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  1. how about a week after a kidney stone attack, looking at the abyss of the dreaded kidney stone diet? aka lots more water, different foods and no more big portions for me.
  2. After twenty years of error-free driving, a huge tree branch fell on my car and totaled it.
  3. Hey bud, I read your tale of woe (Sept. 17) and wanted to send you a DVD from my website (http://www.itsjerrytime.com) to maybe give you a laugh or something. I'm truly sorry for all your misery. I'm hoping things get better for you and they should. Jerry

  4. My complaint is nobody cares about my complaints.
  5. the urologist checked my bladder today by shoving a small tube up the pp and filling it full of water. then he took it out and shoved it another tube up there with a camera. I came home, took a nap. got up dazed and went to the laundromat where I promptly washed my paycheck which was in a back pocket until it was this folded up, wet blue mess with no ink on it.
  6. The Sabres: They don't have the will and they don't have the skill.
  7. i'm here in Florida with my dad who's ailing. the medical profession here should all be shot. :wallbash:
  8. what the hell is Obama doing sending 17,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. The Russians couldn't win there, no one can win there back for hundreds of years. What are we going to do, nuke the mountains? We should just pack our boys up, bring em back and then prevent these animals from other countries from coming here.
  9. I'm sick of Lincoln.
  10. I got whacked in the knee with a hockey stick on sunday and it still hurts. (it wasn't a deliberate slash, just the follow-through on a shot)
  11. The back of my left knee hurts.
  12. I wish I were getting $3 million for sitting out all year. I've got great potential.
  13. A big pet peeve are men with large unruly beards. They usually have a weird gleam in their eyes too. After that, you never know what's going to happen. (women of course are even worse)
  14. I seldom go to the movies anymore. There's just not anything that interests me. But when I do go, right before each movie an usher gets up in front of the whole audience (about seven in number) and asks that we donate to some cause or another. I think it's The Jimmy Fund here in Massachusetts. Then he or she goes around and collects the money. there's something very wrong with that scenario. I have many other complaints but I'll hold it down to that one.
  15. geez what is Tallinder made of, cotton candy?
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