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    Northern Virginia via Rochester NY

bleedblueandgold's Achievements


Prospect (1/8)



  1. I think if he looks good, send Gerbe down, keep him up, Niedermeyer will go back in when he returns.....
  2. anyone have line combo's tonight? Will we get to see Weber?
  3. anyone have a link to buffalo feed??

  4. http://www.webmd.com/news/20081030/c-diff-...ly-to-get-worse This sucks!!!!
  5. Politicians who implement a furlough to "save" the county money................yeah thanks, we don't need that days pay.....but thanks for askin'!
  6. i drafted Tom Brady............. :bag:
  7. Had to drive 13 hours yesterday from Rochester to North Carolina. Made two 10 minute stops for gas. Oh, and it's 100 degrees and humidity that you can feel just waving your hand around. Try livin in the 100 degree heat all the time when you are used to 70-80's with not much humidity!! It sucks!! That does seem like a long ride???? Should be about 11 hours, of course it depends what time you are on I95 around Northern Virginia...... I hate when people drive with animals on their lap!! Just once if they have to stop fast, that dog is flyin!!!
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