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Everything posted by sabills

  1. The more I think about it the more that Dothraki charge at the beginning of the battle pisses me off. What was the game plan there.
  2. That sucks. Seems like he actually had a pretty decent year this year.
  3. I like that signing. He's not amazing, but he's a body, and younger than the other two. I still want to see them pick a RB in the 3rd or 4th.
  4. My money's on Oliver or Hockenson
  5. I really do have to read The Princess and The Queen at some point. I've read the Dunk and Egg stuff but not all of the little ancillary stories.
  6. According to that wiki, all three, while not true Targaryens or Velaryons, they are all "dragonseed"(GODS was I trying to avoid typing that out), meaning they were Targ/Vel bastards: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Dragonseed
  7. Oh sure, I was responding to Jad who mentioned non-Targaryon riders during The Dance of Dragons in the books. And, to be fair, even in the books we don't know if noone else CAN, just that noone else HAS.
  8. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Dragonrider#Known_dragonriders There are some non-Targaryan riders, but they're all either Velaryons or bastards of either the Targaryans or the Velaryons. Basically, you have to have the blood of old Valyria to ride a dragon (so far in the canon)
  9. IDK, besides the Sansa Tyrion line that was pretty good, I really liked Arya an Jon's, as well as Dany and Sam's meeting.
  10. I'm not excited about McLellen, but I was about Housely and that went to *****, so what the hell do I know.
  11. Wait until TO bombs out in the first round and they're dumb enough to fire Babcock, then scoop him up.
  12. Watched the opening 30 seconds or so just out of curiosity, but I haven't had time to watch the full episode yet. I'm a little worried about the hour long run time, I feel like Twilight Zone thrives with the 30 minute constraint. Hoping for the best, though.
  13. Finally saw it this past weekend. I thought it was more B, B+. Didn't blow me out of the water, but I liked the character and enjoyed the story. I re-watched the first Thor afterwards and think its about the same level. It can be tough to nail a character intro movie, there's a lot of exposition to get through. I really liked how they dealt with the Skrulls. Sounds like the next movie in the Captain Marvel line will take place inbetween this one and Endgame, possibly somewhere across the universe, that should be a good setup.
  14. I want Shatner to play the thing on the wing.
  15. The difference is that the national media pays literally no attention to those twerps.
  16. You know why I hate the Leafs? Because they get ALL the attention, even when they're terrible (read: most of the last 50 years). Their fans are like Yankee or Patriot fans, but without having any sort of history of a winning franchise.
  17. https://first-pick.com/ Only draft pick trades, but its still fun
  18. Bench progress: My wife is doing the upholstery, and I just started the trim last night. Only have primer on it right now, but its all going to be a highgloss white when finished, anyways. I'll post a whole progress album when its done. Definitely cut the first piece of molding wrong 3 times to start, but I got there.
  19. I always thought he was Romeo-British. Also, he only ever refered to himself as "Patricius", so all those "Paddy's not Patty's" pedants out there can stuff it.
  20. Don't worry, by September that will be flipped.
  21. Casa was my jam when they were on Elmwood, but now they're only downtown and I don't get them that often. Now we do Mister Pizza, which is pretty solid.
  22. I didn't know it was that close to Milwaukee, but I still don't think thats a big selling point to a guy from Georgia or Virginia. I mean, I'D be stoked, but my job doesn't require me to not drink beer for every meal. And I think the narrative changes when we start ignoring those shots. We're not Miami, we're not New York, we're not even Baltimore or Nashville, we probably never will be, and thats fine. We know its a cool town so whatever. I'm not going to get up in arms anytime someone who's never been north of the panhandle is like "hurr durr Buffalo sucks". All it does is reinforce those opinions.
  23. People gotta stop taking it tat personally. Free agents don't sign here because the team is bad, and has historically been bad since joining the NFL except for like 8 years in the late 80's/early 90's. Green Bay is about the size of Utica, is close to exactly nothing, and way colder than us, but FA's sign there all the time, because they WIN. Not saying we don't have an additional disadvantage because of the climate and city size, but those can be over come. Win games and have money and free agents will come.
  24. Sure, if you're into boxing or something. I just disagree with the idea that its INEVITABLE that high tempers HAVE to lead to violence. And naw, I'm good.
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