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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Individual tickets on sale for 15 bucks.
  2. Maki Becker ‏@makibecker 1m1 minute ago Last person with the bag was the same person who found the bag. THe alleged victims mother. This is going to up the case. Can you imagine if everything happened the way the accuser said, but Kane gets off because the mom is an idiot? Yeesh.
  3. Steve Brown ‏@WGRZ_SteveBrown 1m1 minute ago #KaneInvestigation Sedita: accuser changed shirt before going for rape kit exam. Bag was for that top. @WGRZ
  4. Brian Mazurowski @BMaz1 Statement from Erie County Central Police Srvcs says that all evidence in Kane case is accounted for & remains in its original packaging
  5. I think we're all confused with where you got the bolded. We're all on the somebody up real bad train.
  6. I think we're morphing from SVU into True Detective. Anyone see an animal mask in Cambria's office?
  7. Brian Mazurowski ‏@BMaz1 5m5 minutes ago Cambria said he was told no DNA was found from the waist down on Kane's accuser. Brian Mazurowski ‏@BMaz1 4m4 minutes ago Cambria: with no DNA, it would be favorable to Kane not to tamper with evidence. I'm not a lawyer, but shouldn't he not, like, be saying any of that?
  8. Depends on if Kane said he was with the girl when he met with the police. If he said that they slept together but that she consented, the rape kit doesn't do much more than prove that they slept together. Then its up to the lawyers to prove consent or no.
  9. That doesn't sound like a rogue actor to me. If you're referring to the bag being dropped off I agree, but if the tampering was under the DA"s watch that seems pretty corrupt to me. Obviously I dont KNOW thats the truth, but if it takes some lone wolf whistleblower to anonymously report drop off the bag they're not just doing it to avoid a scolding from the boss. They feel they can't go to the higher ups about it or else they would have. Either this person knows that the brass knows about it, or that they wouldn't care if they did. Either is bad. EDIT:Again, that's a assuming that it was whistleblowing and not intimidation. THAT could certainly be some idiot cop or lab worker trying to scare the accuser into silence. If that's the case, it sure didn't work.
  10. Yeah, this is like, systematic police corruption levels of shady. For what its worth, the attorney thinks the bag was put there by a whistleblower trying to tell the accuser about the tampering, not as intimidation. Who knows.
  11. For more info check out Tim Graham's timeline, starting at around 1 today: https://twitter.com/ByTimGraham Yes, its as insane as it sounds.
  12. I'd love it if each guy had his own goal song, like the walkup songs for batters in baseball.
  13. So the accusers attorney just said that the mother of the accuser found the evidence bag with the rape kit at her front door, ripped open and resealed. The attorney is saying there is enough evidence to make a case for tampering.
  14. Just posted to their Twitter: https://nwhl.thundertix.com/orders/new?sp=2269 125 for 9 games for seasons "Includes: - One General Admission (GA) ticket to all 9 Beauts home games - 10% off All NWHL Merchandise [coupon code will be emailed] - 10% off NWHL Live: Cross Ice Pass [details to come] - Priority Playoff and All-Star Game Tickets - Invitations to Exclusive Season Ticket Holder Events - Team Photo Autographed by the Entire Team"
  15. Keeping Up with the Kardashians: The Brad Marchant of TV Shows
  16. Damn! Great minds and all that.
  17. If Darcy had managed to pull off the trade and we picked Patty Kane in his draft year, what are the chances he'd be serving jail time or be dead by now? I mean, regardless of what ever happens with this, he's gotten in trouble a couple times when coming back into town, can you imagine if he lived here full time?
  18. Figured that'd be appreciated 'round these parts. 28. Windows Phones - The Matt Ellis of smart phones. 28.Mini-Van - The Matt Ellis of car styles. 27. Checkers - The Matt Ellis of board games.
  19. 54. White Tennis Shoes - the Matt Ellis of Footwear 53. Non-Trump Jack - the Matt Ellis of Euchre Cards
  20. I'm convinced it was because it matched Adelphia's colors.
  21. Russ Brandon in charge of the Sabres helps your cause, too.
  22. I'm telling you, 5 years. That'll be the 50th Anniversary and this team will, theoretically, be coming into its prime; perfect time for a full redesign and go back to the royals.
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