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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Fact: 50% of Korean born NHL players have won the Stanley Cup #Analytics
  2. In listening....it sounds like he pretty much says, you get guys with hockey sense and who think the game, who have character...you're going to get possession. Again..it's about finding the qualities that drive the numbers. Anyone can spit out a spreadsheet....can you find me the guys ahead of time so that I can tell you what will be on that spreadsheet? I like Murray's frankness. He says point blank he is not full of bubbles and sunshine, but at least he can communicate that to people. Interesting take on what he wants on defense. Mobility #1.
  3. Like apus states....there is no longer value in something when everyone is chasing the same thing. If anything, I would use analytics at this point as a contrarian tool. A lot of it is common sense....some geek that never had the tools to play at a high level and who doesn't understand people, psychology, and what physical tools go into being an athlete....sure, he feels smart by spouting out some numbers that look like they might make sense. The real evaluator will look at the human being, and can probably confirm 80% of what the numbers are telling you, but also dismiss the crucial 20% because he has the common sense to see why certain results get skewed. Darcy was the classic spreadsheet guy. He never understood what made a player special and the synergy involved in identifying certain qualities over pure skill. The real money is always made going against what the numbers say...not in chasing the numbers. You just have to be decisive and have nads....you won't always be right, but your rewards will be homeruns and your loss will be limited with discounted risk.
  4. The only analytics I want Murray worrying about is if he gets a better rebate buying 10, 1 litre bottles of Black Velvet, or 6, 1.75 litre bottles of Black Velvet..... He said at the presser..."You have to know talent...you have to know people..." Anybody can look at a spreadsheet...I want a guy that knows what variables go into a person and athlete that drive the spreadsheet results.
  5. It's a small world...a small...inflatable...world.....
  6. I'm just gonna help you out then and save you a post.....going from 100psi to <60 with that reduction valve may save you a hot water tank valve.....but may prove frustrating in other ways......
  7. I am having a hard time getting multi-quote running, but Dudacek said it well....thanks to Taro for the Holy Trinity reference, and Jo has Murray nailed in my opinion. This is a pretty positive day. For those that wanted guys outside of the Sabres to come in....check. I figured Dudley and Botterill were a good combo given the propensity to hire old Sabres. Patrick and Murray bring the exact same skill and people set, but in a different combo. You have the guy that has been around and has seen it all, and has plenty of contacts. You have a guy who is a workhorse and wants no part of the limelight, and who eats sleeps and breathes hockey and evaluation. When I see Tim Murray, I see a mini-me of John Butler from the Bills. Butler was more smiley with the media and fans, but make I am having a hard time getting multi-quote running, but Dudacek said it well....thanks to Taro for the Holy Trinity reference, and Jo has Murray nailed in my opinion. This is a pretty positive day. For those that wanted guys outside of the Sabres to come in....check. I figured Dudley and Botterill were a good combo given the propensity to hire old Sabres. Patrick and Murray bring the exact same skill and people set, but in a different combo. You have the guy that has been around and has seen it all, and has plenty of contacts. You have a guy who is a workhorse and wants no part of the limelight, and who eats sleeps and breathes hockey and evaluation. When I see Tim Murray, I see a mini-me of John Butler from the Bills. Butler was more smiley with the media and fans, but make no mistake...when the cameras were off, he was in the office smoking a carton of Marlboros and eating a bucket of wings while pouring over every little detail of the player evaluation game. He was gruff, but had a huge heart and wanted nothing more than to be right and have a champion. I think a major concern has been resolved. If anyone is worried Pegula may want to meddle...Murray does not seem to have the social skills to allow that. He was smart enough to throw a "We want to be positive" in there in the press conference, but I think Patty gave him the briefing and between those 2 guys..there will be no Dan Snyderesque interference. It was also great to hear Patrick wanted in because of PLF. Who knows..he may have been on the table 3 years ago, but now that Pegula has seen what "I can work with him" gets you....everyone has a better understanding of what needs to be done to build a winner. I also saw a bit of a Patty smile when they were asked if they knew each other was coming on board.....it's that "better to ask for forgiveness than permission" that a guy with the charm and ability PLF has can pull off. The good news is Patrick is probably more than willing to be the advisor and Murray the workhorse. That's why this should work. My guess is that Murray does have other coaches in mind, but understands the situation here and is fine with Nolan given the track record. It also sounds like he was briefed Miller probably wants out and it's his job to get a decent return if possible. By having Devine at the presser, it's also a vote of confidence in the nearterm as Murray needs his input on who is in the pipeline if moves are made. All in all....this would have been a great day 3 years ago, but at least it shows that a learning curve and commitment is involved with ownership. As far as future results go....the meshing should get you to a B+. I don't know if PLF can provide the comic relief to keep Murray loose enough....but if he can, then maybe you have a shot at an A. I can't see this being a disaster however. WTF.....I need a drink......
  8. And people say dick jokes don't work........ Good job...we still don't know when you're faking it....
  9. Here's a Dick for d4rk....and a Dick for everyone...and 2 at the same time for Chz.....
  10. There is a 12.7% chance d4rk will be posting about his shingles in this very thread next week.....
  11. Not a good time anyway....been outside clearing snow for the past 36 hours....my Corsi number is down..... The "new coach effect" did include him getting demoted to the 3rd line before he got hurt. That's the reason I really bumped the thread. Has anyone really missed Hodgson? It seems the team has been morphing into it's new identity without him, and even though you are replacing your supposed best offensive player with the 30th guy on the depth chart, does anyone really care? It seems Moulson got his mojo going when teamed with Ennis and Girgs. Kassian has a lot to prove to make it look like a mistake, that's for sure...but he's got as many goals as Hodgson now, is on the upswing with his ice time and responsibility, and potted most of those goals not playing with anyone named Sedin or Vanek. At least in the past month, the trajectories of the 2 players have crossed....hence the revisit.
  12. Can I just borrow it one time? Yep..I did. Anyone run the Sabres record with and without Hodgson in the lineup this year?
  13. Hmmmmmnnnnnnnn..................
  14. Glad to see the Log Cabin Republican contingent going strong......
  15. If they play....bet the OVER. Imagine playing in front of nobody....these guys would turn it into an All-Star exhibition.
  16. I absolve you of your 2nd Hot Fudge Sundae........ And I give you a Steve Ott/ Mike Weber hug.........
  17. Reality is....it will be 4 years before the next process. For all I know, in 4 years Latvia, Belarus, Slovakia, the Czecs, and Russkies will all be on the same team. I'm glad they went with the story, and pretty sure we are in such a "reality" world that it won't matter come then.
  18. I'm happy that the story was told. For all the debate here and namecalling over the years about grit vs. talent....some of the best execs and coaches in the game just showed you how they build a team. The frankness in describing some of these players is nothing that doesn't go around the league. Pominville wasn't even a consideration, and top scorers got stuffed down the ranks by guys who just play with some jam. While the Olympics aren't as much of a bloodbath as the NHL playoffs, the intensity level is 100%, with many international guys taking playing for their country much more seriously than an NHL team.
  19. Your video is probably my favorite post ever. Pure, unadulterated joy..... And I don't care what anyone says....at the end, she is telling you like any other alpha female..."Get off your ass, numbnuts, and let's do it again!" Weep not for the compliment of being immersed in challenge that leads to growth, but for those so complacent as to never know what matters....
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