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Everything posted by sabills

  1. If nothing else this could be some solid posturing from the team in the public eye. At the end of the season most people were saying 8m, that 8.5 might be too much. Now everyone assumes the deal is 9m, so if it ends out coming out as 8.5 people are stoked.
  2. I know this is like 28 hours late, but I thought that final was sorta boring.
  3. I like this. Reinhart is a center in almost every way except that he doesn't actually play center.
  4. Yeah, no one can say he doesn't know his football, and I think he keeps up with the game better than PHam does.
  5. I think Marner is more on the level with Reinhart, honestly, but I'll just keep that quiet being so close to the border. Different players obviously. Skinner tho:
  6. Just for some context: Pasternak signed 2017 for 6.666 per. Cap was 75 million at the time, up to 83 million now, which is about a 10% increase. Current value would be around 7.3. But when he signed he had only scored 30 goals once in his career, the previous two seasons were 10 and 15 (granted he'd never played a full season those two seasons either), and he was 21. They got great value for him, no doubt, but he was a bit of a gamble. Marchand also signed in 2017 for 6.125, putting his value today at around 6.8M per. Marchand had scored 30+ the previous 2 years, and was 29 at the time. A little old, but yeeash, that contract was robbery by the Bruins, honestly. Bergeron signed in 2014 for 6.875. Cap was 69M, increase to today is ~20%, bringing his value today to about 8.25. He had only scored 30 goals twice in his career at that point, seperated by 7 years. He was also 29 when he signed. If anything, I think they OVERpaid for him at the time, but he has certainly paid off since, scoring 30+ in 3 of the next 4 years.
  7. Just popped my head in there to see if I could find some old posts of Sal's. Apparently they trim out older posts and he hasn't posted anything in years. Did come across this gem though. Glad that place is about the same as when I left it. (Censored, but still) Bad language and general crappiness below:
  8. They can't offer him what it would take to get him to sign an offer sheet because they don't have a second this year. The pick has to be your own, and they traded that for...Jeff Skinner. EDIT: Unless you want to go 10.5+, then we can do our next 4 first rounders. I could actually be talked into that, but I think its too much for Marner.
  9. At a certain point you've got to shoot your shot. Skinner is the best goal scorer this team has had in at least 10 years. The term is scary, don't get me wrong, but you don't get better by letting good players walk.
  10. I mean, say that about Schopp with a straightface, haha. I agree with you about Sal for the most part, but I don't think its because of the paychecks. I think he's just a homer. Which works well with his position for the team! But he's always pretty biased towards them. Before he worked for WGR he had a Bills podcast, and he used to post a lot on a forum I used to frequent called the Buffalo Range under the name "Coach C". Even back then he was a bit of a homer. Not that he frequents here, but @Meathead I think was a regular over there for a while, too.
  11. With their loss yesterday to Chelsea in the Europa league final, Arsenal are officially out of the CL once again.
  12. I think at this point I'd besurprised if the total isn't 8x9 at least
  13. I actually pushed for that one this time around, but my cousin had already done it and we were trying to hit new ones for everybody. Besides, anyone can just DRIVE up whiteface, haha
  14. I'm actually going up to do some High Peaks hiking at the end of June myself. We're doing Rocky Peak and Giant. I think I might take a shot at the 46, we'll see how much time I have over the next 30 years or so. I have 5 so far, Marcy, Cascade, Porter, Colvin and Phelps. Only 41 to go! haha
  15. This is a fake name and no one can convince me otherwise.
  16. Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos
  17. Actually saw that one listed a few places as a suggestion as well. I saw a few used but good condition on ebay, I'll keep my eye out.
  18. To those with record players, what should I be looking for in a record player? We have one of those all in one units like this one: not a victrola, though. It did us well for a while, but the speed has gotten wonky and I think its dying, and its not worth fixing for me. I'm going to be ebay and craigslist and garage sale watching for a bit. What should I be looking for? Any brands to look for or stay away from? I'm sure @darksabre's ears are already burning as I type this, but I'll tag him anyways. Don't need anything too fancy, and I'm no audiophile. Looking for something thats simple and easy and I can buy and not worry about besides replacing a needle once in a while.
  19. Just started playing around with SketchUp which is a 3D modelling program. Planning on using it for my woodworking projects. Dang its fun to mess around with. And should be especially handy considering my complete in ability to draw in 3D. First attempt. Making some foot rests for a PT trike. The kid isn't ready to use their legs to pedal, so they need a place for their feet to sit while they do the arm portion. Trike is something like this (slightly different model, my sister is the PT and sent me pictures): And here's the plan I came up with in SketchUp: Not perfect. Lots of weird seams that I just worked around to draw this up. I'll have to watch some instructional videos when I get a chance.
  20. Wait, am I seeing an argument here that its ok that OJ murdered two people because they used drugs? That is an all time horrible take. I know he was your childhood hero or whatever man, but holy lord thats awful.
  21. Very minor trivia: My Mother-in-Law once danced with OJ back in the 70's at a bar without knowing who he was.
  22. A) No, I don't think they care about him at all. These guys were born after the trial. B) I honestly knew him more because of Naked Gun than as a Bill, haha
  23. I don't think anyone coming into the league going forward thinks about OJ as a player at all. I've got 10 years on any draft pick and OJ being a Bill was basically a trivia question for me growing up.
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