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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. And don't assume that something is in a negative tone when you read it. You ARE one of the biggest critical thinkers here. I'm giving K9 a tough time in another thread so I just grouped you 2 as posters I like but we go at it now and then. PA almost always understands what I am saying. Taro does too and X is close, but they have always leaned sunshine and kittens. They are always respectful though. Now by me saying that, don't think I am saying you aren't. I suggest people try an exercise. If there is a poster you don't agree with or like, try to read it in a Jack Handy voice. I think too many people read me in the voice of Yosemitie Sam, and they get riled up for no reason.
  2. Please read through THIS thread and see who mentions Kassian first. I directed you to read a page and a half of the orignal Girgensons thread. Then read what i said about Girgensons and what you said. You liked him, a lot of him liked him, but then count up how many posters including yourself took barbs with my projections for him...which have pretty much been exceeded as long as he gets his letter this year. Not just Kassian related. That was in my memory...so when you started the thread, and I read your post....I was actually smiling. And again....."The I told you so!!" stuff........YOU started a thread that had the info already posted in multiple threads, then pointed out how right you were about him. Then the irony of your original comment being in a thread where you were making fun of me for Valuing Kassian over Hodgson...after Hodgson had put in his 40 games of effort to land the money and the gang mentality felt safe piling on...... I don't care about a new thread. I don't really give a sh!t what or where anyone puts stuff. The only time I will get my dander up is when someone questions my integrity or gives a personal insult. I've been insulted by someone on a continous basis on this site over the years who works for a small firm that has collected millions from the Sabres under each of the last 3 ownerships. I've been told it's not fair to point that out, even though they put all their personal information in a link on this website a few years ago. There are a few others that post, but not as bright. I've been told to go kill myself by a good half dozen posters over the years including multiple times by the fiance of a poster who is offended by lockerroom talk....and I LIKE both of them a lot. I agreed with SDS at one point that I could be a lightning rod, and I should expect it. But the same people with the same insults or false accusations over the years...the accusations that I am being negative for the sake of being negative.....and the group mentality that made it acceptable, being led by the moderators.... I was an ahole for saying: The Sabres had no shot in 06-07 unless they traded for some grit Golisano and Quinn were only in it to make money The team was going to be sold after Quinn took a part of the team so his future earnings and bonus could be earned at 15% taxes Darcy was a yes-man weasel and the team would never win with him and Lindy at the helm The team was soft and had almost zero heart So as all those things came to finally be accepted as truth by the mob, big infrastructure things.....not, will so and so have 20 goals?........maybe a handfull of people, much like when I suggested Bylsma was the better coach and I was an ahole to say Babcock was probably all about the cash and Canada if he left and I couldn't see him in Buffalo...actually said I'm sorry, or nice job. I know I've gotten thousands of "You're negative for the sake of being negative", "Looking for things to complain about", "Attention", yadda yadda. This team has been on pretty much a straightline dive from 10,000 feet, to into the ocean the past 8 years.....yet the same insults would get hurled. When you are actually trying to do positive work and think things through, yet if it isn't "Hooray Pommers!!!!"....get ready for the monkey crap and bottles. I just get a little pissed it still goes on.
  3. Thank you....I figured it was fairly obvious when I started the suggestion by saying I am a big Hanifin fan, and the trade was with Phoenix. Too bad the moderators always think they know when I am speaking in riddles. I don't see much in speaking in riddles, I assume the critical thinkers here will understand outright or think it through, and those just out to throw monkey crap at me have a less obvious target. And I am not trying to be a pain to guys like you and K-9. I'm always appreciative even if we go 50/50 at times.
  4. I swear...sometimes I think a few here act like a gorilla when the zookeeper who used to beat them walks by. Please stop the Twitter/Texting/CandyCrush ADHD........slow down your minds and your eyes for just a few moments......and read what I actually say. I'm coming to the conclusion that this is the problem. I envision about a dozen or so here acting like Rosce P. Coltrane when the Duke Boys get away, every time they read something I post. There are only a handful of posters here I consider slimeballs. Why does me thinking a trade would be good means I doubt a current player? I said multiple times Risto really grew the last 20 games of the season. I've said multiple times that Eichel is the type of center I have been begging for for years. Frankly....I'm getting tired of people projecting things onto me that they are actually doing themselves. Slow down people......we're all going to be dead soon enough.
  5. That wasn't my original point though. I felt that Murray was being a dipsh!t by pumping Eichel's tires to make up for his snide remarks at the lottery. If you truly believe he has a right to be the #1 pick...then why the hell aren't you interviewing McDavid? It has to be because you know McDavid is so much better. Everyone told me I'm FOS....so....then if Murray truly believes Eichel could be #1, and he didn't cover his bases......then why are reports of 10 teams from Murray himself on top of others...interviewing Eichel, and nothing on McDavid? It's almost 3 strikes on Murray.......He almost cries at the lottery, his actions are contradictory from what he says about Eichel but does otherwise, and now 1/3 of the league according to him is interviewing Eichel. It's one of two things.....1) As much as I like Murray's vision of a team, he is more of a snake than i thought, but without the training how to do it....or 2) All is fair in love and war and he is totally setting this pick up to be shopped hard.
  6. What do you think of his dad? Not that I expect you to watch anything, but I watched a few interviews on YT with both Eichel and McDavid in their home setting. The Eichels I can see shooting the sh!t with, and mom making a pot roast and asking me over on Sunday as a neighbor. The McDavids.....I keep thinking that the dad is going to either hand me a church envelope and some pamphlets, or ask if I need help getting my boys off the school bus if I'm not home from work yet.
  7. All I was doing was pointing out to you the types of things you were saying to me when I said the things about Girgensons at the time........in a thread about Girgensons....then put it in this thread which really had no reason to be started (not aimed at you but Garanimal Boy who felt the need to point it out first)...since this and Girgensons combine interview had been posted in 3 different threads. Then when YOU........ brought Kassian into the discussion in this thread, I felt it was only fair to show he has been a better player on 13% of the commited contract, and how easy it is to insult and pile-on a few posters with differing opinion.... I don't have a beef.....you did say Girgensons had a little something. But bragging about what you said after after trying to talk me down in the original is like screaming at the track because you had a $2 to Show Bet on Girgensons at 30-1 while before the race I show you $100 to win on him and you call me an idiot. When you collect your $14, don't get mad if I don't send you a drink with my $3100......
  8. If Buffalo stays at 2, and McDavid is #1, then yes...I'm 90% sure he'd take Eichel. I'm a Hanafin fan myself. Not to outright draft over him....but if Darcy were to want Risto back, and they sent us Hanzal and Domi..........
  9. I love Hoss's rounding skills...couple goes up to 5, and when his own GM says 10...that means 6. Again.... WHY would SO many teams interview a guy who is a lock at #2, but not a lock at #1? I think you answered it. It's not "dreams" however. The only logical reason is that the pick is getting floated.
  10. Do you think he will answer that before the draft? Here's where this entire thread has me shaking my head..... The following can't all be true..... 1) Connor McDavid is a lock for #1 2) Eichel is a lock for #2 3) Tim Murray doesn't need to interview McDavid 4) 10 teams interview the lock for the #2 pick 5) There are no reports of another team interviewing McDavid, and the team directly behind him didn't do it (I have no info of other interviews) 6) Teams want to interview Eichel for info on teammates or opponents (Erie has 3 in the top 50...1,4,46.....BU has Eichel...and McDavid has played 10x as many draftable players) 7) Teams want to interview Eichel to see if he may stay in BU, and are willing to blow 10% of the interviews on him. (Then he ain't a lock for #2...eh?) They certainly all can't be true, and it's very possible many aren't.
  11. NHL.com also has Mike Gartner as the leading goal scorer last year....
  12. And the Erie Otters don't have any other draftable prospects? "So Jack....when you allowed yourself to be openly videotaped while underage drinking....we were just wondering, who else with high character from your team was there with you?" I'm sorry for actually attempting to process this. OK...."Eichel Awesome! Man Woody!" I'm asking a 4 prong question. I think of all people you understand that there is a valid point. Again, can anyone say how many teams interviewed McDavid?
  13. But why would 1/3 of the league interview Eichel.....unless they did McDavid as well.....which makes it sort of foolish even more for Buffalo not to. Is there a list anywhere of which teams interviewed whom, or is that all on the downlow? I know the Bills announce visits. Eichel should be a 100% lock at #2 right? So why bother, like Buffalo isn't bothering with McDavid in your theory. Is #2 on the block...and BIG TIME if 1/3 the league blew 10% of their interviews on a guy certain to go #2????????????????????
  14. I could pull up the Hodgson/Kassian thread as well. It was a pile-on effort by multiple posters. Sports media were saying after the 1st few months.."I'd do the trade 100/100 times"...."If you think this was a bad deal you are a moron"...etc. The term itself is fine.....it was when it would be used, like in that thread. I even pointed out the differences between the 2 players. I don' think you ever saw me say Kassian should wear a letter, let alone a day after he was drafted. I was pointing out what a can't miss Girgensons was. Kassian was always about potential.
  15. Why did 10 teams interview Eichel, yet the Sabres, who the GM just said Eichel deserves to feel he should be the #1 pick, not interview the most logical guy on the board TO interview if Eichel goes #1?
  16. Any video online I see of the Sabres in a pre interview meeting has Mike Gilbert coaching them what to say. Is anyone else working on things with them?
  17. HOWEVER!!!!! The term "Concept of Kassian" which multiple posters were trying to drive in.....in direct response to DeLuca, myself, and a handful of other posters saying that trading Kassian, a rugged winger with 30 goal potential, for Hodgson who is just another undersized, soft, Sabre-Type (at the time) player....was a stupid move. Hodgson went hot for the few games he was here after the trade and Kassian didn't do much...so we had everyone on the bandwagon, and making fun of a few of us. We still stood strong in saying it was a poor decision....also pointing out all of hodgson's red flags at Vancouver. What happens? The Sabres after less than a half a season, sign Hodgson to a 6 year $25.5 million contract. Vancouver signs Kassian for 2 years, $3.5 million. Since Hodgson signed his contract, he has 57 points in 150 games. Kassian has 45 points in 115 games. Kassian has outscored Hodgson on a points per game basis since Hodgson signed his big contract....and at 13% the total financial commitment, and 40% the yearly one. So.....if anyone would like to admit a double F-up.......feel free. And again, this isn't, "I told you so". This is a direct response to a false claim (partial), which was levied in the midst of a pile-on of a subject.....which may also warrant an I told you so, but the personal shame the Hodgson lovers feel is obvious enough to let them hit the restart button.
  18. K-9 is cool..... I just like reading some of the "concerns" from current posters in the new poster thread, and then like to point out every now and then, things aren't in a vaccuum. I used to love doing research like I did on Bylsma, but a few years ago I decided it wasn't worth the effort. Getting a head coach is a special case.
  19. Why interview Charlie Parker?...it's not like he can tell you how to go an 128 note run of eigth notes at a 240 tempo...... And you are 1 heroin missed gig away from having the rights to him to play your club for the next 20 years.
  20. That's not how I remember it!!! Feel free to scroll down the rest of the page...... http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/21278-round-one-pick-14-girgensons/?p=398465 Start at post #115 on page 3 and read on through page 4......I guess because it's locked it sends you to the first post.
  21. According to posters here, the combine participants were at a canalside concert with 15,000 people and had each other on their shoulders. I'm sure they were all on flat padded ground, wearing ankle supported sports shoes. It's a mowed cow pasture with thousands of kids who boozed up in their cars, and the guys were probably in sandals. If you have a right to interview a guy...you should. For the Sabres not to interview McDavid is sort of goofy. Even if it is just to pick the brain of a "Once in a lifetime talent".
  22. The three are contradictory though. If he really believes Eichel deserves to feel he should be #1, then you should plan accordingly on even the 5% chance the Oilers take him and interview McDavid. If he knows he would take him at #2 and not have to interview him, then he just lied through his teeth about not being disappointed getting #2. It's no big deal...but obvious track covering and pumping Eichel's tires. I would interview McDavid just on the chance he blows a knee in a pickup basketball game, or gets arrested with a tranny hooker in Lauderdale the week of the draft.
  23. I guess the interview wasn't done by a recovering lawyer.......ooof.......
  24. I don't think anyone feels you were implying him. I just find X. to be the most versed in actual hockey technicals. If new posters want a guide....the Godfathers of this board are, X. Benedict for hockey systems and breakdown......Taro T. for a mix of hockey knowledge and real life experience.....and PA Sabrefan for combining knowledge with keen observation and humor. There are dozens who come close, but these are the ones who are to always take into account. I think this thread is working. There are more users than guests online now, and the past 2 days the ratio is close. Usually guests outnumber users around 2 to 2.5 to 1 on an average day. (If you think that I am stating this as a fact to be believed, check your administrative software). You also tried to circumvent the profanity filter with your location.....
  25. Is X. really a 23 year old living in the Dominican?
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