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Everything posted by sabills

  1. yeah... I'm a pass on Vesey
  2. US totally outmatched Sweden yesterday. Score wise it wasn't amazing, but Sweden was never in it. The depth for the US side is incredible when you can have Press and Lloyd coming off the bench.
  3. Gotta get our second rounder back from Carolina, too Never mind, its all firsts at that level
  4. this is dumb, but thats the new jags logo, I bet his shirt has the old on in the original.
  5. Who me? yes. absolutely.
  6. Add Corey Perry to the list: https://twitter.com/frank_seravalli/status/1141368385868988417
  7. I think Risto is JP Losman. Has all the look and feel of a starter and should be very good if never great, but can't seem to make it work. Whats the culprit? Something between the ears? Organizational ineptitude? Noone will ever be sure, and people will continue to argue years later about whether he was good or not. Will eventually win a championship after he leaves the N(F/H)L with the (Las Vegas/ Yaroslavl) Locamotive.
  8. If I'm the Sabres I might look at a Trouba trade and think "I don't know if I want to go through Skinner again". Which is maybe short sighted, but I kinda get it.
  9. Some rumors on the tweetbox today about mccabe being a piece in a trade going somewhere this week.
  10. I think the Pens are pretty set on not trading Kessel at this point. I think he has like a "8 teams I'll accept being traded to" list and its not compatible with who they could/would want to trade him to. He wasn't willing to budge. Sold.
  11. I just want the team to be a little better so I can stomach more than 3 minutes of watching a game. I missed all of his rookie year after the streak because I was so disgusted with them
  12. Or: couldn't choose
  13. Not gonna lie, I was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen the last couple days. Super stoked. Its a lot, but we haven't had a scorer like that on this team in...decades?
  14. Just wait 'til you meet the architect they've got working on the new stadium renderings.
  15. I think Belichick is the exception to this. That man, as much as I hate the Patriots, is one of the best coaches in North American sports history. A genius like that, if you happen upon him? Yeah, he can have his hands in every honey pot (though I do think he does more delegation than we assume). Most guys can't and won't be that guy. I'd argue that there isn't really a guy like that in the NHL today, someone who is head and shoulders above his counterparts. People thought Babcock was that, and maybe he is, but he just looks like another good to really good coach to me. The point is, if you have a coach who hires a bunch of really, really smart people at every position and can figure out how to take all those pieces and put them together he doesn't HAVE to be a savant. And I think most guys could do that, certainly some better than others but most to some extent, if they really put their head into it. Instead we have every football coach, and hockey coach, thinking that THEY know best, that the way THEY were taught is the only way, that they have to control every in and out to have value. I think that's somewhat born out of the fear of failure. I HAVE to know everything, because I only have 3 years to win or else I'm fired, and if I give over these little decisions to other people, I could end up losing my job because I trusted someone else.
  16. I mentioned this in the other Krueger thread, but its worth repeating. Vanek talked about how Kruger hired smart people as assistants and let them do the real X's and O's style coaching. Krueger mostly managed the coaches, taking a bigger overall view instead of getting into the nitty gritty. This is what I've been hoping for out of my hockey coach, football coach, hell, any political leaders in charge. You can't know everything. Hire smart people, listen to all of them (yes, including, but not limited to, the analytics guys), and make the final call.
  17. Open outlet box. Maybe as many as 4 cables in there, usually 2. 3 colors, maybe 4. Open auto electronics box. Which of the 15 shades of brown is the one I need?
  18. Car electrical stuff is another whole level. Those things are terrifying, lol
  19. hahaha that sucks. Electrical is super fun like that. Last year some time I helped my wife's cousin by installing an outlet below their counter for a dishwasher. Ended up being pretty easy because there was an outlet directly above where I needed the new one, so I just dropped a line from there. A few weeks later she calls me. "Hey, my dishwasher only works when I plug in my toaster", which has to be one of the most nonsensical sentences I've ever heard. I told her I had one theory and if I was wrong I had absolutely no idea what the issue was. Luckily I was right: I hadn't tightened the connect to the outlet above well enough, so the wired slipped off a bit. When you plugged something in it moved the outlet just enough to make the connection. I opened it up, tightened the wiring, and it was good to go. But for a minute there my brain was broken when she first told me the problem.
  20. yeah, assuming you're talking something like this (ignore the symbols on the plate): All those switches are seperate. If you're handy you should easily be able to replace it yourself, just shut off the power first! Switches are super cheap, like 4 bucks a pop for a standard 120v switch for lighting. There are a millions videos out there on how to do it.
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