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Everything posted by sabills

  1. sabills

    [OT] Cigars

    I should probably try a pipe. Taken a few puffs, but never tried a full pipe.
  2. Yes. Contrasting pants and shirt, always. And let us not speak of the Blood-Clot Reds
  3. It just makes to much sense to not go back to the royal blue. One Buffalo and all that. The Bills went to a more royal blue a few years ago, I foresee the Sabres using that same blue next time. One Buffalo and all that.
  4. Dammit guys, now that's all I see
  5. Yeah, I think I'm in the minority but I always liked their soccer kits.
  6. I'm telling you, they've waited this long, no way they don't hold out for 3 more years for that switch.
  7. With the switch of manufacturers the Sabres are one of a dozen teams who will be getting new duds. Doubt it will be a big change, and I'm still holding out for a big switch at the 50 year anniversary.
  8. If this show wasn't a pre-quel I'd be predicting it ends with both of them with their lives in the gutter, destroyed by each other.
  9. At the start I thought it was, but once he started talking I knew it couldn't be. Jimmy wouldn't sit there and cry in front of someone else, he'd run out.
  10. I thought we killed Ekland rumors on this board years ago. The guy just throws crap out there to get you to go to his site, don't waste your time with him.
  11. My favorite version of this.
  12. Every once in a while I'll see someone from a distance a way and think they're someone I know, but I'm not sure so I keep looking and oh god, how long have I been staring at this person for?
  13. But does the GM nickname follow the same rules? I understand that's what other players might call him when he's on the ice, but he's a front office stiff now.
  14. Haven't watched it either. This was episode 7 of 10, still a good # to go.
  15. Finally, a way to show off my Marching Band Calves.
  16. My bet is still that J-Bot trades for someone before the expansion draft, and then we protect that guy and leave Bogo exposed.
  17. So literally any Fleetwood Mac concert after about 1975?
  18. I went a couple times as a kid and my lasting memory of that place is my mom holding on to me like grim death so I didn't fall, haha.
  19. Did you ever go to the Aud? The stairs up in the oranges might as well have been ladders.
  20. A quick googling says its ok to pull them out, but to use tweezers and make sure you grip the head not the body. Somehow, despite spending much of my youth rambling through forests all over the place I have never gotten a tick, so I've never had to deal with this problem.
  21. Waiting until after the Worlds. Russia is still in it.
  22. We were always told their head can detach and get into your bloodstream. You're supposed to get them to crawl out on their own. Heat from a match near them is supposed to get them to move. That's probably not how they teach people to do it anymore, though.
  23. Same. I was all aboard the J-Bot train, but Botsie/Botsy flows off the tongue well.
  24. I see you've never walked the mean streets of Lancaster at night. US Powerplay
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