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Everything posted by sabills

  1. I remember someone, maybe even DDB, a few years ago saying that he had to kind of determine what he wanted his role to be; goal-scorer or playmaker. He's had to be both over the last couple years. With Skinner, and Pommers, he's been able to choose the playmaker role instead. It seems to suit him. I would still like to see his goal-scoring go up a bit, but he's going to be a 25+ goal/75+ assist guy for his career...yeah, I can live with that.
  2. Thats part of the reason I bet JBott waits until January or so to open up discussions. There's a good chance that he'll regress a little. He's on a rediculous tear right now, and it might continue like this! But it also might not, no reason to rush in right now.
  3. There's some rule with it. Generally a player can be signed to an 8 year extension, but only a 7 year new contract, I think.
  4. If my math is right thats about 8.3 per. My bet is something more like 7.5 - 8 per. But not too far off. I'm also thinking 7 years, so would they pay a little more to hack a year off? Would Skinner want that? Actually the Sabres can offer 8 years, I wonder if they don't do that and make it more like. 7-7.5.
  5. Reminder that Jack is on pace for 97 points right now.
  6. Sorry, meant to toss the "E" on there. I think Evander got 7x7?
  7. I'm betting he gets a Kane like deal, maybe an extra .5 on top or so.
  8. Welcome back, Sabres hockey.
  9. wow, thats an interesting stat.
  10. *desperately mashing F5 until they update the standings* ahh, its good to be back.
  11. And so on and so forth lol wut
  12. If you've got the Athletic, here's a think from Ryan Stimson about whether defensemen develop slower from before the season started: https://theathletic.com/509070/2018/10/17/stimson-examining-whether-defensemen-take-longer-to-develop-than-forwards-and-how-that-affects-the-sabres/ Basically it amounts to saying that coaches should actually trust their young blueliners EARLIER,and I actually think Housely is doing that right now. I'd love to see a fancy stats write up comparing Dahlin to Hedman, Karlsson, and Ekblad's first years.
  13. So Q is definitely hanging out with his 6m for a year or so and going to coach up in Seattle in 2020, right?
  14. Its partially that I'm just not a big gamer and I don't devote a lot of time to it, so it doesn't make sense to spend my money there. Sometimes I'll get the new NHL or FIFA or Madden only to have the current roster, but then I'll play a career in it for years before upgrading. I also like those games because I can pop in and play for an hour without getting invested in anything.
  15. I got a Skyrim/Bioshock infinite combo pack for like 19 bucks a few years ago. Its the way to go.
  16. Yeah, thats right. This is maybe the first game I've ever bought when it came out. I'm usually in the "get the older console and play the 5 year old games everyone raves about when they only cost 20 bucks" bucket. Highly recommended strategy. But I loved the first one so much I made an exception this time.
  17. Try out the first one some time, its easier to go through as a "good" good guy. The protagonist in 1 is trying to get away from the gang life and is working for the law. In this one you are unequivocally an outlaw.
  18. I don't understand why they won't send him down. He clearly needs more time. Bring up Olafsson, who was just named AHL player of the month.
  19. Posted this in another thread, but according to Paul Hamilton ERod was already going to sit in the game he missed. When he found out he asked if he could go be with his wife instead of sitting in the press box. So its not the reason. What the reason is, however, is not clear at all.
  20. Thats the good stuff. Love seeing that guys whole process of how it came together, super interesting.
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