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Everything posted by sabills

  1. I already made some spent grain bread that was delicious. Becky's working on pretzels and beer cheese soup.
  2. I was looking at cooking books yesterday for Christmas gifts and there was one just called "Bread" and my mouth started drooling.
  3. He joined March 10th 2007[1], which means that as of today, December 18th 2014[2], 2,840 days have passed [2]. He has 19,826 at press time [1]. He therefore averages out to ~6.98 posts per day (ppd), which. Projecting out, at this rate it would take him ~24.85 days to read 20K; call it 25. It is 14 days before New Years. He would have to increase his rate up to around ~12.43 ppd, an increase of 5.45 ppd, or ~43.85%. Get to work d4rk! 1. http://forums.sabres...1361-d4rksabre/ 2. https://www.google.c...sm=122&ie=UTF-8 3. http://www.convertunits.com/dates/from/Mar+10,+2007/to/Dec+18,+2014
  4. NYI and STL 1sts plus what would get you Hall? Would prospects work? They probably want roster players, though.
  5. I've been picturing the Hofbrauhaus right on the canal, but my wife is making a convincing argument that they might actually put it in the HSBC tower. There's a section that right now is a cafeteria or something that could be converted fairly well. Either way, pumped for it.
  6. Yeah, its going to be in One Canalside, the old Donovan Building.
  7. Hopefully when pizza plant opens up across the street and Hofbrauhaus opens nearby as well the demand will fall off and I'll actually be able to visit one of these places, lol
  8. Wanna go? I'll go! *blam*
  9. I mean, thats the main question, right? Everything after the original moment of creation is details.
  10. So I read these passages in the context of what Sizzle has been saying (or at least how I'm reading it), and it went a different way. If this god, whatever that might entail, IS nature, and space and time and matter and all that, then when Jesus is saying there is that he can only work within the bounds of nature. He wasn't performing something magical, he was using what he learned from watching gods works in the physical world and using them on this man to heal him. There are a lot of mentions in the Bible to Jesus's healing powers; maybe they weren't miracles, but instead he had learned, somehow, medical techniques that were beyond the bounds of any of the rest of his time. I'll admit that I may be shoehorning two theory's together to fit my science-as-religion idea, but it makes some sort of sense. I've also been of the opinion for a while that Jesus did not really believe he was God or the Messiah, but that other people, including his disciples and apostles, put that mantle on him after his death, and this works into that thought as well.
  11. Interesting, that was the other way I'd thought aboutit: the laws existed, any god or gods that exist have to work inside of them and use them, manipulate them.
  12. To me there is no reason that science and religion can't coincide. It would make sense that a god first created physical laws and such as building blocks to create the universe, like a computer programmer. Noone writes code in binary. Binary begat assembly, which begat basic, which begat C and so forth. Likewise, any god could have created those laws and forces to create the universe, not one bit at a time, but in giant swaths.
  13. He was in that deep murder-sleep
  14. Buddy made the same observation. Daryl goes back with Chris Rock, gathers up the Grime Group, and they roll on the place while Carol and Beth mess it up from the inside. Aww yeah.
  15. I understand your personal struggle, but you do not have to inject it into every conversation. You don't have to like the Sabres, you don't have to like the Pegula's, you may think we're all hero worshippers of some golden calf, and some of that may be warranted, but then what are you doing here? You're not furthering a conversation, you're clearly not convincing anybody, you're just annoying people to the point of not listening to you. Either you truly believe in this stuff and just don't know how to present it in any sort of productive way, you're just trolling, or some combination thereof. If its the first or the last, why bother wasting any time on us?
  16. Kinda doubt its free, but I could be wrong. I actually might hit it up tonight; if I go I'll try to find out.
  17. Dag, I only really started listening the last couple years. Glad they'll keep the reruns going. He seemed like a great guy, and you can't help but laugh when he starts laughing.
  18. Yup, my cousin did this once. He borrowed a freinds car, drove 30 or so miles, came back and couldn't park in the same spot (street parking) so he parked a block or so down. Friend asked him later why he never borrowed the car, as it hadn't moved. Turned out it was someone elses practically identical car. What I would pay to hear the conversation that person had with themselves/whoever they were with. "I swear to god, it was right here. How the hell..."
  19. Would you say you've walked a mile yet?
  20. Canisius vs. RIT at Harbor center November 14th and 15th. I'll have to get to one of those. Article and video of the griffs moving in: http://campuswatch.buffalonews.com/2014/10/28/canisius-moves-harborcenter/
  21. Someone complained at some point in the thread, so I changed it. You might also be using sarcasm here, but my robot processor is unable to detect it at this point in development.
  22. Rick ain't ######in' around.
  23. Well, until you get the bridge, at least this is happening: http://buffalorising.com/2014/10/canalside-bicycle-and-pedestrian-ferry-is-a-go/
  24. I agree, I was mostly being facetious. Usually I'd rather be the one getting the package than getting the player.
  25. Heard the grand opening is November 6th.
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