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Everything posted by sabills

  1. The article basically says that he's the commissioner until he doesn't want to be any more, and it doesn't seem like he plans on retiring anytime soon. But he's still 66 or something.
  2. Seems like a conflict of interest to have an owner as commissioner.
  3. I read that, too. Here ya go: https://theathletic.com/697082/2018/12/06/who-will-be-the-next-nhl-commissioner/ Not sure how that would work, though. Wouldn't they have to sell the Sabres?
  4. I had one go like this on me. I applied online for a job, did a short interview with an outside recruiter who then set me up with the manager for the position. The spot was new in this company so they weren't even completely firm on what it was going to look like, but it sounded interesting. Met with the manager and it went really well. He said he had a few more interviews but I'd hear back soon. A week or so later I get contacted by the recruiter again that they want me for a second interview and they'd like me to prepare a little plan of how I'd go about starting up this position. Did it, knocked the second interview out of the park. Manager was impressed with my plan and we got on well personally. A few days go by and I get contacted that the job is essentially mine, just need to meet with the CIO and get a sign up. I meet him, goes fine, wasn't even much of an interview as much as it was talking about the company and job. It seemed like a formality. Recruiter said the same thing, the job is mine, we'll contact you with the official offer when they put it together. I was all in, prepping myself for it. Like, I was telling friends and family. Luckily I didn't tell my employer at the time(definitely don't do that until you have a firm offer in writing). Weeks go by, I hear nothing. I contact the recruiter and ask and he says we're still on for it, don't worry they want you, just doing some paper work and so-and-so been's out of town, etc. More weeks. Ask again, get the same answer. Then I let a month go and essentially said "listen, I really want this job, but I'm not going to wait around forever, can you please find out what's happening or else I'll have to start looking elsewhere". Finally the recruiter comes back and says "They decided not to create the position." Basically CIO thought it wasn't essential (it really is) and just dragged his heals on making that decision. Recruiter and manager both felt bad they dragged me along, but I was pretty pissed. A couple months later and I got a job that I'm much happier with anyways, but that still bugs me.
  5. Same. I think part of the reason he's so condesending, besides his personality, is that there are like 5 guys left who call in, so he's tired of their BS. When they do call in segments, for any of their shows, I change the channel.
  6. Chelsea make bid for Pulisic: https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/chelsea/chelsea-make-official-offer-for-christian-pulisic-but-dortmund-want-70m-transfer-fee-for-star-a4006631.html
  7. These next 5 years will really cement my opinion of the Pegula's. They started out rough, but they were brand new at the ownership gig. They didn't know how to run a sports team, and they made some hard mistakes a long the way. And both teams were in ROUGHT shape when they came in. But they've got 7 years in the NHL world and 5 in the NFL now. Both teams have changed quite a bit. I like the hockey team's possibilities more than the football teams, but who knows. Time to make your real mark.
  8. Latest on himwas that he was getting closer, but not ready yet.
  9. Scanner to IR means it more long term, that might be enough to warrant another call up.
  10. Another game, another goal. I think it was our best one of the night, too.
  11. Everyone has their preference, but my votes go to Gene McCarthy's in South Buffalo and Gabriel's Gate in Allentown. I've never been to Barbill, which people always mention, too, but thats a fair bit outside of the city anyways. The other two are about 10 minutes from the arena. You can always do Anchor Bar, too. I won't judge.
  12. Between just Jack and Jeff they're at 47. Sam has 17 points and Pommers has 18. Obviously thats just total points, not points as a line. At best they're at around 65.
  13. See if you can get tickets for the tunnel where the players walk out before the game/between periods. No idea how to get those, but that's the easiest way to see the players up close. What type of stuff are you looking to do? Any idea where you'll be staying? Niagara Falls is probably a must if you're coming in from out of town anyways.
  14. Shopp and the Bulldog talked about this today. Its so hard to overcome even 4-5 points later in the season just because of how loser points and such work. At this point if they miss the playoffs its a disappointment.
  15. Yup. It was copper pipe, just cut it off about 6 inches away from the hole on each side, reamed it, 2 of the shark bite connecters and a foot of Pex. Whole thing took about 10 minutes (not including time to run out and buy the stuff)
  16. SabresSpace meetup at Modo's place next year
  17. I learned how to do Pex at about 4:15 Friday evening, so its achievable, haha. Its super easy, actually. Also, YouTube is your friend. No matter how specific a fix you need to do, some old dude with a vaguely southern accent and a beard has a video of how to do the repair.
  18. This last Friday I was prepping a room we're redoing in order to put in new flooring. We're doing that wood/laminate stuff, and it doesn't need a pad, so my job was to fix/replace a bunch of the subfloor because its old a crappy. In succession I: 1) Cut my finger with a jigsaw blade...by removing it from its packaging 2) Had my table saw motor die, so I had to rip boards/flooring with a circular saw all weekend. 3) About 15 minutes before going out to meet people at a bar for the Sabres game I put a screw through a hot water pipe, which meant that I had to rip up about 50% of the new subfloor I put in to cut out the bad section of pipe and replace it with pex. 4)I then had to wait until the next morning to put the subfloor back in so everything could dry, meaning I didn't finish the real flooring, and probably won't until this coming weekend. 5) Also my wife and I were sick the whole time. The good news out of this: I made it to the bar in time for the third; saw the Sabres go down, tie it up, then win. AND I get a new table saw, which I've needed to upgrade anyways. It was a stressful 8 hours or so, but it (mostly) worked out in the end.
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