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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I'd rather watch 4 OT's than bang a female Chz.......
  2. I'm just getting a little chirpy with all this talk about Penn State taking over my city. When the Sandusky and Second Mile investigation was going on, a CHARITY just happened to lose multiple years of recent financial records. Uncle Cliff Benson also just happened to be the Financial Chairman at the time....
  3. Sort of like the Second Mile lost all their financial records during the state investigation?
  4. It was karma. A BS call on Moore. The guy calls a phantom hook from 120' away.
  5. Because Obama is Sunni?
  6. I'm just saying....potential deciding game for the Stanley Cup on the supposed best fan board in town where we have multiple threads circlej##king about how much better fans we are than the rest of the world....this game has been non-stop action on a dreary night where 93% don't have to work tomorrow..... Pffftttttt.......
  7. Yeah....according to a few, they're in the 3rd grade at Frank Sedita Public School and we need have everyone turn in their guns.....
  8. HOCKEY HEAVEN!!!!! 1 post? This game is awesome........
  9. That was just Terry trying to do Uncle Cliff and Tom Bradley a favor by getting him out of Dodge before the Sandusky stuff went public.
  10. I think Pegula will make a better Bills owner than Sabres. The NFL is a Navy and each team is like an aircraft carrier. There are just too many moving parts for someone to take all day and get their hands on every aspect. An NHL team is like a yacht. Very easy to take command of the wheel for someone. His wallet and loyalty will come in much more handy in the NFL. He also doesn't have the knowledge it seems that he does about hockey, so probably would sit back and relax like some of us wished with the Sabres. Two concerns. 1) Reporters are making a point saying Kim and Terry Pegula want to buy them, and Kim is taking more control. I think that is a great move on the PR front as she is pretty loose and can handle the publicity without coming across as awkward. It's also a bit of a red flag. It would be nice if the owner could take command and give a feeling of competence and confidence. Maybe he is a really smart guy and has a touch of aspergers or something. 2) This city would be putting all it's eggs in one basket. If something ever happened to Pegula, be it health, legal, interest waning......this city will be F'd beyond hope. You could lose your football team, hockey team, and have an abandoned downtown all at once. Don't take this lightly.
  11. Didn't see Iraq going down in a matter of 48 hours..... So we have a literal Islamic battle royal going on right now. The US is supporting all sects in some fashion.
  12. If he can make it through the NFL vetting process....I'd feel more confident about his long term standing.
  13. We used to have a daddy and a mommy. Daddy went to work and mommy stayed home and took care of the children which gave them comfort and security. Daddy and Mommy didn't always get along, but would stick it out for the sake of the kids. Billy used to ride his bike and put a baseball card in his spokes. Now Billy has Snapchat and Youporn. Billy used to play football outside and get manhandled by the bigger and older kids. It toughened Billy up and taught him how to persevere on his own. Billy used to have to call Sally's house and ask her parents if he can talk to her to ask her to the dance. Now he just texts "whatup?". If Sally said no, Billy would be disappointed. Now if Sally says no, Jimmy is a valid and encouraged option. When Billy was slacking off, his dad would get the belt or mom the wooden spoon. He didn't slack off for long. Now when Billy doesn't pay attention in school, Billy's mom takes him to the shrink for some Ritalin. I have an idea.....
  14. Salary dump in Ottawa..... Melnyk is liquidating his entire horse operation.
  15. People don't WANT to understand. It's a lot more comforting to assume you will retire, collect your state pension and SS, see Suzy and Billy grow up, get married, live happily ever after in the land of the free and the home of military superiority. You see how people buried their head in the sand about a hockey team for years. Now imagine when that same mechanism is applied to your financial well being and overall quality of life. Eat, Drink, and be Merry Baby!......I'm actually suggesting that, not being snide.
  16. How many of those were committed by females? I think we have an answer. Gay marriage is legal. We can clone a human in a petri dish and grow inside a woman. Abortion is legal. I say we exterminate all males currently living, and those which are developed in the petri dish and leave the world to the obviously more gentle women.
  17. Yes....for those not familiar, Pimlico is in the middle of a ghetto. The families and kids are very friendly though and will park you and bring your beverages/food/people back and forth to the track in shopping carts. We saw a fair amount of passed out lobsters heading home in shopping carts.
  18. I skipped my college graduation for my first Preakness. It was 95 degrees. The electrical system failed and it was anarchy. We went into the clubhouse which was the only place that had betting. I was double fisting beers and had my shirt open Ricky Martin/ Ron Jeremy style. You forgot May, Eleven........
  19. Uncle Vito Sez....."The Refs don't get out of MSG alive if the Kings win........"
  20. If it was 1986...I'd say the Mayo Clinic.....
  21. Did he borrow that from his family when he was broke? If so...yes......
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