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Everything posted by sabills

  1. I'll say too that, unlike the Players Tribune which always feels ghost-written, this seems like something Lehner penned himself.
  2. Just read this and was coming to post it. For those without a subscription, ARTICLE IS FREE, GO READ IT Basically, Lehner has been manic-depressive and drinking to fight it off for at least his whole career. When he was going through a concussion the drinking was the only thing that would help. He said he often had thoughts of suicide, calling them "real and close". He spent 9 weeks in a rehab facility this summer, originally for the alcoholism, but then was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, ADHD, and PTSD. He says that Botteril was incredibly supportive of him while he was going through it, even after the team decided to move on, and still calls him to check in. He also says he was glad to move on, that they needed a new start. This really colors a lot of what we've seen from him. He sounds really positive at the end. Hopefully this helps him.
  3. Looks like a year subscription is like 20 bucks a month
  4. I also did not catch that at first. However, calling the name "Swirling Tumors" for the new punk band I just decided to start.
  5. I just threw up a little in my mouth.
  6. Hell with the Arena, Sabrespace Meetup at NS's place this year.
  7. Right, the NFL doesn't have to make it free just to get your attention. They already have your attention. They're well passed the point of needing to bring in fans, now they can just milk us for money.
  8. Flip him for something better than a third when he's not playing live games at all? Good luck. I think they try to talk him into staying for when Brees retires.
  9. That idea would probably have carried more weight if they hadn't gotten Dahlin
  10. Top-6 seem pretty set. I'd like to say that Ghule makes it, but even thought he's probably better than Hunwick or Beaulieu I don't think he cracks the every day lineup, so he might as well actually play in Rochester.
  11. If the gif of that throw gets posted when the All-22 comes out I'll show you what I mean. He had half a foot on the ground and neither were pointed in the direction he needed to throw it. He was under pressure and just gunned it down there. It was bad. He had some time to either run, set and throw, or toss it out of bounds.
  12. GM, too. Everyone knew that they needed interior O-line help, WR help, etc. Brought in jack this offseason to help the team
  13. Do not like what I'm seeing from Allen. All that work they said he did this summer on his foot work completely disappeared on that 2nd down throw.
  14. Take Allen out. This offensive line is going to get him killed.
  15. As a rule I never read full articles on the internet. My ADHD kicks in, I can't concentrate, and I give up after a few paragraphs. Usually I just skim through and read the highlights. Since The Athletic came to Buffalo I've read about 10 of their articles top to bottom. They are excellent, interesting and engaging, but also informative. I can't tell you what's necessarily different, but whatever it is, it works.
  16. This reminds me all too much of Graham's story(/stories) about Bjorn Nitmo.
  17. No I'm pretty sure he plays for the Ducks now
  18. I heard a bit of Hammer on with Schopp and the Bulldog later in the day, most interesting thing he said was that he never got a feeling that Eichel had a problem with ROR, but that ROR did NOT like Jack and it was causing issues. If that's the case it makes more sense why the felt the need to ship him out. Sorry Ryan, Jack's the face of the franchise. That said, my biggest complaint about P-Ham is that he always likes to be "in the know" with this stuff, so I take it all with a grain of salt.
  19. 06/07 team was not half as likeable. We didn't score a power-play goal for like 10 games straight at the end. They started fast, and then were incredibly boring and mediocre the rest of the season. Only reason to say 06/07 is that maybe, MAYBE Drury or Briere would have stayed if they'd won. I think Drury had decided to leave by November either way, though.
  20. https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/brett-favre-1.html Farvre - 52.4 https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/matt-ryan-1.html Matt Ryan ~60 https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/colin-kaepernick-1.html Kaep - ~59% The rest on his list settle in the low-mid 60's
  21. I think he's a POS, but I still want him to get better
  22. Speaking of which, for anyone who has The Athletic, here is a great breakdown on Allen's game so far in the preseason by the guy from Yards Per Pass, a guy who's been doing play breakdown posts on twitter for a while. Its a really good peice: https://theathletic.com/482588/2018/08/21/the-game-plan-for-josh-allens-first-start-as-a-pro/
  23. I'd agree that, if nothing else, mechanics are something you can assess in a preseason game.
  24. The biggest knock on the preseason is that the teams don't scheme and gameplan, at least as much. So in that way its not a good place to judge an entire team, because they're not running what they're going to run, with whom they'll be running it, during the season. However, there is at least SOMETHING to be gotten out of individual performances. Still, the QB is in many ways a reactive position based on what the defense is giving him, so its still not super helpful.
  25. Trent Edwards comes to mind, as well.
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