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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Posted this in the other thread. For people who think Battista is just some TM gopher....he was sent to shadow with Lafontaine and was part of the evaluation and transition process. Mentioned at 2:55 on.... At least he'd probably share a cigar with me afterwards.....
  2. Watch the video of Pat Lafontaine. Battista is NOT the employee of Tim Murray. He is higher than Murray on the organizational depth chart. He was shadowing Lafontaine and part of the process that HIRED Murray....
  3. Battista was hired 3 days after the opening of the Penn State arena. He is Penn St. through and through, and the fact that he left in the middle of the season, days after the start of a big new era, was telling that he had a major role to play with the Sabres. I suggested it was a positive sign that Pegula may have finally understood the franchise was a disaster, and that Battista could hasten up the departure of Regier because he at least had some hockey knowledge and Pegula trusts his opinion. http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/22163-joe-battista-will-do-what-exactly/page__hl__+battista%20+drane#entry519875 I also warned that it could backfire if Pegula was crazy enough to think Battista could run the show on his own. http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/22203-gm-speculation/page__st__280#entry528432 Battista was sent with Lafontaine to interview the GM candidates, and traveled with him. I said I would give the Sabres the benefit of the doubt that it was Battista learning the ropes, and that it could be a positive if he could be a direct report to the owner while keeping Lafontaine and the GM free to do their jobs. I also warned that if he stepped on toes and turned into a mole, that Patty would leave like he did in NY, and we should then panic about meddling. I set it up plain as day, and gave Pegula the benefit of the doubt then. http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/22203-gm-speculation/page__st__280#entry528419 @2:55 of interview http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/22201-bury-the-pegula-hatchet/#entry525153 PA and Yuri were holding tight, and the romantic in me wanted to cover up the scars of distrust with a giant Band-Aid. Well...that Band-Aid just got ripped off, and took 30% of my body hair with it.....
  4. Bingo! That is what is scary and why I pointed it out at the time he was hired here. He will not only take a stand, but I would suggest he had quite a bit of vision in predicting the outcome for NY wouldn't you say? Patty saw the iceberg and thought they could avoid it with the right captain. Once the owner of the ship made Smith walk the plank...Patty was smart enough and Po'd enough to take a career hit. Deja Vu? You can like Murray all you want, and I like what I have seen so far....but in the past 3 years, a lot of icebergs have shown up on the radar. Patty may have decided to take a staycation and bypass the glamour of a fancy cruise in the sea of disaster.....
  5. Yeah.....so who leaked to the media about this and caused the entire sh!tstorm? As of 3AM....there was nothing in the media about this. So was Wawrow the one that took this public? I don't think Mr. Wawrow is too fond of me because I would regularly point out the fact that under Larry Quinn and Golisano, the Sabres refused to talk to the local media, but the AP would always put out supportive fluff pieces. Even when Pegula was closing on the purchase of the Sabres, Wawrow wrote 2 paragraphs praising Larry Quinn and I believe suggested he would be an asset to Pegula. Now, it's obvious Bob McKenzie is the first line of fluff for the Sabres....and quite frankly, I don't blame Wawrow for wanting to seem relevant, but it's pretty funny he tried to do so by calling out an internet poster who makes $0 from anything involving hockey, has no direct sources, but yet he obviously followed closely and had a pretty flattering opinion of, be it backhanded or not. It's sort of like Michael Jordan dunking on a 5', 13 year old kid, then turning around to frame the pelvis and yell "BooYah!" in seriousness....
  6. Nice job Millsie!.....oh..sorry...I still had the Oscars on....it's Lupita Nyong'o.......
  7. Correct....which is why you go with your gut, an dig up the truth........
  8. If I ever have warning before my demise....you two are on my "make sure to hug" list. I may even rent the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile and take a month tour....
  9. As long as you can understand and trust a few....it's still all ok......
  10. Good point....it's like the old timers seeing OJ in SF or Gretzky in LA....
  11. It's ok...he's a team player....
  12. Thanks to Bufftex for pointing this out earlier.... 710 on TW. Godspeed fellas...
  13. Very nice....but how do you not go with the original S+G there? RyRy's a good egg...wish him well. Tell me I am the only one who paused it at 0:31 and pulled out the protractor?
  14. I'm sorry Y....Marc....I am a bit of a romantic and figured maybe we could have a happy ending. Kudos.
  15. Not sure if you are serious...because propaganda is floating this. I would also ask for full disclosure of medication, institutionalizations, etc. for the upper brass of the Sabres.
  16. OK...best case scenario....The Buffalo Sabres are telling the 100% truth. That means Terry Pegula made one piss-poor of a loose-cannon hire and almost had him as GM if the Power Hungry Lafontaine wasn't so fake as to say he would assume a different role because he felt he wasn't qualified for the GM spot. This also means they are keeping those on board who a crazy man hired and are entrusting the future of the franchise to them. Please find ANY scenario where the Sabres look good in all of this?
  17. We forgive you.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO725Hbzfls
  18. For those of you saying that "It is what it is".....well, the Spidey Senses of Buffalonians say otherwise..... There has been on average 300-800 people online the past 2 days. Even during the Miller/Ott pregame and trade it was only 500. You just traded your "elite" franchise goalie of the past decade and your captain, yet there has been 1 total page of posts on those issues the past 2 days. It's the City of No Illusions for a reason.....
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