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Everything posted by sabills

  1. I was thinking about that while I was watching in; 30 minutes for AvED is perfect. Any longer and the episodes could drag, but the short runtime feels action packed w/o being overwhelming. Finished the first season, gotta dive in to season 2.
  2. A gooner I follow on twitter called him the Drew Stafford of the EPL and that just about made d4rk and I cry.
  3. Two goals from Wolcott in his first appearance with Everton. THIS IS HOW IT WILL ALWAYS BE AND YOU CAN'T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.
  4. Same, went back and looked at mine because I couldn't really remember. I was still in love with Murray at that point so I could have been spinning for him. Nope, did not want.
  5. Moulson did score some goals, the problem was he only scored them on the PP, and he wasn't really good enough to justify that time. This year we still have guys who aren't good enough to justify their time on the PP, they just also aren't scoring goals.
  6. I go to Letchworth at least once a year, have to drop in there next fall if not before.
  7. I'd argue, perhaps in vain, for either killing it or returning it to Carolina. This is an invasive species from what you said, and can be harmful to crops. Even Carolina isn't its native home, its Asia. While I don't know the mating habits of the marmorated stink bug, its possible it could lay eggs that have already been fertilized, and spread the species up to you. I mean, it probably wouldn't survive the winter, and even if it had eggs to lay it probably wouldn't be enough to start up the species, but still. If you don't want to do the job yourself I'll bring my dog down there. He loves eating stinkbugs.
  8. And that's what we call a winning streak:
  9. :fire::fire::fire:
  10. Lol Jack. Guy trying to get him in his own end and he just casually moves out of the way, attacker falls. Love him.
  11. Lehner gives up the weirdest rebounds.
  12. So are we keeping Kane for Eleven? #jokes
  13. Yeah, he was fun to start the season but he's really dropped off. Baptiste!
  14. I think I've heard Reinhart's name more this game than I have the rest of the season combined.
  15. Shhh they'll hear you.
  16. Reminds me of a thought I have most games: Is the trapezoid dumb? I feel like its dumb, but maybe people who know more about the sport can change my mind.
  17. This is probably a stupid this to complain about, but I need more from Dan Dunleavy on the goal calls. I don't need him to be Rick; I know no one will really every replace that, but he sounds so unenthusiastic when the Sabres score.
  18. Does he think he's Kaleta or something?
  19. Shots 9-3 right now. Pretty good.
  20. Where have these guys been all season?
  21. You guys were right, the episodes at Brujo's were great.
  22. Drunk on wine and set to watch a Sabres game
  23. On all of your suggestions, I drank an entire bottle of wine and watched the first season of Ash vs. Evil Dead. It seemed to get better as it went, but that might have been the wine.
  24. So which show do I watch next, Ash vs. the Evil Dead, or Fargo?
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