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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. OK...Leaderboard as of 3/7 Correct me on any problems.... Eleven $2750 Taro T 1835 UBKev 1440 Cereal 1365 Assquatch 1035 Hank 1020 TM8-PL16 655 ClaudeVeret 630 Everyone else is bust, surrendered, or didn't bet in Dec or Jan. It's really anybody's game at these bankrolls. Since we are down to 8 and getting to the nitty-gritty, I will start throwing lines out again when possible. When we get down to 5-7 games or so...I may ask if you guys want to wager through private message so nobody has last acting advantage.
  2. We're alive....only a few are sporting decent bankrolls. I'll get an updated leaderboard going.
  3. Yeah....from what almost everyone can tell, Lafontaine and Murray were on the same page. Pat's no Rube....he knew what he was getting in Murray. Like AudSmell said....the Sabres may have not consciously set this up to happen, but it did...for whatever variety of reasons. It's probably a Chinese Menu of things.... Flashpoint, for sure. Sabres less than genuine by really bringing Lafontaine in to calm fans and have a 100% respected hockey guy do a job search. Pegula and friends still enjoying being a bit overactive in what they are qualified for. Patty being hardheaded and wanting autonomy in certain decisions. Ted Black getting flustered between Patty and Battista cramming into his "what do I really do here?" job title.
  4. It is a plausible scenario. Not only this, but there is a very common dirty pool trick used in the business world. The Sabres after firing Darcy, are basically a hockey startup company. You want "your" people in control, but you also realize that what has been going on hasn't worked...and you have no clue, So....you bring in someone who you know is respected by the entire hockey world and is a hard worker. He goes looking high and low for the best hockey people and puts the whole thing together for you. You really don't want him or need him once the machine is up and running, but you had no clue how to build that machine. Patty does all the legwork...gets a guru like Patrick in here who admitted himself he was here for Lafontaine....gets a folkhero of a coach in here who fans love and gets guys with marginal ability to play like monsters.....and gets a scouts' scout of a GM in here who will work tirelessly to prove he is capable for the long haul in this league as a GM. Then.......you say "Thanks...have a nice day....we'll take it from here..." It's a slimeball move, but all throughout history there is a long list of lifting ideas and letting people more talented do the actual legwork for you, then putting your buddies in to reap the benefits.
  5. Given world events, there is a 25% chance this can change quickly in a few months period of time. I whiffed on my timeline. I figured by now, the US Dollar would get you 85 cents in Canada, and we would see Phoenix, Florida, New Jersey end up in Quebec, Toronto, and Hamilton. The world has done a good job of hangin in there...
  6. Absolutely. That's been Kassian's problem. He is a lot like Tyler Myers in that he can't "dual process". If you have to think it, you are too slow. When you don't think it and you go one way without instinctual fine tooling, stupid stuff happens. You see it when Myers tries to be physical and even on his rushes. Myers is "playing with confidence" now, but he is doing offensively what Kassian did last night. Manual override on "not thinking". I've got a 20 spot Myers gets burned for a few oddman rushes or breakaways in the next game or two. He keeps going to the same rush patterns. I've got no excuse for Kassian. Stupid.
  7. He took a 50/50 gamble and lost. It was a stupid gamble. The D-man had position on the wall against the forward, so you assume the guy is either going to dump it in, or turn inside on the rush. Kassian was going for a knockout assuming he turns inside. He didn't. Stupid play and he knew it as soon as it happened. He trusted his hockey instincts and made a poor risk/reward decision. I'm sure he gets 5.
  8. "Chris Stewart just joined the Sabres and got into a heated debate with prospect Justin Bailey on where to get the best doughnuts. I guess they were just...playing the dozens...." "If John Rigas took a bearclaw out of the Tim Horton's box.....would you call it a....con...fritter?" "On that note.. the Ontario Provincial Police had to respond to a nasty accident on the QEW tonight...I hear it's the first time they turned down a container of...Timbits...."
  9. The board really does has software written for 1952. I love it... Let's see...the mechanic on the Dukes of Hazzard was Cooter.
  10. You WANT the guys you trade away to do well if you are a GM. If all you do is try and win a trade, you end up not making many over the years and people don't want to deal with you. We've seen it. If you are fair with a team and give them value back without trying to kill them, they will be willing to work with you in the future. When the time comes that the Buffalo Sabres are a top contender, Murray will have the entire league and their rosters at his disposal to try and make deals with to put the Sabres over the top. It's an insecure thought process to want your old property to not do well.
  11. I will give you one bit of hope.... Friedman says Moulson a real possibility to resign in Buffalo. Callahan just forced NYR to trade him for 250K per year....what happens when a team 60 minutes from the parents offers him an extra $7 million? Kesler is on the market. The Sabres have an abundance of picks available, and Vancouver is closer to selling than buying. Maybe it takes a 20014 1st (STL) and 2nd, a 2015 1st (Sabres option), and a few decent prospects. Say Buffalo is getting Reinhart or Ekbald..which is pretty much the case. Say Buffalo makes a run at Brodeur/Thomas/Halak/etc. Your under the cap 2014 Buffalo Sabres could very well be... Moulson-Kesler-Callahan Ennis-Hodgson-Stafford Foligno-Girgensons-Stewart Lieno-Konopka-Flynn Myers-Zadorov Ehrhoff-Ekbald Pysyk-Ristolainen Thomas/Enroth You're at least a coinflip for a playoff spot.....
  12. Nice...I may pay the $5 in a few minutes for it. It looked like a bittersweet one....
  13. In his defense..."The Tank" is projected to go anywhere from 18-54 months.....
  14. Kerry is the CCCP's Battista! Oh...and I think this is their Lafontaine as well..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3dSuVUdzgs
  15. Why did you have to do this???? Now I have visions of Pegula demanding we get the guy, because anyone that can beat Penn St. needs to be taken away.... Delete! Delete! Delete!
  16. I mentioned his interesting life story, and I think Murray respectfully nodded to it as well as why he may have had a poor season then went gangbusters. The kid and the family sound like troopers. How can you not love that? Not "loving" today, but Murray did VERY well by being early on Ott and Miller. Ott today goes for a 2nd and an eh prospect. Miller gets you a first, prospect and Halak. He pretty much gained Stewart and the 2015 1st as a premium. That makes this trade with LA less of a risk net-net....
  17. Present... TrueBluePhD gave me 5/2 on the Rangers winning the Cup within 3 years. Last year was year #1.
  18. Meanwhile.....pretty sure we clicked to a Defcon 4 today......
  19. Tim looks like Violet eating Wonka Gum against that backdrop on this feed.....
  20. Not loving this given the expected Moulson return. Net for the day, you traded Moulson, McNabb and a 2nd for 2 prospects and a 3rd? The goalie swap is a whatever. Ehh... And remember, Regehr got to play with McNabb for parts of 2 years and camps. At this stage in his career, he is almost part coach. I'm sure he gave a positive review.
  21. Source: Stafford has just ordered and shipped a $259 guitar amp from Amazon Prime to his Buffalo address.....
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