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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. How'd I miss that?..... PLF sucks!
  2. Minnesota -175 Buffalo +155 I would be there solely as the "Colostrum Massager", making sure her baby had the most nutritious of first meals as I gently churned the pots.... (Sorry Jay, if you read the board!)
  3. I love the article....I also am a fan of the makeup of the team....not the most talented, but you would want to trade for almost every one of those guys as a balanced, character guy. Talent, schmalent.....give me guys who "understand" and are willing.... Can you imagine Darcy Regier in those meetings?!!! As it is, Poile is more of an administrator with Burke and Lombardi running the show.
  4. You're good for another $1000 if I can be the attending for Melissa Holmes delivery......
  5. Drinking a Bedrock....Sambuca, Kahlua, and milk.....
  6. Glenn is ok at tackle...he could be a better guard. If 4 Qb's are going top 8, you can get the best LB,DL,CB,T, or WR on the board. If you go tackle and he isn't ready, put him at guard and keep Glenn at T...hole plugged. If you get the top guy and he can step in right away, you would have a dominant running game with 2 dynamic backs and an interior line of Glenn, Wood, Urbik. Either way, your worst position of 2013 is filled with a potential stud. I'm just as happy with Mack and a Guard in the 2nd. Those are the only 2 screaming needs right now.
  7. I draft tackle or LB in the 1st, if you go LB, go guard in the 2nd. If you get a tackle, best case you put him at LT and move Glenn to LG, instantly turning the line into a strength. If he can't hack LT right off, put him at RT as Pears is getting up there. I like the idea of Mack. He and Alonso would be a pretty versatile and athletic pair. You can do a lot of 5-2 stuff with Lawson/Hughes and the DL....then you have a good shot of a starting guard early 2nd. I would find a veteran receiver in FA. Maybe a guy that was a #2 and a possession type, but is on the downside but has character. Sort of like a Billy Brooks. We need someone with wins to help keep Stevie chilled and teach the kids. TE is a preferable upgrade, but I wouldn't go nuts. Use a 3rd or 4th maybe...or a Vet FA. I'm not pumped, but not scared.
  8. Current Standings: TrueBluePhD $2730 Eleven 2600 UBKev 2265 LGR4GM 2220 ClaudeVeret 1490 TaroT 1315 TM8-PL16 1045 Cereal 505 mattpie 360 mustacheofgod 240** Needs to bet 12/31 wjag 230 Hank 210 RCentered 155 wyldnwoody44 125 Assquatch 115 GhostofDD 55 Rope-a-dope is working.....
  9. Winnipeg -170 Buffalo +150
  10. I would bet good money that Robyn Roberts has at least had a few flings with guys. If you watched her and Chris Berman on Sportscenter 20+ years ago, they were practically banging each other through words and body language. And here's to no thigh gaps. The saddle bags are like the wrapping paper to the Christmas present. Plus they make for good sound effects....
  11. They "dangle" too much to be fake....and she has lots of baby fat on her. 85/15 Real.....
  12. I stomp on Nona's ornament..... ;)
  13. I rotate in JellyBelly every few years for little gifts. The bamboozled jelly beans are the best. You could be eating peach, or vomit. It's the real deal......fun drinking game with all the whacked flavors.
  14. Phoenix -145 Buffalo +125 Thanks for setting the lines guys. It's going to be hard for a sporadic player to win this it looks like.
  15. Is English a coworker and lazy a sirname? Is lazy a verb describing English? Is lazy an adjective? I'm having a hard time grasping the meaning of your post because your grammar is so crappy....
  16. Man...just watched it....Teddy Nolan is a blessed spirit. People have faults, and you try and tame them, then salve the wound scar tissue....not ridicule them. He's the kind of guy that not only can see that in others, but himself. Like d4rk said....sign me up. Just look at how he points out negatives to guys like Hodgson and Myers, but puts a positive spin on it..."You got this....why look goofy?...look at all you are blessed with!" I'm SO happy we finally have a shot.
  17. Bloody....and dangerous.... Google if you must
  18. Maybe you would like to poll Mark Howe's rectum before you make an outlandish statement.....
  19. Bringing the words NHL and DANGER together is like bringing the words RUFF and ELITE together..... I'm Soooooo going to the VFW this week.......
  20. Maybe because Wilson took the trajectory of the bullet that killed Kennedy?
  21. This makes the most sense. I am one that says, get rid of the instigator, helmet drop and visor rule, icing, bring back the red line, and you would probably see 80% of these questionable things go away. The pads as well to a point. I don't think it turns into blood sport, it just stops the loopholes and guys getting lax. If they want to get rid of fighting and hitting, then just do it. And on Wilson/Schenn...Wilson changed course 3 times and 5 players were within a 3 foot radius of the puck with 3 guys touching it from the time Wilson strided forward. It's in the corner. Schenn tried to turn away and still got caught clean. Maybe boarding, but even if you give Wilson a penalty, it's like feeling sorry for Ted Black walking down the sidewalk at 2AM Saturday on Cherry St. in Buffalo, tossing his money clip up into the air and yelling "Whoopie!". When he gets jumped...sure, by the letter of the law someone else was in the wrong....but come'on......
  22. For sure...even without the money, most love the game at the lower level. Alcohol damages your brain too...but I'm guessing about 85% of this board signs that waiver nearly every weekend....
  23. It's almost like porn to people. "Oh...look at that hit...how disgusting...we have to get rid of it." Then the borders fade as to what is a legit hit and what is a true dirty hit because everyone is on a Larry Flint witch hunt. How many dozens of hits have been posted here? I don't even bother talking about them. I think there isn't even an honest discussion...just bandwagon outrage. I happened to see all the outrage about Wilson headhunting Schenn from the blueline and this and that.....I seriously have no idea what is going into peoples' evaluation process. The more you regulate, the more need to regulate, the less efficient. I'm seeing this in both the game itself, and the discussion of it. Which is why I pretty much never comment on these things anymore.
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