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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I would gladly let her tell the world of any shortcomings to have her be able to tell the world of any shortcomings.....
  2. I was thinking the same thing! Trade the entire roster...draft like a mofo the next 2 years....bring the Latvian team over for $50 million...seriously. Latvia has a bunch of skill guys who are just wanting to make life miserable every time Canada has the puck. The body contact is beautiful. Doesn't have to be a huge hit, just make them know they are going to suffer for 60 minutes.
  3. Hahaha!!! Take the interim tag off for F's sake. This is supposed to be a 20-1 team in this game. They can lose 6-1 and it will still be an awesome effort given the start.
  4. All I know is the skip in the first picture is about as perfect as it gets. I would wrangle up 40,000 Rubles if need be to throw a few stones in her end.
  5. I just got a reprieve til tomorrow for something...so I'm going full Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas for the next 3 hours.....
  6. Oh my God....how did we miss this??????????????
  7. I think that's Chz on the left....
  8. Yep. It was amazing how many of the young fans don't understand the game at all. If you have ref signals, chains, and eyes....you're good to go.
  9. My favorite Bills game the past decade minus the buzzer beaters was when the stadium lost power and the first half was played without any announcing, PA, scoreboard, etc. It was just the game and your understanding and appreciation of it.
  10. Well.. 1) How many penalties have been called this year compared to last year, thus creating a possible shooting gallery effect? 2) How many different goalies have played this year compared to last year, and how has their workload been different over the course of the season? 3) How has the change in systems of new coaches effected both the quality and amount of shots faced by goaltenders on the same team? 4) How has the change in rules, specifically no touch icing, effect both the amount of faceoffs in offensive zones, and freshness of players? etc., etc., etc. This is why the eye test rules. You can spend the next 3 years finding the proper variables for this year, and by the time you do the whole thing has changed again. But....I do appreciate the info and effort. The first thing I did was to look at Lundqvist under AV over Torts. Then Luongo. Chz...where you been? Hope the job is treating you well. I know you are joking, but in years past, the discussion about Miller giving up goals in the last minute of the period has included this. If indeed Miller relies on hyperfocusing, then like most accidents occur within 1 mile of the home....his happen within 1 minute of intermission. He could very well be relaxing, even subconsciously. You know how you can be in the car for an hour....and once you get a minute away from the house, you feel like you really need to pee?
  11. Here's a ???.......so, we trade Miller. Can Nolan get the Latvian goalie to come here for a couple of years and do a 52/30 with Enroth until the Sabres are ready for primetime?
  12. Not that I know of, but I'm pretty darn sure he has an Ethel Merman impression in his repertoire...
  13. I'm guessing he thinks the Suisse have a better shot at Canada. How about Ted Nolan on opposite bench of Lindy? I'll be honest, I'm rooting more for Latvia than the US. It's fun watching Girgensons. It's an experience like this that can springboard him even faster in the NHL.
  14. As a follow up, I'd like to take a crack at doing my impression of Ted Black doing his impression of Ethel Merman on, "There's No Business Like Po' Business", and dedicate it to the 3rd jerseys......
  15. Good stuff all around. I came to really believe and appreciate after I was involved in a few coincidences that were so astronomical to happen, and in such a timely fashion, that there was no other explanation but a pulling towards. Call it a personal "big bang". Once I truly believed, my antennae were up and much more appreciative.
  16. Very good points, and while you may have not scientifically proven God exists, or "who" God is or isn't, then you bring into play another major debate which I side on the teachings of the bible, and that is...where are we on the "timeline of times", and is it possible that the parabolic advancements and continued exponential gains in technology place us as humans at the end of our useful lives? While those supporting a scientific versus spiritual view of the world will argue, and validly at that, that humans have evolved to a point of incredible advancements the past few centuries, if you study the current trajectory of those advancements on a timeline, they are impossible to sustain while still moving forward in time. There will either have to be a major leveling off and deceleration of progress, and soon, or we simply no longer move forward in time any longer. Weapons, illness, both combined....at a certain point in time unless every actor in control of said technology acts in a selfless way and a perfect custodian without human error, the technology itself is so potent that it most likely will be the cause of a "setback" in society as a whole, or the end of time all together. That is scientific reasoning. Now you can bring in biblical teaching that corresponds to a similar timeline that will inevitably HAVE TO HAPPEN. It doesn't have to be biblical, but it does speak of such a time. Now it becomes a crunch. If we are fully evolved, we would not still be accelerating in exponential technological progress. If you take that into account, you have to admit we are not anywhere near a point to fully understand the ways of God. And I agree....there is no way humans have progressed linear in fashion. But on a timeline, what is truly the difference in the evolution of man from 4.5 billion years ago until today, versus 6,000 years ago until today. Scientifically you would have to admit pretty much zero. So in a very real way, there is a way to bring together creationism AND evolution. However, that doesn't rectify the situation going forward on the timeline unless humans somehow find perfect enlightenment without the existence of god. I can't see that being scientifically possible without 100% honest actors in the world, which ironically would entail following the teachings in the bible, and that was one of the major things that led me to the bible in and of itself. There is plenty of other endless debate possible on the bible itself, but I have always been scientific and numbers driven myself. That is why I am so dismissive of certain aspects of it, even regarding hockey. To me at least, when you can understand the science and numbers, the only explanation as we go along in life IS a god. I chose to believe in a Christian philosophy, but in doing so I also understand the discrepancies not only between what is stated literally in the bible and science, but by how it is even said in the bible itself how certain practices came about. My ultimate comfort for everyone is that while god wants you to come to him through his son and love him above all else, his 1a) so to speak is to love your neighbor as yourself and as you would him. To me that means you don't have to be Christian in name, but by doing things that are selfless and pleasing to him, you could be anything and still have the chance to accept his grace at the end. I can't believe in a hell with a fire pit and all those goodies. To me, hell would be not being close to god and rejecting him to his face, or the shame of trying to do so in life and then learning the truth. To put it in hockey terms...I think god cares more about "compete" levels than works and results. Matt Ellis goes to heaven, and Lieno and Grigorenko feel the shame of being locked out. We are all really Grigorenkos though.......there is still time to up the compete level and salvage ourselves. God loves science. He is the ultimate mathematician. He is also the ultimate artist. It helps to try and understand both sides. Didn't mean to get so long on the personal side of it. Science led me to God though.
  17. How is that straw man? Darwin himself said he was not an atheist, but couldn't understand a higher being. He equated it to a dog understanding the theories of Newton. I used simple logic to disprove the validity of the idea of evolution....and Darwin himself pretty much came to the same conclusion without saying it. A human is not capable of fully understanding the way of god, hence we are not evolved in to a sophisticated enough state, hence if you ever did reach a sophisticated enough state to understand, any conclusions in your primitive state you make now are worthless. To me, that is as simple as it gets. If it took almost 4.5 billion years for someone to argue it, and we are 150 years into it.....wake me up in another 4.5 billion years. The only way that is possible is through the spiritual realm. I am not taking the position of a 6,000 year old earth, but I am taking the position that the human mind on the timeline of evolution is but that of a banan slug. I'm afraid there is only one way to achieve perfect evolution, and that is to be renewed from the imperfect to the perfect that once was. Any other thought is rendered meaningless.
  18. Watching a documentary on Darwin vs Creationism. The fact that Darwin married his first cousin is proof enough to me. Anyway.....so science dudes....the earth is what? 4.5 billion years old? The idea of evolution became prominent in 1850? So...we have someone saying that....after 4,499,999,850 years....the species that is now considered human, finally has the wherewithal to understand the concept of evolution and that humans evolved directly from primates, and indirectly through a banana slug or some such creature. OK.....IF...that is the case....and you argue that a monkey cannot possibly understand both the IDEA and the PROCESS of evolution...but a human can....then if you believe in such evolution in even a linear process, let alone exponential due to the technological environment going forward....then have you not just proven in fact that humans should CONTINUE to evolve, and hence do not have anywhere near the ability to truly understand the concept of how mankind may have TRULY been created and came about because humans are currently in such a primitive state compared to their future potential? By arguing the concept of evolution, you have just proven the flaw in your own theory through support of your own theory...rendering it meaningless. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
  19. You have to admire Nolan's team. Had the Suisse tied with 7 seconds left...had the Czeks tied late in the second still, and now have a lead against Sweeden in the 2nd. Not bad for a team that was a 1000-1 shot.
  20. I'm anti-ringtone. I'm waiting for the EMP to hit so people learn how to have actual intellectual and emotional conversation again. I once would play "My Old Kentucky Home" at the barn through my phone for a certain horse in order to get him prepped and relaxed when he got to hear it in front of 150,000 people. It didn't work. For your wife, I'd just go with "Taps".
  21. "Ring-ring.........ring-ring.........."
  22. Umm...when the GM walked away from a $2 million deal to one of your best all-around forwards then hands out $2.5-3 million contracts like candy to a half dozen guys, and said forward also happens to be Briere's best buddy and compatriot and word gets out he's a goner as well....and that same GM is still doing business for your team for 93% of Pegula's ownership.....that just may be a problem.
  23. Here's the problem....if Quick is the guy the whole way, does Miller come back sulking, or does he play better with a chip on his shoulder? That's not a risk I want to take as Sabres' GM. It would have been nice to move him before the Olympics, but if this is the case, I'd try to ship him fast.
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