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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Eh, I like when they speak out. I loved when Miller bitched about the Leafs and Lucic, and I liked that he called out his players when they were sucking. I like that Lehner does it. Really, I like ANY athlete that speaks out, if for no other reason than because it breaks up the repetitive monotony of the average sports interview, which is terrible. I think I (or anyone who follows this stuff relatively closely for that matter) could step up to the podium and give basically the same interview as 80% of the players out there and, other than how clearly out of shape I am, no one would know the difference. Show me you give a crap and know something. I also understand why other players would NOT like said person, goalie or otherwise, to speak out.
  2. I was going to go the the Queens of the Stone Age show up in the Falls, but they sold out on me! Now they're like 90 bucks on StubHub, so I guess I'm missing that one.
  3. As a big Sabres supporter, I can't wait for the new royal blue kits next season. #COYS Also, since noone has answered you yet I don't think, the release is usually in late June/early July.
  4. I could see it. I like a goalie who talks, but I'm sure players don't.
  5. Dave Davis‏ @DaveDavisHockey 2m2 minutes ago More According to @TSNBobMcKenzie, Evander Kane "will likely be traded by the Buffalo Sabres".
  6. Yeah, I agree in general. I think one of the two will be dead by then (my bet is on Chuck), but him trying to redeem himself in the other's eyes will be his only reason for existence.
  7. I go back and forth on it. I'm sure they'll spend some time in that world, but I'm not sure if it will be a full season, or just an episode or two.
  8. I think we'll eventually see a time jump. This is season 3 of BCS, Breaking Bad only had 5. BCS had 62 episodes in total, BCS will have 30 at the end of the season. Assuming they're about the same in length, which I feel is about right for this style show, we're maybe halfway through the lifecycle of this show (which is crazy to me). I anticipate before the end of this season we'll get Jimmy into Saul's shoes as a lawyer. Then next season will be him sliding more and more into the criminal element, losing Kim, losing himself. Then either that season or the next will end with him starting to work with/for WW. Then we'll get our time jump, and we'll go fully into his life in Omaha and his attempt to redeem himself for the final season.
  9. I would love to have Ovi. No doubt. But whatever the price is to trade for him, you better believe I don't want to pay it.
  10. Doesn't even have to be that. Could just be inherently different opinions on how to run a team, or the type of system to run. I Jbot wants to run X system, and he brings in a guy from a team with an X system, but then gets the guy there and he's like "well, that's they way the current HC likes to run it, but I would prefer to run a Y system" JBot could dismiss him out of hand. "You're a good coach, but we're looking to do something a little different. Wouldn't Buffalo be closer to MN than Nashville? Or at least basically the same distance.
  11. Marv Levy as GM is the one I continue to point to here. The guy was never qualified for that job, but was given it because Ralph like him. Then Ted Nolan, who was given the job because Lafontaine liked him and he knew people would like him enough to let the team fail for a while under him. Those guys were never going to get that job with any other team. I'd really rather noone who's ever been associated with the Sabres get the job (same with the GM, but obviously thats over now) just to be sure, but since 2 of the Big Names that have been thrown around have also been mentioned for OTHER teams (Boughner and Housley) I'd feel a little safer with them.
  12. I've been through the job thing before. I was sans job in fall 2008, I couldn't get a job at Tim Hortons. It SUCKS. Before that I TWICE went through a phonebook and sent resume's and cover letters to every business in there that was in the field I was looking for. I got two calls the first time, one the second (and the second time I actually had experience). Just remember, you only need one to work out.
  13. #Sabres would be willing to expose F Johan Larsson in draft, on consideration that @GoldenKnights also take Zach Bogosian who gets exposed most nights.
  14. you know I was kidding, right
  15. 3 PM today : "BREAKING: Jason Botterill has been relieved of his duties with the Buffalo Sabres"
  16. I don't care if the Sabres hire an ex-Sabre to be the coach. I care if the Sabres hire an ex-Sabre to be the coach BECAUSE he's an ex-Sabre. Stop pandering to us, hire someone good. If Boogie is that, then cool. I always figure this is because of 2 things: 1) The skilled guys get paid enough that they don't really worry about getting a job after they retire and 2) the more skilled guys are the harder it is to teach that skill. Guys who had to scrap (as in work, not literally fight) for every morsel of playing time know what it takes to get better. Skilled guys can skate (har) by on that inherent talent alone. Not that it doesn't take hard work for them as well, but the old "you can't teach speed" cliche comes in to play here.
  17. So this came up the other night talking about the band with some friends. Do you guys consider them blues music? I know they're, primarily, considered southern rock, but to me they're a blues outfit. I suppose the distinction is minor, but I got looks like I was crazy when I called them 'blues'.
  18. I know its a later song of theirs, long after Duane died, but this has long been my favorite:
  19. I never really hated the navy, but as soon as I saw the royal 3rds on ice...oh god I was sold. I never saw them in person, very rarely on TV (we didn't have cable, so it was only when they happened to be on HNIC), and certainly never in HD. Man alive, does that color look amazing against the white of the ice. I mean.... H/T @2ITB_Buffalo
  20. Its basically just "sources are saying" from what I hear. So that basically means nothing to me. I really think this is just them repeating what some blog posts have speculated, not any real source. I only listened to the 20 seconds they talked about it in the beginning of the segment, maybe they go more in depth later.
  21. @ 2:50 apparently. Someone with iTunes want to take a listen and see how legit it is? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/103.3-the-edge/id383502982?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 I think the guy actually posted the wrong thing, it would be the one called "News of the Day", not the Mike Florio bit.
  22. I did not hear the segmant, and I couldn't confirm if I did. But. I'd be more than happy to be wrong.
  23. Absolutely unprofessional! I'm not saying its a good idea to do it. I'm just saying that there is a measure of risk involved on the GM's part in having an employee with split loyalties. Botterill was one thing; his duties were done and he had nothing to do, really, before moving over to his new team. This guy is going to run your draft and then leave the next day for an opponent. Heck, lets forget even PURPOSELY screwing your team. People are naturally going to be more lax their last day(s) on the job when they know they have something else lined up. He's going to be thinking about moving his family, thinking about his new duties with a new team in a new city, new bosses and employees. His mind is going to be split a bit. I just think if I was a GM and the guy who ran my draft came in and said "Hey, sabills, I have this opportunity on X team and I think I'm going to take it" my answer would be "Sounds great Randy, best of luck, if you could stick around for a week or so to prep me and our team and leave your notes we'd appreciate it." then give myself the next month to prep.
  24. I know, but its also a world where winning is the only way you get a job. We're not trying to get a guy from the Avalanche to come be our AGM. I'm not saying this guy, or even most guys, would do anything bad or untoward, but if I'm the GM why give anyone the chance? Though I guess you're better off keeping him around and limiting his input than letting him go to the other team before the draft and telling them everything, so maybe that's it.
  25. I get it, but isn't that a pretty major conflict of interest? If he's about to leave what incentive does he have to get Pittsburgh the best players instead of Buffalo? I know the incentive is "because its the right thing to do", good work ethic, or professional courtesy, but really...this world is hyper competitive. I feel like its surprising that this stuff happens as often as it does.
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