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Everything posted by sabills

  1. I don't, but they get such GREAT guests, and then waste them on two guys who don't know how to interview anyone.
  2. That too! I wasn't a big fan of him before, but god. If you can't control your temper maybe you shouldn't be around kids.
  3. The only time I ever called into WGR and talked on the air was when that one Bills coach got in a fight with some teenagers. I was so angry about it, because, like, really? You're an adult. I was exasperated.
  4. You don't trade a blue-chip prospect for a dude in his prime. Because if he's in his prime now he's A) as expensive as he'll ever be (after this next contract) and B) Set to regress quickly.
  5. I mean, its not blow you away good, but it knows what it is and hits the mark. Its like Flying Bison's Kolsch with a little bit extra.
  6. Y'know, I don't think I've had one of those in about 4-5 years. I should try it again. I have no real memory of it besides the name.
  7. Mine is about 2% interaction that's helpful, 5% lost animals, 5% talking about "suspicious characters", and 88% this one dude complaining about speeding on our street. I live in the city; every block is either a light, a stop sign, or a roundabout, so no one is getting over about 40 mph on there.
  8. I think Genny's Ruby Red Kolsch has been slotted into my beer of the summer spot. Easy drinking, tasty, just enough of that fruity flavor to make it refreshing. I had some of that in a pack a week ago. It was fine. Nothing IPA about it to me, so it was just kind of a boring coffee ale.
  9. Checkout Nextdoor if you want some hyper-local hot-takes. lol this is wonderful
  10. Oh yeah, because they did so well in the slugs.
  11. Officially official. Sent in the letter of resignation just now. Company wouldn't match, or get close enough for me to consider (they never actually gave me a counter offer), so I'm taking it. Hopefully its not terrible! haha That second option sounds super cool. I think it would be fair of your wife to mention the other position to them, too, and ask for a fast track if possible. Since they came calling for her I would think they'd be willing.
  12. I think what he's saying, and Wild you can tell me if I'm way off, is that its not just because its two white dudes, its because they're friends/friendly. Which is kind of true, but its not like he knows him THAT well, and them being two white dudes in a white dude dominated industry and world, it makes it more specious.
  13. In which case you have to recuse yourself and admit your bias, which is also fine.
  14. It's always hard with people you know and like. Sara Silverman talked about this when the Louis CK stuff came out. She said something to the affect of 'I don't really know how to feel about this. Obviously, he's awful for doing this stuff, but also he's still my friend, and I don't fully know know how to deal with it at this point." Which is fine. But you can't let it completely cloud your judgement.
  15. I'm generally of the opinion that there's very little that the presidents can do to really make us happy. I said it in dark's thread about Nordy Knox, but I don't think we've ever liked a president of either team. Bills Presidents/VPs: Brandon Nix Levy Donahoe Sabres Presidents: Brandon Black Quinn Regas Quinn (again) I mean, maybe Ted Black for a minute? But people were ready to run him out of town on a rail by the end.
  16. I hope Kim knocks this out of the park.
  17. A-g0ddammed-men, Aud.
  18. Told my manager, he's going to see what he can do. I'd be completly blown away if they came within 5k of what I got offered.
  19. This is all solid info, guys. I took We've's advice and talked to the manager. According to him, and he seemed earnest, those problems haven't been as big an issue on his side of the company, its more the sales department. His guys rarely work overtime, too. We'll see honestly. I'm accepting the offer, short of my current place matching or coming close. Having a meeting with my current manager in about an hour, we'll see what happens. I doubt they match. Honestly this is such a raise for me, and a good move career wise, that I can deal with it being awful for a year, if in fact it is. I'm in a rut at the current place, so I need to move on anyways to move up at all. Thanks for all the advice, and I hope most of you are wrong, lol.
  20. Remember the last time the Bills or Sabres had a president we liked? yeah me either.
  21. This is extremely random, but I can't post it anywhere else at this point so there's a shot someone here will know. Does anyone here work for, or know someone who works for, Utilant in Buffalo? I have a job offer from there that I've basically accepted at this point, but I have some questions about the culture there. The offer is so good for me financial and career wise that I'd probably accept it if it was anything other than a hellscape, but I saw some reviews on Glassdoor that were...worrisome.
  22. I think the best case scenario as Dahlin's partner is probably not-injured-Bogo, but since the hasn't reared his head since his rookie season who's his partner? I like Scandella with Risto. Could be an FA I suppose.
  23. Asking Risto to be the cornerstone defenseman, much less the ONLY defenseman, was always asking too much of him.
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