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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Mes Que is fun, but crowded. Make sure you get there before game time or else you might have to wait to get in. I went to Acropolis for the last game, which was much quieter than Mes Que, no chanting or anything. I might wander over there tonight time dependent.
  2. Any highlights? I probably won't be able to listen to it 'til I get home.
  3. I don't know if it was a real quote, but I know it was said in the movie 1776, correct? And if it is, I'd have to assume it'd be future Mr. Feeny, John Adams.
  4. Beer Fest at Canalside on Saturday for the Father in law, then yesterday went to Southern Tier Brewing for my dad for fathers day. The two of them being into craft beer makes every holiday so much easier for me...
  5. If you find a place for soccer let me know, me and a few guys have been talking about doing some pickup somewhere, especially if its in the city.
  6. Article on the new women's money
  7. Jackson should be gone, too. His claims to fame involve: winning a battle after a war was over, the near genocide of the Native Americans in the east, and that one time he didn't get shot because a gun malfunctioned.
  8. I used to play on turf when I played indoor; its not really the same as the outdoor stuff, but yeah, you get some solid rug burns on those things if you go down hard.
  9. You may know him as "Ochocinco"
  10. I have no interest in watching Darcy walk naked from the arena to city hall.
  11. Learning Linux tips in a SabreSpace thread about soccer. Not what I was expecting when I joined this forum.
  12. Hmm, yeah, you probably would need to be root for that: $sudo rm -f /etc/blatter.sh That might do it. Ignore me.
  13. Interesting. That makes some more sense; I've had brett beer before and never thought "horse", but I've also spent very little time around horses. Where's josie when you need her?
  14. Sure, but the point is we don't know if he IS an elite talent, unlike these other guys who are coming in. Obviously I'd love to have him turn out, if only to trade him away for a more needed position, but I'm not living and dying on his success, that's all I'm saying.
  15. Cat pee is sometimes used to describe flavors in wine and beer. Why its desirable I have no idea. My favorite is with some of the earthier hop varieties people will say that the beer has a "horse blanket aroma". You mean crap. Your beer literally smells like crap.
  16. I'll say this: I'll take any shandy over a Mike's Hard Toothdecay any day of the week.
  17. It'd be like sending him to the AHL without needing to send him through waivers. I'm in. Guys been handled like crap since the beginning here. If we lose him, well, we lose him. Jeremy White said it on the WGR morning show this morning: when they took him he was their only chance at an elite talent, so they swung for the fences. We have 2-3 elite talents on or joining this team in the next year or so, if he doesn't make it, we'll live.
  18. B-) Glad to help. I get bored quick, so I do a lot of weird stuff with my beer, haha.
  19. sabills


    Oh sure, I get that. But he'd be a hell of a piece if he's what everyone else says of him. We have a TON of picks over the next few years, I'm ok with losing some to pick up a player that we already know is great. With the money, we have to spend a bunch just to get to the floor. Just don't make it a 15 year contract and I'm cool.
  20. sabills


    Throw him on a line with Eichel and Kane, who are both supposedly good defensively, and just tell him to go score. I'd be fine with losing a shot at Matthews for that.
  21. I have one of those in the fridge as well. I bought it on a whim when I was at premier buying other beer. Haven't tried it yet, mayhaps tomorrow.
  22. Not to step on the Rush love (I wish I had gone to that show...) but the Arkells were great last night at the Harbor. Just a really fun band to see live.
  23. Just finishing bottling in time for the weekend is a blond ale I made 3 gallons of, and then split into 3 for secondary. First is the Dumb Blonde, which is just the blond straight, second is the Dirty Blonde, which was dryhopped w/ Citra, and third is a Strawberry Blonde, which, as you can imagine, had strawberries in the secondary. Saturday is brew day, and I'm making a Blackberry Black Lager, which should be fun and new for me. I do mostly Brew in a Bag, which means I can do the the All-grain stuff with less time and A LOT less equipment. I don't this there's much a difference with extract vs all grain, except the grains give you a ton more options; with the extracts you can be limited some for your base malts. I still do extract stuff when I have a recipe I know I want a lot of, because I can only do 3-4 gallons of BIAB as opposed to the ~5.5 I can do with extract, which is all based on my kettle size. Also, that gingered ale sounds awesome. I made a winter warmer with cloves and ginger and it was fantastic.
  24. Thats my goal; I gotta lose some weight and my heartburn has been getting worse, time to cut back.
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