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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I've eaten ostrich which is delicious actually....but never a llama. I'm not necessarily against namby pamby....it's "trendy" namby pamby. Why am I going to pay $5 a pound for a second class grain that needs to be washed when I can pay $5 for a pound of shrimp or a dozen cherrystones?
  2. We had a little discussion the other day about this.....one of the easiest ways to get on my A-hole list is to be a "friend" who says..."I have a pair of seats for the Sabres game Saturday.....$120 face value but I will let you have them for $100." Meanwhile...they paid $55 for the pair and the team is a piece of garbage where they should be happy getting $40. You need a car? Here's my 2005 Sentra.....the sticker price was $19,500....but I'll let you have it for $14,000..... Go eat an exhaust pipe.....
  3. I am convinced that Evans will be a mediocre #2 guy who is a 1 trick pony. His size can surely help in the red zone, but the guy is unbalanced, can't run a route tree, and lackadaisical. Someone broke down the routes run on catches for the top 5 projected receivers...and Evans had over 40% of his grabs on comeback routes. Why is that? Because he had the most dynamic scrambling QB in football who could keep plays alive forever, and he could use his body to shield. In the NFL...you don't have that luxury. 3 step, 5 step, release. A smart D will make sure he doesn't burn you deep, and guys will be sitting on that comeback. It will be Pick6 City. The comparisons to Vincent Jackson are way off. Jackson was so much more versatile and polished coming out of college. Can he still catch 40-50 balls a year for 700 yards and 7 TD's?....sure. But I don't want to be the team that burns a top 10 pick hoping he is more. This Bruce Ellington kid out of South Carolina is who has me giddy. He played basketball as well so didn't focus all his effort at WR. He is balanced and polished though considering, and just goes and grabs the ball wherever it is and does so with confidence. He isn't big, but he can do everything and could be amazing in the slot when 3-4 wide. I don't see much buzz....but a smart team makes sure he is gone by early 3rd at the latest. I can see why teams like Beckham out of LSU, but it seems a little crazy talking about him in the top 10-15. Donald seems to be getting love. A month ago when I was going through projections....he was going between 12-20 for the most part. He's sneaking into a lot of top 10's now. Dix would be a good replacement for Byrd. I've been watching interviews with a lot of the guys in NYC, and he impressed me. I still think the smart play is to drop to 12-18 and grab one of 5 or 6 closely rated guys who could all help. My last minute draft day shocker would be Oakland screwing the whole thing up and taking Taylor Lewan at 5. If it goes Clowney/Robinson/Manziel/Watkins...you could have Mack and Matthews at 6 where Atlanta really needs a tackle. Could Mack fall to 7?
  4. "And Mommy said, "It's OK to....it's been 20 days since I had my visitor".....but Daddy wanted to be safe just in case, so he used the mean time it took him to make his happy face and would abandon ship at 2 minutes 17 seconds. But Daddy didn't realize Mommy was going to do that thing where she pretends she is about to fall off of her bike seat and has her arms full of Fabroge eggs.....so Daddy's mean time took a hit that day.....and Mommy failed to inform Daddy that by visitor, she meant your Grandmother....it was actually day 13 of 28......and here you are......so you see....math ruins lives......"
  5. WTF is going on around here??? Quinoa and Calculus?? This alone proves that Pegula has been a crappy owner......
  6. Whole lotta eatin'........
  7. I've never experienced a brownout....but when I do, I hope it involves original Chz.......
  8. I have a list here of my top 19 players....by 25, probably 12-15 will be gone....at 40 I bet 1 will be there..... That's how the Patriots draft strategy is relevant. There are always a good amount of yahoos that will help your cause. As long as the Bills aren't a yahoo..I'm all good.
  9. I trust you on this information...................
  10. This is not a shocking development. I just wish he would have done it to Darcy a few years ago like he wanted to....
  11. I like conspiracy theories!!! Especially when I figure out what's what......I just usually don't give a poop if someone is making a private buck off of it. I do when they fleece the public, or cover for the taking of innocence.
  12. Or driving On a Cliff.....
  13. I'd love to run for office....I've been encouraged to go for political positions....I have the same skeleton count as a combination of Cheektowaga lawns on Halloween and Idi Amin's recycling bin.... I don't have $4 billion to make it all go away. Honesty + Competence + Not Wealthy = Not gonna happen...
  14. I'm going to fry 4 pounds of bacon in pure lard, then wrap it around 2 giant veal breasts....make French toast out of 2 loaves of sourdough with a dozen super jumbo double yoke eggs....then take said toast and mix it with a pound of deep fried provolone cheese....stuff the veal breasts....and eat it all in one sitting just so I can get the taste of this filthy, PETA loving thread....out of my mouth.....
  15. If you want a debate for the sake of debate...at least start a thread about hot chicks.... And how do you draft elite talent when your average pick the past decade is something like 25????????????
  16. Robinson is the only guy I would be happy about trading up for. I could live with Mack or Watkins but don't think it's worth it. Clowney is interesting. I would think in a year with only 6 picks, you'd try to add picks. That's one of the reasons the Pats are good year after year....they collect ammo and let quality players come to them...then have the ammo to jump up when it is cheaper to grab a guy they really want. If Whaley wants to be aggressive, I would rather he trade next year's 1st for another 1st this year in the 13-20 range if you could get a team to bite. Then I'd trade down to 13-15....then try and package your 2nd and what you got extra for moving down, and get a 3rd pick in the first in that same range. I draft Shazier/Pryor/Verrett......and all of a sudden you have a top 5 defense from day 1 of training camp. All this talk of getting EJ tools....how about getting him a defense that shaves off 7 points a game EJ needs to score and who gives him the ball an extra 15 times off turnovers and 5 yards further up the field on average to start drives? The only 2 guys in the 9 range that would make me put a gun to my head would be Evans for certain, and Barr. I could live with Ebron and understand it even though I wouldn't like it. I pray Evans isn't on their radar.
  17. Nigeria is one of the craziest places on the planet. I used to invest in a solid NYSE company that had oil and gas operations there. Every now and then they would have to write off property because some rebel clan came in and blew s#!t up.....
  18. I'm convinced I could improve the Rangers powerplay.....
  19. I'm only 11 career NHL goals behind all of them combined......I'm F'n AWESOME!!!
  20. That's cool then.
  21. What was the rebate last year?
  22. Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd....Donald is suddenly on the radar at #9 with Dareus making a late night Checkers run for a dozen double deckers and 3 lbs. of fried taters.....
  23. And millions in tax subsidies while season ticket prices increase once again for one of the worst teams in the modern era.....
  24. Good to know....I'm goin back in.......
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