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    Bradenton, FL

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  1. Here's one... Maybe PLF just doesn't like to show up for work every day? Hell he's probably board since he hired TM. If his family is still in NYC, he may have taken a few too many long weekends. So he was AWOL the last week? He could have gotten a call after a few days telling him to get his azz into the office. So this pisses him off and he calls his old buddy Bettman, gets his old job back. When he does come back to Buffalo he gets beat down for missing too much work, pulls his trump card with the NHL and quits. TN doesn't think he did anything wrong and feels the team slighted him. We may never know what happened. But my point is that it didn't have to be a power struggle. Hell maybe he was on a bender last week. If it/was something personal like this the team shouldn't tell us. But that doesn't mean it was a power struggle even if TN is irked by whatever happened. I do agree that anything like that isn't as news breaking, doesn't have the drama of a power struggle and isn't as much fun as trying to figure out what happened or who we should blame. .
  2. +1. There won't be a waiting list for seasons tickets after this year.
  3. States other than Florida know how one feels under duress with a handgun? Living in Florida I now know the difference between Florida gun laws and the perfectly written laws in the other 49 states. Thanks!
  4. I am so tired of the Darcy hasn't had the chance to do a rebuild before with a daddy warbucks on his side. Neither has 99% of the GM candidates or 99% of the general population including every poster on here. What we don't have and a potential replacement doesn't have is 16+ years of bad choices or excuses. I don't care what rag had us rated a playoff team last year. Given the center situation it was obvious this team was going nowhere. Not only do I have no confidence he can't handle a rebuild, it's worse, because I simply can not fathom that he is capable. This team is going to suck for a long, long time. It will not turn around until he is gone.
  5. I wonder if they'll get better ratings than the NHL did on ESPN 0.00019%
  6. nice!
  7. As to question 3: If the numbers in the media are true who would ever expect the top 6-8 teams to make up the $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars) these sides are apart? Even if it were for the 6-8 years of the next CBA. One billion dollars? Split between 6-8 teams, never going to happen. Can't possibly happen.
  8. 10th, 10th? I just find this hard to believe after last season and our youth at center? http://m.espn.go.com/nhl/rankings
  9. Who cares why Cody's father did or didn't do, unless he plays for the Sabres it doesn't matter. As far as it being an issue for the Sabres going forward, there is no reason Darcy even needs to talk to the guy. If he becomes too persistent, don't take his calls, don't schedule a meeting with the man. Who is he to dictate anything. I agree that if Gilles let himself get pushed around by a player they drafted and his father, that was his fault. If he chose to take it, it's on him. Either he was OK with it or he wasn't but he is the one that let it go one for 3-4 years.
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