenseman Larry Carriere for 139th in #Sabres franchise history. #climbingfast
  22. I'm now picturing a dictionary that just has the words.
  23. Yeah, we always buy a bird or two right after thanksgiving. They're so freaking cheap. Everyone should buy 2, donate 1, cook the other, and have turkey sandwiches for the next 2 months.
  24. :sick:
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