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Everything posted by sabills

  1. sabills


    If its the payment you're concerned about, that's understandable. But Darcy said several times over the years that he wouldn't do it for fear of upsetting other GM's, which might make trading harder in the future, and I think that's weaksauce Couple articles on this "gentleman's agreement: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/trending-topics-on-the-moral-hazards-of-extending-offer-sheets?urn=nhl,wp8377 http://nymag.com/daily/sports/2012/07/why-are-nhl-offer-sheets-so-rare.html Those articles mention a couple reasons they don't happen more, including players not wanting to sign them to begin with, so it seems theres a few reasons for it.
  2. I think thats my favorite of their stuff. I'm actually trying to cut down on the beer drinking; especially during the summer I usually have 1 or 2 a day, and forget about the weekends. However, I've got some homebrew that'll be ready to crack open tomorrow when I get home from work, so I have a feeling that will happen...
  3. sabills


    Yes, unfortunately.
  4. sabills


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NHL_players_who_have_signed_offer_sheets You could be right on the GM's, I don't feel like going through and figuring out the GM for each of those teams, but it does happen. Are the rest wimps? I mean, kinda yeah. You're not willing to take a shot at a great player because you're going to hurt some other GM's feelings? Sounds like a pretty lame excuse to me. This is pro sports doing something that's obviously in the rules of the CBA; its not like Murray would be Gordon Bombay stealing some kid from a rival team on a technicality. If you want the player and he's worth the money and picks you'd have to give up, then you should do it, and to hell with what the other teams think. Maybe they'll figure it out and start doing it themselves. agreed
  5. sabills


    I'll be suprised if Murray uses that 1st. He's said a couple times that he expects to be in the lottery next year (Read: not make the playoffs, not a full on tank), and the way its set up now its easier for the teams that are further away to get a shot at the first or second pick (both will be lottery picks next year, I think). I'm not sure he'll be willing to give up a free shot at Matthews. I also imagine that Chicago will cover any price for Saad, especially after this offseason. We'll see.
  6. sabills


    I hope Murray doesn't wimp out like Darcy used to, not wanting to offend anyone with an offer sheet. That being said, lets keep in mind how much you have to give up with these sheets. This chart is old, but I assume still at least in the ballpark: $1,110,249 or below - No Compensation Over $1,110,249 to $1,682,194 - 3rd round pick Over $1,682,194 to $3,364,391 - 2nd round pick Over $3,364,391 to $5,046,585 - 1st round pick, 3rd Over $5,046,585 to $6,728,781 - 1st round pick, 2nd, 3rd Over $6,728,781 To $8,410,976 - Two 1st Round Picks, 2nd, 3rd Over $8,410,976 - Four 1st Round Picks
  7. Thats kind of a weak argument though. A show doesn't have to make real world sense, but it should make sense within the context of the show itself. That's like saying Star Wars Episode I isn't a bad movie just because it has laser swords. Good writing is good, bad writing is bad, no matter the environment. That being said, while I haven't LOVED this season, I've been fine with it. As a book reader, I've started doing a better job of separating it from the books mentally, at least partially because it has separated itself so much. Opinion on S5E9 scene below:
  8. Is it just me or does McDavid kinda look like Pinocchio's friend from the Disney movie?
  9. 1) No, just the 360 :(. Hopefully it comes out for 360, I want to give the EASHL a try, in addition to the other stuff. (I love the playoff beard thing, haha). 2) For Fallout, thats a good point. I wouldn't get it opening week or anything, probably wait til January when my wife disappears for a few months, but I have other games I still haven't played that were actually MADE for 360 (Skyrim being the main one). Waiting a year might not be a bad idea.
  10. wjag drives a Prius
  11. We'll tag team against a pair of anti-tankers.
  12. To be fair, its just the names of the two people in the band. But also, yes, apparently. The opening band was named "Bearstronaut".
  13. If it had come down to that last game I think I would have been right there with you...
  14. Basically. (For reference, Matt and Kim were the band playing at the harbor last night) In fact the first time I saw him his crew were all sitting on each others shoulders taking a picture, completely blocking my view, which I and my other grumpy-old-men friends complained about. Realized it was him after. Damn kids!
  15. Awesome thing for me: down at the Harbor show tonight I saw Conner McDavid getting his Matt and Kim on with what I assume was a bunch of other prospects(maybe 5-10 of them). Two things I took away from it: 1) He's a freaking kid, which I guess I knew, but seeing him in the flesh made it so much more obvious. These guys we're putting so much faith in/pressure on are children. 2) Cool that these kids from all over that are going to be celebrities in a few years (or already practically are) are having fun hanging out in Buffalo. And not just at some bar on Chippewa, like, enjoying the city.
  16. Wrote this one a while ago; I came up with the first few lines and the rest sort of flowed out. I like the sentiment at the end, but it gets a little weak. I change it a bit every once in a while, but I like it over all. In the dying firelight, As you stare thoughtless into the night, I watch the flames dance on your cheeks, And the wind toss you hair. None come for us for days nor weeks, We've walked the valleys and kissed the peaks, So many miles have drifted passed, We soldier on at dawn. Over your eyes, a sheet of glass, And jaded too turn mine, at last, Why go on when we can stop, And rest our legs for once. But its not the journey, not the walk, Not the end of which we talk. In that end what will be will be, I am simply with you, and you simply with me, And that is all we need.
  17. First Thursday Concert tonight, can't wait.
  18. He's the only one who gave me pause, but yes. Partially because I think that in the nearish future he'll have a better team around him. Skill alone they're pretty close; Kane is a bit more physical than Vanek, for whatever that's worth.
  19. I am freaking pumped for Kane. I think he's the best forward we've had on this team since Drury/Briere left. Ennis-Eichel-Kane line is going to be fun.
  20. I don't think I have anyone blocked on here, but I've done it on boards in the past. Some people just say things in such a way that I get irrationally angry about it, even if I know its stupid and not worth my time. So I block them, and that's one less stresser in my life.
  21. Right there with you. I under stood it once the whole thing was explained, but I was pretty upset for a while. Goose was my guy after the lockout. And then Lucic happened. I do still have a stick signed by him, though.
  22. It was before I was posting anywhere, but I thought Satan was terrible and was happy when he left. God I was an idiot.
  23. I think I might get Fallout 4 (if it still comes out for 360). I played 3, never really finished, but I loved the heck out of it. Its been a loong time since I got a game when it came out and got into it. Also gonna get NHL this year I think. We'll see.
  24. Blech. Sorry. Haha, that was pretty great Now THATs a city hall. Makes sense w/ Philly of course. Looked it up out of curiosity, it was built in the late 1800s, I would have assumed earlier. Pretty cool, though.
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