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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I'm sorry man...but thanks for sharing. In tribute, I propose you and Jo do likewise for Halloween.
  2. I once blasted my trumpet in the phone in a similar scenario. I just don't pick up the phone now except for known entities.
  3. I'm in awe. Sure, she hits clunkers here and there, and isn't Oscar Peterson, but I have no idea how a teenage girl who can't see is able to play with such emotion. If you watch some of her jazz gigs, she gets so giddy when she rips off solos that she has a physical reaction. What a treat. I don't get captured by many things, but this is something special. A filmmaker is going to make a documentary with her....the family had previous opportunities, but now feel it is right. Glad you guys like it. What an angel.
  4. Is his finishing move the McDDT? Keep the cool side cool.....
  5. I'm amazed she isn't a household name. She plays jazz flute as well. ELP's music is difficult for masters to play, let alone a teenage girl blind from birth. There is a great vid of her playing the national anthem in the style of different composers as someone rattles off names to her. I was so freaked at first that I thought this could be fake. Keith Emerson was so blown away, he sent her his modulator for the Moog so she could get the exact sounds. Like NS said, nothing short of a gift from God.
  6. I hold ELP to be one of the most amazing examples of music around. This is one of their finest examples. Now.....the girl playing this is BLIND. I have NEVER heard such a heartfelt example of their music, and I must say, after spending 40 minutes watching the rest of her music and Emerson, Lake + Palmer tributes..while bawling like a little girl...Ms. Rachel Flowers is beyond awesome.
  7. If you like hot peppers, jalapenos are probably the easiest thing in the world to grow.....and they are friggin hot...and the varmint won't eat them. Too much wildlife in my hood for a nice garden. The neighbor is a huge green thumb and between the groundhogs, rabbits, skunks and foxes, I'm afraid she is going to set off a dirty bomb one day. I think tomatoes and cukes are pretty easy though under normal circumstances.
  8. St Louis -400 Buffalo +330 Who wants to get healthy?????....................
  9. Actually....something tells me a fair share of Sabres have taken part in a$$ tearing over the past decade.....
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGPD0ZBiMs0
  11. Say Edmonton is at 3 and Buffalo 1. If they want the Dman, maybe you do something like #1, a 2nd, and Foligno for #3, Gagner, and their 2016 1st.....
  12. I just assumed it was a pregame video from your description....then envisioned the anticlimactic charge onto the ice in the Turdburgers....
  13. Must have gotten goosebumps seeing Jamie McBain lead the charge out of the tunnel in the Turdburger...... :) (just doin my part.....)
  14. Sounds like he is in love with Bennett. Maybe he can trade down to 3 or 4 and pick up a middling top 6 forward and a future 1st?
  15. Perfect response for this thread......
  16. In all honesty, with all the Jim Kelly rumors over the years, I could actually see Trump as one of the money guys behind a group. Cuomo has opened up casino gaming in NY and knows how much the Bills mean to the community. Maybe cut the Donald in on some of the NY gaming market, in return he puts up a hunk to keep the Bills here. I'm not sure what his worth is and he probably can't be the lead, but you find $100 million here and $100 million there, then get one guy in at $400....and it can happen.
  17. Note to self....The "will you help me find my puppy" with a van full of balloons trick will not work on Chz.....
  18. Why Meeeeeee???......Why Meeeeee????...... Anyhow, in a rare case, I wouldn't care if Corner did work for the Sabres because he has done so much work over the years and is an amazing information gatherer. He never seems to try and mold a discussion to a certain direction or constantly try to dismiss or belittle critics of the team. The Sabres SHOULD, hire him. In fair disclosure, I have worked for the Bisons. It's amazing how much fun you can have with a pair of handcuffs and a cotton candy machine once everyone else leaves....
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