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    Heading South

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  1. Love the mask. EVERY TIME I hear his name, all I can think of is: Nordberg from the Naked Gun movies. Am I the only one?? OK, I am probably the only one. God bless you.
  2. Damn. How do you like 'dem Apples??
  3. Well, at least we have the Greatest team........ I mean, Locker Room. :doh: Cool views though. Thanks,
  4. Thank you. Thinking the same thing.
  5. 867-5309 I got your number off the wall. 867-5309
  6. Interesting.....article tonight from the Montreal Gazette: "By filing the class-action complaint in New York, the league guaranteed that the legality of the lockout would be decided in a court known to be sympathetic towards management. If the NHLPA dissolves it will seek to have the lockout deemed illegal -- something that could see players paid triple their lost salary in damages if successful. With Kessler at the helm, NBA players filed a disclaimer of interest while they were locked out in November 2011. Almost immediately, the owners changed their stance on "maybe 15 or 20 different issues," according to Kessler. A new collective bargaining agreement was agreed to within 12 days of the basketball union dissolving. Last week when NHL commissioner Gary Bettman fielded a reporter's question about the NHLPA decertifying, he indicated that the union was more likely to pursue a disclaimer of interest. He also ensured the board of governors was brought up to speed on the issue when it gathered Dec. 5 in New York...." Read more: http://www.montrealg...l#ixzz2F5YmmsFz
  7. So sorry to hear of her loss. Prayers for you, her and all at this time.
  8. C'mon Youngblood was the best hockey movie of all time! Totally realistic on every level.... :flirt:
  9. For toilet paper? Ouch! :o
  10. 4% = Free Beer :beer: Beer. -Homer Jay Simpson
  11. Thanks Gilbert!! Maybe my favorite sports player of all time. The best. Perhaps no one was better at the end to end rushes then Gilbert. Maybe Wayne or Guy. Love the stat: Played 17 NHL seasons and averaged over a point a game!! (Damn, he played 70-80 games/year for 17 years).
  12. OUCH! That would hurt!!! :o
  13. Yes F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 Just can't get enough. Just can't enough.
  14. Great comment. Sounds like a win-win!!!
  15. Pretty Much this ^^^ fixed.
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