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Everything posted by Jeanbe

  1. I really enjoy watching him play. IMO, a very good player and should bring some return at the deadline for the Yotes should they trade him for assets.
  2. I am also a Leafs fan and I remember when he was drafted that the Leaf fans were just waiting for him to be the next Paul Coffey. Concept of Kassian may have been Concept of Carlo.
  3. I hate Piper. Hate her! Best part was Red photo bombing scenes with "It's not my food" and walking away. Loved the Black Cindy storyline and still am in love with Crazy Eyes. She is the best reason to watch this show.
  4. Years away too and no guarantee he makes it either.
  5. How are you doing it? I'm using tunnelbear and when I navigate (via browser) to Netflix they tell me my account is US based and can't log in.
  6. I've been watching Columbo too. Loved it growing up (I was 11 when it aired) and always remember my parents saying things like "oh, Jack Cassidy looks good". :) It is such a well written show and entertaining. I also have the Blu-ray as well as streaming and I catch up on older shows and movies I missed in theaters (most).
  7. Like you, I'll take Yellowstone over hockey any day. One of the most amazing places I've been too.
  8. Don Luce and Craig Ramsay. I didn't get to watch many of the Sabres games when I left BFLO in 88 so I missed much of the Hasek era, the Drury Briere era, etc., and now that I have Center Ice I can watch.
  9. She was great. Well said and speaks for many of the passionate fans of hockey in PHX. Good op-ed in the AZ Republic here http://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/nhl/coyotes/2015/06/11/dan-bickley-latest-glendale-skirmish-best-thing-for-arizona-coyotes/71097156/
  10. Here is a link for how many people the arena takes in without Coyotes games. 90,000 vs. 500,000 for the yotes games. Lots of good op ed links from local journalists on this. http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/glendale/2015/06/09/glendale-vote-coyotes-deal/28777933/ Quebec should be dancing in the street on this.
  11. I agree. AZ doesn't deserve or respect hockey and they should go to a city that actually wants a team. I emailed a local PHX reporter to ask if he could find out how many days the Gila River Arena was used outside of the 42 days the Coyotes used it.
  12. Glendale voted 4-3 to tear up the lease.
  13. I've been in PHX since 93 and this will be their last year here. Not enough time to move and Glendale will be stuck with their white elephant in the west valley. Most entertainment acts end up at the US Airway Center or whatever its name is this days, aka, where the Suns play because it sucks to drive out to Glendale. Glendale will go back to its quiet, soon to be bankrupt town trying to grow cotton again.
  14. Most people here don't even know the Yotes exist and frankly I haven't been to a game in two years and wanted to get to the west valley to see the Sabres or Leafs this year but never did. Why? I live in the east valley, work downtown Phoenix and by the time I get home with nightmare traffic, to feed the dogs and hit the road to head to the other side of the valley with heavy traffic heading that way is just not worth the frustration. The arena is in a horrible location for most out here. Glendale doesn't deserve a hockey team. The whole Westgate (where the arena is) development went bankrupt, which was developed by Steve Ellman the former Coyotes owner. Westgate has nothing to offer that I can't get in Scottsdale or in the area I live just south of PHX. This putting a team in PHX was a clusterf### from the beginning.
  15. I'm waiting on season 3 of Orange is the New Black. Can't wait for it to start. https://33.media.tumblr.com/8b002925848c62c9e78954b196abaff9/tumblr_npl6wyCrvC1tztq65o1_500.gif
  16. Oh vey!
  17. should I put out the chairs out in the lot for the b@tch fight in the parking lot? It was nice to see the first triple crown winner since I was 17.
  18. Those are the same three I am going for too.
  19. I was just going to ask it if was time to mention that!
  20. I'm not too worried about an offensive upside if he could be as reliable as Bill Hajt was back in the day. I really like this kid.
  21. IMO, it's a negotiation ploy. Don't give us what we want and we will move games. Worse case for the Amerks is that BLFO moves the team to the HarborCenter and we get the Bisons back. It's all negotiations.
  22. I have to agree with this. Hopefully he saved up and lived within his means knowing he was/is a fringe player in the NHL.
  23. I've been lurking, semi posting for years and Josie is right IMO. I come here because I'm not in Bflo anymore and I get Sabre news and insight on the Sabres. LIke I said in a previous post that I don't put any effort in personal conflicts here because the mods are pretty good at stopping sh*t. I'm not one for many of the inside jokes and/or "fights" so I equated that to the distraction of "bitch fight in the parking lot". So I skip posts due to my not having too much time to check the boards. Sabrespace is blocked at work and there may be 10 pages of stuff posted in a thread and I'll go to the next page and say to myself "they are all being Russian". Next page, still the same, next page...oh, real news. I have no clue where all the Russian stuff started but after years here I expect stuff like this (see again....skipping pages of posts). But I do enjoy that everyone seems friends here and will put up with each of our quirks. I think this is one of the better communities out there on message boards. I like i here and I like how the mods run the site.
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