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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Ehhh, true, but I don't think freedom from fear is the same as "freedom" in the context I was using it. This is, as always, a large part of the problem; its a very nebulous word. You can start getting a little Brave-New-Worldy if you stretch it far enough. Freedom from fear. Freedom from pain. Freedom from sadness. I'm not a slippery slope guy, and I don't see 1984 in our future (*rimshot*), I'm just trying to frame the context of the conversation; in this case the freedom I mean is freedom from government intervention. This is what I meant in my previous comment; couldn't you make the argument that it should be the Dems who push for larger military spending? If you like big government, shouldn't that be a part of it? Especially when most of our military actions are supposedly peace keeping or people freeing? I feel like Republicans, if they believe what they're saying, should be much more isolationist. Add on to that the fact that the so-called "religious right" falls with the Republican (or Tea) Party; these are organizations who generally preach peace, they should pretty much be against ALL war. Democrats, on the other hand, would argue that its our DUTY to help these peoples, that we need to use the military power we have to act as world peacekeepers, the same way we use the financial power of the government to help the underprivileged at home. Its like the two parties got together one day, drafted which sides of which button issue to take, and then just stuck with it, and to hell with the rest. We know that's not really true; look at Lincolns Republicans or Douglas's Democrats as opposed to now. So why do we feel when one group takes one side, the other has to to oppose them? Its infuriating. This is all over simplified, but hey, its the internet. It also all stems from the fact that we can hold opposing views in our own head; how can a whole party hope to toe a line if an individual can't? EDIT: Added some extra thoughts.
  2. Freedom vs. Greater Good. Pretty much all of US Politics can be boiled down to that. My problem is that both Democrats and Republicans steal from both columns whenever either argument suits them.
  3. I get caught up in between my wish for lower gun violence, and my preference for individual freedom, so I don't know that I have a fully formed opinion on gun control at this point. It doesn't really affect me, I do not and will not own a handgun at any point, and I cannot forsee any point in my lifetime where shotguns and rifles will be outlawed (not that I own any of those, either, but its possible) However, I question why people are allowed to own ANY gun without a proper saftey course. Even with waiting periods and licenses I don't believe you're required to take any sort of training before acquiring your firearm. I think MOST people who own guns tend to be responsible with them, especially where gun ownership is passed through generations and people responsibly teach their children, but I don't see how it could hurt to take a course. We have to to drive a car, why not to own a gun?
  4. You know what's crazy about that? I don't think I've ever heard that call before, but I know exactly what it sounds like from the way you wrote it out. Great job by you, and of course by Van.
  5. My dad hated the TV guys back in the day, so we spent a lot of time listening to Van and then watching the play happen 6 seconds later. So worth it. Murph is a great guy, and does a great job on the PbP, but he never gets the hair on the back to stand up like a Van call does. Its visceral. Somewhere I have him calling the entirety of the comeback game on an old tape. I'll have to dig around at my parents house sometime and try to find it.
  6. Relevant to these interests: The Rick Martin Trade Tree, still going strong Link to a larger, readable version: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CIrTlhdVAAAzPAr.jpg:large
  7. -98? Yeeeeesh... EDIT: Oh, That's career. He was -23 last year. I'm not sure how much water this stat holds. Worst guy in the league in 2014 was PK Subban with -83 last year alone. Next was Doughty with -68, and then Brent Burns with -55. Those are 3 pretty good d-men. http://www.sportingcharts.com/nhl/stats/player-turnover-plus-minus/2014/ BTW: Best turnover ratio in the league? ROR, with a +72.
  8. I think I want Franson. I've been thinking about him since I heard he was still available after the first days of free agency. He's young, which is good. I don't think he's ever going to be a top line forward again, but he's fine outside of that. Give him a two year contract, if he works out, great, if not he's deadline trade bait, and hopefully by then McCabe and possibley another prospect (Florentino? Ruhwedal? Next years draft pick?) are up here full time-ish. Man, all of a sudden our D-corps is looking pretty sparse in the prospect area. I'm fine with losing Zads, but next years first round draft pick, assuming we're not picking 1 overall, pretty much needs to be a D-man.
  9. If you read the Complaint Thursday thread is sounds like some pumpkin might help.
  10. Oh yeah, definitely.Whatever wins will be fixed up and touched up, so even if one of the...lesser ones win we can still have hope that the real look will be better. Oh well, its essentially minor league hockey; lower leagues jerseys are often more...interesting.
  11. I'm wondering, ok, hoping, that they're doing a couple rounds of this, and narrowing them down? That one Boston concept is rough...
  12. Addams Family FTW
  13. Keeps popping up on my Pandora, so a Pandora interview seems appropriate. Shakey Graves: Dearly Departed.Song starts about a minute in: http://youtu.be/F3jk3pflofk
  14. First of the hi-res "mosaic" pictures of Pluto.
  15. https://twitter.com/TyDunne/status/621387453195268097 Ok, so not so much with the "intimidating" thing...
  16. Saw this on /r/hockey, if the girls hair was a little darker and the guy was wearing a Sabres jersey I would have wondered if you guys had something to tell us...:
  17. I get like physically giddy about this stuff. I was watching the Philae comet landing with bated breath. There was less chance of all out "failure" with this one, but still. That last photo was taken from something like 400,000 miles out, the newest ones we get will be from 8,000. Thats about the diameter of the earth. Can't wait.
  18. He's never really lived up to the hype. Maybe I just more like the idea of him than anything else...
  19. My god...its beautiful.
  20. Just for some perspective: @@kayaburgess On the left is the best image we had of Pluto before. Now we have this. Just astonishing. #PlutoFlyby
  21. Love Joze, he's my guy on this team. I like a little personality.
  22. I believe we're going to get more even better pictures. I'm a little confused on the timeline, but essentially New Horizons right now is taking in as much data as physically possible, including taking pictures. Sometime this afternoon/evening its going to send a little "Hey, still alive" message back to NASA, then go back to taking in data. At some point it will start sending all of that back to us, including some highres photos. That's assuming, of course, that it IS still alive. I think it takes quite a while to send back the data; I know it takes four minutes to get and receive stuff from Mars, and can only imagine how long to get to pluto. EDIT: Did some quick googling, we're between 2.66 and 4.67 Billion miles from Pluto at any given point, which translates to between 4 and 7 light hours away. Not sure where we're at now, but any pictures we get are at least 4 hours old.
  23. It mentions that "Zachary", his son, stayed behind, helped them look for their fishing poles, and talked to them a bit. Like eleven said, that's just one side of the story, we'll see what comes out later. EDIT: just looked,that report doesn't say that it's his son, but it is mentioned on the sheriff's Facebook page, as cited here: http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/2521232-aaron-kromer-arrested-latest-details-mugshot-on-buffalo-bills-offensive-coach
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