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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. How about the Bills? "Winning is Hard" Bullsh!t Being a loser is easy.......
  2. I love how the pamphlet boasts 69% of goals are scored by 1st or 2nd rounders and 62% of games played are by 1st and 2nd rounders. Well, this season, 67% of the Sabres goals have been scored by 1st or 2nd rounders, and 60% of the players in last night's game are 1st or 2nd rounders. I guess we should be 2% away in points in the standings as well?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6MMDM5fBU0 Comes on between 18 and 19 minute mark. Pretty much an 8 minute psych session on TSC and Kittens....
  4. The conversation between Craig Ferguson and Jimmy Kimmel on Ferguson's show. It was pretty much a summing up of the past 7 years on this board. Cool dudes.
  5. #9 wasn't a yawn.....and I like it......
  6. A+ to whomever is writing Jimbo's scripts....how did Duff not ask, "Jim Harbaugh, Brian Cox, Satan.....rank'em?" He and RJ are looking good.
  7. Like I said....it's probably selfish at this point. I always loved the Bills and Sabres and as an adult, am probably 80/30% of where I was on the 2 franchises as life goes on....but it's a HUGE part of Buffalo and what brings the good people together. When the Spidey Senses....or spirit for those inclined.....leave you unsettled....it blows. I should be thrilled the Bills seem like they are here for the next X years. I guess I'm just a hypocrite. The guy who sold me my Chevy probably is married and banging the babysitter, the mechanic is on meth and hasn't paid child support in 18 months, and Billy Fuccillo....well...nevermind.
  8. I'd be happy with Larry Hagman......
  9. I've had a hard time the past few months. I love the Bills. I love Buffalo. I used to love the Sabres and sort of still do like a nephew in rehab for heroin and theft.....and I shut up. Because the city is giddy and everyone is thrilled, and yes, on a nominal course it is a great thing the sports franchises of the city seem secure. The idolization of the false messiah is really hitting me though. In the same sense, it is not right to bare false witness. It becomes an internal struggle when 95% can't or don't understand what goes on. I have to use what I am confident in to 95% and it isn't a fun feeling. PA once said "if only you could use your powers for good". Well, people want to feel good. Sometimes what is just and good doesn't always feel good. I am welcome to a ban, as I will never promise to shut up about what I feel is right. A .38 slug may shut me up, or the will of a higher up. Yes, your post was "lighthearted", but based in truth. You know deep down you can identify a trend. That's what you were implying. That's all I am doing as well.... You are a smart person with connections and the ability to process information. If I gave you $200 per billable hour and you spent the time, I am sure you would understand. You may not like it, but you would understand.....
  10. There's a difference between being directly involved in the act, and knowing the act went on and trying to keep a reputation on the up and up. So...how many of the responders had to google it? How many spent more than 7 seconds on it?
  11. I've got a sawbuck that says he has The Franklin Files sitting on his bookshelf......
  12. Because he will be 43 when the ship turns......
  13. Oh...don't be a party pooper. There WAS 1 trip to the finals in the 30 someodd years those 3 played combined here......so if the Sabres draft McDavid, you'll at least see a trip to the Cup by 2031.......
  14. Hahaha!!! I'll save the drunk step-dad and bath time metaphors for now.....
  15. So....how much scratch you makin that you get excited over a ticket writeoff?...... Is Chz rollin' in it, so to speak?
  16. Schopp pays $200 a game give or take for his 2 tickets. $2,000 a year for 10 games. 6 home playoff games since 2007. In these 8 years he's paid out $15,000 in cash, just on tickets, to see 1/4 of a season each year, and a total of 1.5 playoff games. If the Sabres have the #1 pick, you can get in to see Connor McDavid for $30 against Phoenix on a Tuesday next year.....and you STILL won't have a playoff game on the horizon. Anything to cope......
  17. Not the last 2....I think that was their point..... Anyhow, it was 99% about the Sabres having no clue.
  18. MSNBC made fun of it because it was commercial.......I figured it was fair game.....
  19. This ship is running more loose than a Virgin Atlantic......
  20. Dude...he had a pro-level rush and a nice shot on net 12 minutes ago.......
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