While race is certainly not the only issue with Kane I think it definitely amplifies it. Kane didn't even have any legal troubles until getting to Buffalo; there were some locker room things and obviously he liked the night life a bit more that your average hockey guy would let on, but no one EVER questioned how hard he played when he was on the ice. Then he comes here and gets into some that was entirely his fault and people go "oh, well of COURSE". Patrick Kane was accused of rape, beat up a cabbie over change, is/was clearly an alchoholic, and was out constantly, but if the Hawks ever decided to trade him I don't think that would ever come in the discussion. P. Kane is a better player, obviously, but still.
The problem is that black players, especially in a league as pasty as the NHL, have to hold themselves to a higher standard because when they screw up its all anyone will talk about any more, where as white dudes are going to get the benefit of the doubt from the media.