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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Makes sense, I was doing an office floor so I didn't have to worry about the waterproof bit. Sounds like a lot of fun.
  2. I love that window thing. Give me fun little leftovers from the previous lives of the house, it makes it feel so much more special and unique. Great job with all the other stuff, too. Just put some of that faux-wood laminate stuff in myself, soo much easier now then when my parents did Pergo a decade or so ago.
  3. Well sure, but he's been dead for 37 years, so thats pretty good.
  4. but there's not eyespoke because Apple took the copywrite
  5. I will go there and drink beers for 8 hours, but I can't promise that I'll make it back at all, much less with answers.
  6. Maybe we can take the material from your shirt arms and put them on mine. You can have my leftover torso material.
  7. You get jeans tailored?
  8. Saaame. Small torso, long wingspan. I get "long" shirts and they still need an inch or two at the end. Most of my shirts end up with arms rolled up when I wear them.
  9. This article on hockey players having giant butts is pretty funny: http://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/25707545/the-struggle-real-why-hockey-butts-jeans-mix
  10. I liked yours better, it was a slow burn. Mine reads like something out of "1001 HILARIOUS Jokes to Tell Your Friends".
  11. Yeah, and I hear the food at his parties is to die for.
  12. d4rk and I aren't very foldable, but we could probably be strapped to a roofrack with little difficulty. You're in Colorado so I assume you're driving a Subaru? EDIT: nvm, you're flying. We'll just cover the extra baggage fee to put us underneath with the dogs.
  13. yes me too pls
  14. LeBrun has some stuff on the Athletic about it, too, if you can get there.
  15. oh I know. remember when we voted in Rory Fitzpatrick?
  16. The NHL should randomly select non-all star players from every team in the league (1+ per team) and make a 5th team out of them. Call them the "Small Stars" and have them come compete with the rest of the teams.
  17. I wouldn't worry to much about the design of the Jerseys. Its a quick thing thrown together for a skills competition. But the fact that they're both royal blue is somewhat telling, methinks.
  18. FINALLY got to a game this past weekend. That was great hockey. Honestly, much more physical than I was expecting. It was 0-0 most of the way through the second even the though Beauts were up in shots pretty significantly. They scored 2 at the end of the second, then just took over the rest of the game, winning 6-0. Great stuff, get there when you can.
  19. I was hoping for Spurs myself, but I'll take Chelsea. I like that situation a lot more for him now that Conte is gone.
  20. Chelsea signing Pulisic for $73m, he's on loan back to Dortmund until the end of this season. Guess I have to start watching Chelsea games now.
  21. How could you doubt it with that hair?
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