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Everything posted by sabills

  1. The Bills haven't won 10 games in a year since 1999 and I think they miss it again this year. I'd put money on three more wins. Might still be enough for playoffs.
  2. I want to formally say that I am 100% fine with that.
  3. Love that its TOTALLY NOT BOBA FETT, and also TOTALLY NOT IG-88, and probably TOTALLY NOT BOSSK but they all end up randomly in the same place anyways.
  4. Listen, if Buffalo GM's aren't constently trying to fill holes they created in the first place what would they even DO?
  5. yeah, that was a really big hit for them.
  6. To be fair they weren't great when he was there either. But that was straight embarrassing. Leicester isn't even really considered a top club.
  7. Can't wait to trade a 1st for a RB
  8. From this: Jokiharju Henri (joh-kee-HARH-yoo, HEHN-ree) J - soft G as in general
  9. *dips toe in*
  10. Reddit seems to think it was McCabe but I don't really know, haha
  11. Didn't catch this one during the game https://streamable.com/3elvp
  12. Oh I agree with retirement, but Schefter is making it sound like he's going to a different team. I just can't see that happening. I also don't think he's retiring, but at least it would make sense.
  13. Why would Brady leave? Honestly. I mean, retire, sure, but unless he's going to be forced out why not stay there and keep winning? Belechick and that team show no signs of slowing down.
  14. I was so excited when the Jets hired him from Miami. How anyone over there thought it was a good idea I'll never know.
  15. ...yuck
  16. 2 firsts for a CB? Yuck
  17. I know absolutely nothing about hockey equipment and this was super interesting to me.
  18. Scots are Brits since like 1700, but they're not English, who are the worst.
  19. we need more Brits on this site.
  20. I didn't even listen to most of the games last year because they were so bad. Sad to hear I'm not a fan any more, but those are the rules.
  21. Personally I think ERod is a huge upgrade to the top-6 over Sobotka, but what do I know.
  22. Call me a pessimist, but I'm just a man who's been hurt too much before. I'll buy if they're still playing like this in January. Not necessarily dominating every game, but being good and winning most games, all while playing this up tempo sort of game. Until I see some sustained success I'll assume its all still a mirage.
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