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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Uh-oh, /r/asoiaf is leaking...
  2. Brian Elliot Signed to 3 year extension by Blues. So long second first rounder, we hardly knew thee.
  3. I've never been sure if any of these people know what the hell they're talking about. I can tell you floral vs. citrusy smells, but once you get into the crazy stuff I think most are just talking out their ass. Its as bad as wine tasting.
  4. Yup, Oskar Blues and Magic Hat already have a bunch, Saranac is supposedly putting some out this year, too. Lighter, smaller, last longer on shelves; plus they're perfect for floating around on a boat and drinking.
  5. Somethin' about drinking from a can in the summer, too.
  6. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=I%20less%20than%20three%20you%20%3C3 someone here was too old for AIM...
  7. I just had Sierra-Nevada Summerfest, its a light pils. I haven't found many pilseners that don't make me just think of Blue Light; this one was very nice and crisp.
  8. Just for you - <3
  9. *Looks at Claude's location* I am disappoint.
  10. Taking a trip to Ommegang later this summer on the way to the 'dacks. Has anyone been there before? Also dry hopping my IPA later this week, I'm gonna have like 10 gallons of beer to drink at the start of June.
  11. Its going to be downgraded, the question is how much. Current proposal from the DOT is for a 40 mph parkway, but people are pushing for slower. Nothings guaranteed ever in this city, but its heading in that direction. Sorry, eleven. http://buffalorising...ph-city-street/ http://buffalorising...-and-remove-it/
  12. 198, too. They're talking about downgrading it down to either 40 or 30 and make it more of a parkway which will be nice if it happens.
  13. Some update pics: http://www.wgrz.com/picture-gallery/news/local/downtown/2014/04/24/tour-inside-harborcenter/8107957/
  14. Yeah, that scene was way worse in the show than in the book (in the book Cersei gets into it at the end. I guess thats better?). But Jaime is interesting as soon as you realize he's not ALL bad. He's NEVER all good. Thats why he's such a great character. And knowing what's next I can see what they're setting up a little bit.
  15. I'm pretty sure the meat is people. That powdered milk on the ground? Looks like a great way to fatten people up for the kill. They said something like "the more people we take in, the stronger we get". All those names on the ground? I have a feeling thats the name of people they 'sacrifice' for eating. Rick biting new-Merle feels an awful lot like foreshadowing.
  16. Thats a hell of a ###### week.
  17. Thought the same thing. "I don't want to set the worrld onnn fiiiree..." would have been apropos as well.
  18. "No Tyrese, she's my dog, I've gotta put her down. Just think of the rabbits Lizzie..." I know I'm crossing a couple literature lines, but still. Had to happen. I yelled "what the ######?" when they came back and found the little one dead and lizzie covered in blood. Psychopath.
  19. they certainly feel like they're trying to hard at that site.
  20. Confirmed: http://www.buffaloruse.net/uncategorized/nolan/
  21. Would anyone want any washed lager/bock yeast? I don't have plans for it and don't have a place to store it long term, really.
  22. Oh man, honey, thats an interesting idea. I might have to try that w/ the maibock thats going right now... 3 weeks is probably about right. I tried mine at 1.5 the first time and its definetly better now that I let it condition a bit longer. Its been a while since this post, have you tried it yet?! Hmmm...racking this batch to secondary next monday...do I dare buy another kit right now...? Probably, yes. Though I was going to do an IPA next, so bock yeast might not be the best for that.
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