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KD in CT

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Everything posted by KD in CT

  1. Best: Watching Hasek throughout the playoff run to the '99 Finals Worst: Watching the ECF slip away during the 3d period of Game 7 in '06
  2. I went 25 years ago on my first honeymoon so no help on specifics like hotels, etc., but I thought the Big Island was very cool. Wild variation in climates to explore on the one island, active volcano, black sand beaches, small enough to drive around in one day or spend a few days doing it. Only spent two days on Oahu which was more than enough. Honolulu is just another big city that happens to be on a beach; Pearl Harbor was the only memorable thing there. Not recommended. Maui was beautiful, stayed at some resort near Lahaina. A lot to see there or just hang on the beach. If you come to SF, plan to spend a day doing something like hiking the Marin Headlands. So much awesome natural beauty here to enjoy. Wine country is an hour away but save that for a trip without the kids.
  3. Good thing he wasn't eaten in the chaos! That Game 7 tailgate was certainly memorable.
  4. No one makes hiring decisions based on a thank you note (or lack thereof). Anyone who would is not someone you'd want to work for anyway. Many, many things can happen between a good interview and an offer (or not). -They might have found someone they liked better but are keeping you on the string until they close him. -They might have done a final 2019 budget review and realized they needed to shave a couple jobs out of the budget. -As they got closer to making an offer, they might have reviewed the role more closely and revised the job requirements. I've seen all those things happen many, many times. And sometimes everything is fine, and the key people just got distracted/delayed, or haven't been able to connect in person to make a final group decision. That happens a lot, especially at year end with lots going on both at work and at home. So hang tight and wait for them to make the next call. Showing eagerness is fine, but going overboard is not.
  5. That was ridiculous. Looked like Dean Smith's Four Corners.
  6. Cracked open an 18 yo Glenlivet last night after the presents were set and Mrs Claus had gone to bed. Repeat performance tonight. Merry Christmas!
  7. :lol: I just watched that the other night....one of my all time favorites.
  8. Anyone else remember the Presidental Phyiscal Fitness Test you'd do in gym class once a year? Other than the fat kid, everyone could do at least one pullup.
  9. Did Lundqvist 'head' that save out of play with about 3 mins left? What a great game. Buh-bye Habs.
  10. I see you have young daughters too! :lol:
  11. The 3d period of the ECF in Raleigh. p.s. and ###### you, Brad Park.
  12. Getting a beer between periods 2 and 3 during the ECF in Raleigh. They were only 20 minutes away.....
  13. Happy for Vanek, Briere and local boy Pacioretty, but mostly happy to watch the Bruins lose. ###### you, Brad Park!
  14. Thank you Ryan.
  15. They just said it's gonna snow again....expecting a foot or more on Monday.
  16. Wait till you get a little older....i've had to give up the contacts almost entirely. It got so I couldn't read a menu in a restaurant without taking them out.
  17. Definitely late in the period, but the US had a good stretch mid-period. Really entertaining thus far. GO USA!
  18. Not only do the Yankees still have Old Timers Day, but they still call it 'Old Timers Day'. And I'm not even a Yankees fan.
  19. My fathers' day present to myself: pork butt done on the BGE; first time and it came out pretty damn good.
  20. There was nothing boring about the last few minutes of that game. That's one of the more frantic finishes I've seen in a while.
  21. The delay of game penalty is just an awful rule. There was clearly no intent, and no pressure on the man. Kane's SO goal was a masterpiece.
  22. This may be difficult for some of you to read: http://www.cnbc.com/...text|&par=yahoo Oops... On a happier note, I have a 16 yo Lagavulin that was gifted me by some co-workers that I am ready to crack open. :beer:
  23. Certainly appropriate, but probably not until next season. Gotta let the wound heal first.
  24. Thanks Lindy. Best of luck.
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