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Everything posted by sabills

  1. I'd be surprised if that were true. He's still been very effective this year, and they're not exactly brimming with D-line talent.
  2. I love this style
  3. ok, but really. Must. Win.
  4. I'd love a scene of the Swedes translating what the different furniture names mean, even if they were all made up.
  5. Eichel is at 10m per
  6. Or guys just say stuff in interviews and its rarely meaningful.
  7. I'll learn his name when he deserves me to learn his name.
  8. Sobatka-Thompson-Pommers needs to die.
  9. https://www.diebytheblade.com/2018/12/16/18143128/buffalo-sabres-starting-to-get-some-clarity-on-patrik-berglund-suspension Interesting recap from DBTB on Berglunds stuff. Sounds like termination is an option. Gives a little background on the issues, too.
  10. With my limited (read: zero) knowledge of contract law it does seem it would be that straightforward, but I doubt it is. Contract stuff, especially in sports, is messy, and just straight up terminating the contract is pretty tough to do.
  11. Wow, what a year. Thats insane.
  12. Not going to say this too loud in case the hockey gods are listening, and I'm not even saying I think it would happen, but could you IMAGINE if the Sabres knocked the leafs in the first round this year, especially if Eichel scored the last game winner? Lake Erie would become the worlds largest salt lake.
  13. I love just making comments about Eichel being better than Matthews on reddit and watching the Toronto fans freak out.
  14. I don't think I'd be upset at all if Hunwick got picked up off waivers despite never playing for our team. That would mean we essentially got Sheary for free.
  15. I'm not ready to give up on Scandella yet. He's been fairly consistent over his career, and there was a decent argument to be made that he was our best D-man last year. Hopefully he shows back up after this recovery.
  16. A new branch of a brewery will be opening directly across from my new office and I may never go home again.
  17. Now THAT was alliterative. Or at least a little alliterative. Alittlerative.
  18. Bring Doug Janik out of retirement and we've got ourselves a line.
  19. I don't think I'd trade for Kane for future considerations at this point. He's 30 and has a 10.5m cap hit for 5 more years. Thats not even to mention the off-ice stuff.
  20. Her gender doesn't have anything to do with if she is capable or not, absolutely. That also doesn't mean that we can't acknowledge that a woman having that sort of power in the EXTREMELY male dominated field of sports wouldn't be a huge deal. Maybe it SHOULDN'T be, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be. This is the difference between equality and equity. The idea of equality is flawed in that it assumes that everyone starts from zero and is equal from the start. That ignores the fact that being a minority, whether thats gender or race or sexual identity, means starting out at a distinct disadvantage. Sports ownership and executive powers have long been dominated by straight white men, a woman of color taking the reigns would be a massive accomplishment. Physics was pointing out that a handful of poster's initial reactions to this news was to immediately comment that KP is hot. Already, those people are ignoring her abilities and instead talking about her looks. You saying "well YOU mentioned she's a woman" implies that you think her being a woman means she, what, deserves to be judged on her appearance? The mere mention of her gender is enough to warrant those sort of comments? If I'm reading that wrong, what DID you mean?
  21. So acknowledging that she's a woman is an open invitation to make comments on her appearance? That's pretty messed up, dude.
  22. Has anyone seen Tennyson and Nathan Peterman in the same room?
  23. Brawndo thinks so. I'm still skeptical. Even if they remove her name as owner (something I don't forsee her wanting) I think being married to an owner would be disqualifying. I know the commish works for the owners, but they have to work for ALL the owners, and the optics just wouldn't be great. I just don't see it happening. Who know's if she'd even want it, too. She has a pretty nice little empire here, IDK if I'd want to give that up to get booed at drafts.
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