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Everything posted by sabills

  1. I think its about 20 yards wider, which in the grand scheme of things isn't that big a difference. Means an extra 30 feet on each side. You can kinda see what it looks like here at the start of this article: https://www.sportingnews.com/us/soccer/news/nfl-games-tottenham-bayern-host-packers-saints-bucs-europe/n2nxyo49hdungaphy2fgjxvd However, there's no reason you can't have sections of those stands down low that move and are rolled away or folded up or something for a soccer game. Looks like the NFL stadiums for both Atlanta and Minnesota have them installed, as well as the Rogers Center in Toronto and tons of places: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movable_seating Plus, honestly, soccer teams have way less personnel. They don't need as much sideline space as NFL teams do. | Thats a soccer match in a US Football stadium. It's not great if you want an all time soccer team to play there, but if you're saying a couple games a year for the US National teams - or maybe even some World Cup games, set to be played in the US and Canada in....2026, the year the stadium is supposed to be done - you can probably just deal.
  2. Should Belichick get fined for destroying that phone?
  3. At least the slug was the right colors
  4. I'll worry about about a team getting a great WR but no real QB when it ever matters. Looking at you OBJ, AB, Julio Jones, Terrell Owens, etc. Hill can run 100mph, but if Tua can't get the ball 6 yards down field what does it matter.
  5. Yeah, thats all probably right. You can definitely screw it up if you're not careful. But with how much you can structure and restructure contracts it seems like its mostly just moving numbers around.
  6. All you need to know about the NFL salary cap is that its a lie.
  7. Buffalo Curling Club, its in the old Buffalo China Factory off Bailey near Clinton if that means anything to you. They do Learn to Curl events there once in a while (I think they have one later this month) if you just want to try it out, and they do rentals if you want to take a group. Leagues are two sessions a year, October-December and January-March.
  8. Hey! I curl there! Cool. Glad they went to the real place instead of Canalside or something.
  9. No way Hinistroza is here past the deadline though, right?
  10. IDK, I think the Prince halftime show is still the best ever.
  11. 5 Letter starwars names? I feel like every name there is either 3/4 letters or 15
  12. I have a friend who runs big machinery in the summers for ground work and plows in the winter and it all sounds ***** miserable when he talks about it. His body is halfway to busted and he's like 35. He loves his work but "easy" is not the word I'd use.
  13. Tuch hatty tonight
  14. I'd be stoked if they could get their hands on Gesicki.
  15. Anyone else get stressed about where to watch these games and with who? Like they're so important I feel like I want to catch one each with: my cousin, my dad, my best friends, my other group of friends...etc
  16. To be fair, they definitely didn't squander their first half possessions and they opened up a pretty good lead.
  17. Went to the game. Rarely have I had that much fun in my life.
  18. I'm going. Sorta spur of the moment but its happening. Can't wait. Gonna freeze all my bits off. Worth it (as long as they win...).
  19. Yep, my doggo has boots. He hates putting them on, but he hates walking and getting salt and snow stuck in paw way more.
  20. prepare yourself for that to be the outcome, it usually is in these cases.
  21. The Depths of Dispair
  22. As always, remember that there are people who, medically, cannot get the vaccine. They are not big enough to be THE PROBLEM, but you wearing a mask can prevent the spread, and therefore prevent them from catching a deadly disease. If everyone that could just went and got the vaccine the risk for those people would be much lower, but we are here and this is the reality we live in. Also, no vaccines prevent you from getting the disease. You can get any disease if you lower your level of what "having it" means. If you get a single germ in you are you sick? No, probably not, especially if your body is equipped to take that germ out post-haste. But do you "have" the disease? Maybe if you define it that way. You know how people say they got the flu from their flu shot? They didn't, those cells are dead. What happened is they just caught the flu after they got the shot. What they might not realize is that the symptoms of it would have been way worse if they hadn't prepared themselves to fight it. Instead of a headache and queazy stomache one day they could have been vomiting and out of work for the week. And thats what the vax does. It doesn't prevent the disease, it lowers the risk of health issues when you get it. You're teaching the body how to fight it so its more likely to fend off any infection you might get and fight it off quickly. A batch of the virus plops into your eyeball when someone speaks near you, and your body recognizes it and fights it off more quickly because its ready for it and knows how to fight it. If you don't have the vax your body will take a while to recognize the issue, and all while its figuring that out the virus is multiplying and multiplying, which means you have to fight harder to take it out. When you have the vaccine the risk of hurting you is lower, and the lower the chance to spread it on. Its never zero, but every shot lowers the risk to you and everyone.
  23. It really is. I mean, I know someone has to be last, and its more likely for one person to be last in a few of those categories. But to be last in so many AND still have people think you're good? Its incredible.
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