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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I "wonder" who his source was......pffffffffffffff..... Well here it is. Straight out of the Larry Quinn 1970's playbook. For those of you that aren't familiar with the history of the city, Quinny was the right hand man for the mayor back then. You wonder why the waterfront has never been efficiently used? The Hyatt and convention center were going to be put there...until....Quinn convinced them to build it in crapola land. Just happened that a few buds owned the run down properties and not only got bought out with community funds, but there was a huge construction project to be done with taxpayer dollars.......sounding familiar? So a guy who wouldn't use his checkbook on a $60 million sports investment will suddenly have a change of heart and plug in an extra billion or so? 1) Land and facility that has been abandoned for decades and makes no sense compared to a half dozen other ideal places.....check 2) In the construction and development business where money can be made on sale, teardown, and buildup......check 3) Public funds to be used to build a $600 million..."I mean...$800 million stadium...yeah...that's the ticket...it cost $800 million"......check 4) Quinny back in the public face after his usual 3-10 year disappearance after his previous "questionable" failures....check 5) A group promising to keep the team in Buffalo, while in reality they stand to MAKE money on building the stadium with enough public funding, with a history of an owner not willing to write checks as he waits for his investment to peak, then a decade down the road sell the team for twice the price......that's for you to decide
  2. I'd check out the sled hockey....they beat the tar out of each other...old time hockey. Does downtown and the HC hotel in particular have the infrastructure to host a few hundred disabled athletes? I'm sure they make due, but it would be nice for them not be bussing all around town. What does a Marriott have...8 accessible rooms and 2 elevators?
  3. Anyhow.....Blue Horseshoe likes Bethlehem Steel. They make the runners for those sledge thingies, right? (sees on Twitter and pulls a Chz)
  4. Not only that...the town has the infrastructure and is built for training. What would you rather do as a 17 year old....jog down Perry St, or wake up in a picturesque mountain with the red sun and dew glistening to take a 10 mile bike ride through the hills?
  5. It made sense to me....and I agree. Nope....I'll be on the staff. Ted owes me one.......
  6. I know in Florida your family could make the call and have you in the institution for 48 or 72 hours.
  7. Hitchcok is a huge analytics guy. Not a surprise he brought him in, even without Miller.
  8. When the Bills are good.... Game/Tailgating 70/30 When bad...30/70 I have planned on walking into late season games over the past few years and just stayed back and ate/drank/talked with friends. I suggest finding private lots if you want to beat traffic and avoid hooligans. I park at a friend's house, and every game is buddies just sharing food/booze. A regular 15 or so outside cars park there every game and it becomes a pot luck. If you are a stranger, you are always welcome to a beer or to go inside the house to use an actual bathroom. It is sad in a way that Sunday becomes a dedicated ritual, but in the same sense...it is the gospel in action. I understand not wanting to bring kids to the big lots or random seats, but one of the perks of being a season ticket holder is scouting out specific sections and rows where things are responsible. The crew around me is as good as it gets and anyone looking for trouble gets put in their place. If you just go to 1 game a year and sit upper deck on the 10 yard line or lower end zone....yeah....not the most pleasant atmosphere. I couldn't care less about a Sabres game when they are bad. No tailgating....people bitch about driving to Orchard Park....how about driving into downtown when parking is filled with monthlies unless you arrive an hour or less before the game? The few bars in walking distance are overcrowded and the arena itself has the buzz of a dead junebug. When they are good and the weather is ok, then you can make your own fun. Also, I believe the average season ticket price and cheapest seat is the same for the Bills as the Sabres. You only need to commit to 8 instead of 42 however.
  9. What have we learned so far? When you go for a woman on looks....prepare to eventually be disappointed. Van Miller has a propensity to personally contact and entertain teenage males. Maybe we haven't learned anything.......
  10. Wow...some good mix here....ok... 1) I once ate 7 chicken wings marinated in a half bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce for monetary compensation. 2) I pulled the hands of a Hall of Fame trainer off of the throat of an 18 year old security guard in the tunnel of the Kentucky Derby when the kid tried stopping him from getting to the track to get his horse that just ran in the Kentucky Derby because he left his lanyard with his coat. Thankfully no cameras. 3) I am in the 99.9th percentile for height and weight. I can't remember names as it is, and everyone remembers me. It can be embarrassing. 4) If an asteroid was headed here, and I could chose to live with people and no animals, or animals and no people, I'd go with the animals. 5) I was told 2 different occasions that my cancer reoccurred dramatically...once on a radiologist screwup of medical vocabulary, and once because my blood sample was switched with a different patient....on Christmas Eve. I wonder if the other person was told as well and thought it was a Christmas miracle. A week later I got retested and I was fine. 6) In a game of Marry-F-Kill....I'd marry Taylor Pyatt, F- Rob Lowe, and kill Cliff Benson 7) I've been on dates with a priest's daughter, and O.J's daughter. 8) I pee standing up, but dribble to the left 9) I have been doused with the radiation of a someone working inside a nuclear plant for 5 years from my amount of CT scans. #analytics 10) I once took a 6 hour roundtrip flight with a 45 minute turnaround time to get frequent flyer preference the next year. Same flight attendants.
  11. Me as well. The fun stuff needs to be redacted for the most part. I will fire it up after a few beers.
  12. Viddler's has all kinds of pickle stuff. Kettle chips, gum....I even bought pickle flavored breath mints....
  13. That's what some don't understand. And the citizens would know WHO did comply....and it becomes a whole lot easier to get those traitors to stand down when the 7 of 10 are home in their communities with their families and the others aren't.
  14. You were just the last comment in a string. And yeah...on the Sabres he is 1st line. It's sort of like when Lindy got here. If you didn't have the attitude and effort engrained the previous few years, that team doesn't get that far. Once it is instinct, you can loosen up the system because guys can be trusted and he added some talent. Albeit St' Louis and Nash are a step up from Sanderson and Juneau. Vancouver was searching for toughness and a hammer for years even though they had plenty of skill. Now the skill is falling off and Torts couldn't flip the switch in a season. Who knows...NY could still choke, but they look like they will be in it to the end.
  15. This talk of Callahan is very ignorant. Torts to a degree as well. Why are the Sabres such a cluster-f? Because of the long standing soft culture that was engrained. How are the Rangers winning? By having 4 lines of guys who give effort and play the body, while having a enough balance and skill. Their defense is as balanced as it gets in the combo of skill/size/physicality. Look at guys like Krieder, Boyle, and Zuccarello. They all had Callahan around from the time they came up. They net Nash and Broussard with other young forwards that came up under Callahan. You add in guys from other systems that have some character...and it's a go. The biggest difference this year compared to the past 2 is that guys aren't collapsing in front of Lundqvist and getting blown away. The defense has enough skill to transition, and the culture built over the years leaves fairly responsible forwards who don't make it easy on either side. It's like having birds ready to leave the nest. When you have a Drury, you birds just can't be flamers like Connolly, Roy, Pommers. Zuccarello is 5'7" and I swer he plays like he is 6'1" 200 lbs.
  16. Hey....we can resign Vanek, Miller, Moulson and Ott for less than what they made last year and pick up 2 1sts and 2 2nds..... :)
  17. No...the second amendment protects you from when those on the police who are on the take, start making a land grab for those in power who don't have to follow the rules....did we not learn from a few years ago? AIG?....here's a hundred billion.....Joe Smith? Give me your keys. Bank of America? Here's a 50 billion to take over Countrywide....Sally Williams? Give me your keys. You got a peek behind the curtain.....we can deny that we saw the wizard in his boxers with the Vienna Boys Choir....or we can take to heart what was 5% of what will eventually HAVE to happen at some point in the not so distant future. Those will be some interesting times.....
  18. PS...the crazy dude stabbed as many people to death as he shot.....so prepare to have your Ginzus taken away.... That's ok, don't really need a steak knife to eat tofu....HEYOOOOO! Well, when the house of cards and $100 trillion in liabilities comes crashing down, you won't be able to pay your taxes when you have no job, the taxes triple, and your savings gets devalued to 1/3 of what it was. That's why we have the 2nd.....
  19. Yep they do...but do their wives and kids have them?
  20. The community gathering is 70% of what makes the city great. I'm slowly preparing for a departure by 2020......
  21. The Sabres will draft a goalie from Finland. Either round 2 or round 7......
  22. Like Vanek.....
  23. Here's a thought.....given the litigious slant in the current NHL, do you think Clint Malarchuk would have a case against Uwe Krupp for performing a penalized act against the St. Louis forward which then caused the player's skate to slash Malarchuk's throat? Are there waivers in NHL contracts? Wasn't there a civil case in one of the McSorley/Brasheer/Cooke incidents? I'm just saying.....everyone is out for "justice"....what would stop a teammate from suing a teammate if his "reckless" act led to a serious and life-threatening injury?
  24. Kissing gets some girls pregnant...go figure?
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