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Everything posted by sabills

  1. I've been an Engineering Test Tech for a company in Getzville the last 2 years, the 2 years before that I was an assembler at the same company. I just started my new position at the company as a Tech Specialist on Monday doing similar work to what I've been doing but with more of a sales angle. Doing my best to work in every department of the company 2 years at a time, haha.
  2. Yeah...that's theft. I mean, he stole from the company. I assume its a corporation if you have a CTO, so its not the bosses money, it belongs to the corporation. Again, its like, 70 bucks, and he might own the place, but still, he took it an didn't reimburse the corp. for it. This is based on my very minor knowledge of how businesses work, I can ask the wife when she gets home (not that its going to matter, I'm just curious). Also, the "you'll find a way!" thing is all too familiar to me. Its the reason I'm switching departments (again) at work. Company is unwilling to pay the people in my position enough to keep them, so my boss is constantly hiring new people. Granted, it is an entry level position, but its a spot where having knowledge of the products is almost MORE important that technical knowledge (I'm an Engineering Test Tech). Experience is gold, but they can't keep new guys here for more than a year or two. But the execs just say "Well, you've made it this far!". Sure, but the work is suffering, and its only going to get worse.
  3. Sick. Didn't he have a top 5 goal last year, too? I'll be honest, I've never thought a lot of Ennis, but after this year I've started thinking about how great he could be with some real talent next to him.
  4. Because how much fun would that be? Crosby and Ovechkin 2.0
  5. This, as well. But no video will do him justice, and just listening to the music doesn't do a lot. They're one of those acts you just absolutely have to see live to get. Also, Kerfuffle this summer. Decent lineup, but the big draw will be Cake.
  6. I'm still not over Van Miller leaving the Bills broadcast, I don't think I'll ever get over Rick. It'll be fine, but it won't be the same.
  7. Are we now doing Haikus about anything? If so I am in. Boss is out today, Nobody else is working, Might as well just leave.
  8. Embracing the tank, But dreaming of the future, Are we friends again?
  9. Blue Monk is having a release party for the newest GoT beer tonight. Don't know what all it entails, but apparently they're one of only 15 or so bars in the country who got selected to do it.
  10. They're wearing the Turdburgers tonight. How absolutely perfect.
  11. This should be Murray's motto. I don't care if everyone on the team is a flyweight if they win the damn cup. Also, sorry for the terrible gif, its the only one I could find.
  12. Boondock Saints
  13. I was afraid we'd be caught up on the whole "blackmailed into being our lawyer" thing for the rest of the season; I'm so glad it didn't go that way. Also, loved the mike stuff as usual.
  14. Yeah. And I'm not surprised the slug sold well; people were pumped to go back to blue and gold, even if it was at the expense of...that.
  15. What bourbon would ya'll suggest for Mint Juleps? I'm going to attempt a 1 gallon batch of Mint Julep beer for the Kentucky Derby, and I've got to soak oak chips in bourbon to toss in the secondary. I figure whatever I have left over will go towards the real Mint Juleps for that day.
  16. To be fair, they sell better when they look better. I have to imagine the royal blues outsold the turdburgers by a couple orders of magnitude.
  17. I mean, thats a pretty slick jersey. I'd even be fine with it sans the cap, just the script like on the thirds from 2 years ago
  18. This one just popped into my head a few minutes ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUYyfy3pqbM
  19. Would need some cleaning up, but there's the basic idea
  20. Just for fun, latest version:
  21. I bet they'd have problems with that; the logo was a Pepsi bottle top and I'd think Pepsi wouldn't be a big fan of that.
  22. I think'd be sweet to even just have the flag symbol as a shoulder patch
  23. I've known you for 13 years and I still can't always tell when you're kidding. How about some silver stars?
  24. Threw the flag logo on a jersey I was playing around with on lunch. Quick and dirty, no numbers or anything yet. I like the gold thunderbolts. EDIT:Dumb, can't spell.
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