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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I'm going with... "The Gibby" .......
  2. I know. Maybe the only other interesting thing is what we can eventually get for Stewart. Will it be a 1st from a panic team? A 2nd in a deep draft this year? Another Fasching or Bailey we need to wait 5 years on? Unless we get a freak blockbuster dealing guys we probably actually care about, it's pretty much wake us up in June.
  3. Thank you. That's all i saw was his title. I'm really not too worried about where Myers ends up. This is the only actual hockey discussion going on that is relevant though! Sad.... Board consensus......Stafford go, Hodgson worthless, Gionta underwhelming, Ennis works hard, Moulson streaky, Gorges good effort, Risto/Zadorov/Girgs hooray, Goalies ok but need better longterm. Other than maybe the expectations of Grigs and Samuel, Myers is really the only debate worth while right now.
  4. Oh Jesus....the wives coordinated red and blue dresses...... Actually.....works for me.....Aud?
  5. A dozen oysters, 2 lobster, and a 75MPH Nor'easter.......
  6. Maybe Pegula Entertainment Corp. has diverted more of it's entertainment and planning resources to the real estate development side and the $1.4 billion team instead of the $180 million team? The Sabres can pretty much run on auto-pilot. They successfully got a good portion of the fanbase to actually crave losing, let alone accept it. The building is the same, the vendors the same, the marketing and PR guys the same as always.....it's running like a finely tuned 2008 Toyota Corolla. There's plenty of miles left on that thing.
  7. Actually, he just said he prefers puck moving defensemen. He did say he prefers bigger forwards. And he did say that Myers could be a very good defensemen with the right people around him. I charge for lectures......this one is pro bono Has he said he was moving anyone but an UFA or a bum who he ended up buying out?
  8. Very true. i have not said once that Myers is untradeable.......I just am dumbfounded by what people think you could get in return. Along with that, Murray was ready to ship him from almost day 1. If Myers was a TE, he'd be Scott Chandler.......
  9. That's funny..... Thanks for explaining. I know regular +/- but thought Relative might be more fancy-dancy Good one..... All I know is that Mike Weber has as many goals in the past 40 minutes as Myers has since last March.......
  10. Myers is like a 1983 Cessna that's been mothballed in the hangar. It has value.....but Murray and Nolan's job is to clean it up and get it running as fast and cheaply as possible, then ditch it to someone......
  11. Thanks. So say Myers is tired, or in bad position, and takes 25 penalties, of which the opposition scores 7 goals while he is in the box. Which seemed to happen failrly regularly early in the year.... Not just a point against Myers, but if this is a stat that is used, it's a little flawed.
  12. Hey...he got out and did what he figured he could do with a team all-in. I thought he did a nice job. He thanked the Knox Family....enough said. If anyone saw the intermission, he was really touched by Buffalo cheering for him and Schmelik and welcoming them back from the olympics. He actually had an emotional flux in voice, "I mean, we played for a different country!" It was nice to see his genuine gratitude.
  13. So Larkin for Myers from Detroit? Yes...I would do it and be happy..... And on the relative +/- you quoted....I'm not familiar...does it factor in goals against while the player is in the box for taking a penalty?
  14. TRADE PRICE!!!!!! Sweet Jesus......help me......
  15. I'm sorry for the NS comment at you. You just happened to be the 4th in a line of 4 straight posts that didn't get the point a year ago Myers was being talked about as a buyout, and now everyone wants Marilyn Monroe's bronzed lady parts in return for him.....
  16. Does this +/- stat account for the times Myers took the actual penalty and was in the box for a goal against? Also....I am not saying he is terrible. I'm saying, expect strip steak prices for strip steak....not filet mignon prices......
  17. I wasn't snarking you.....I said as I posted it that it was from a year ago....just the fact Leino and Ehrhoff are mentioned should have done it. I have a homework assignment for Myers supporters. Find me "#2/#3" defensemen out there that you compare him to, their contracts, and what you would be willing to give up for them. If you say Myers is worth a 1st round pick and a prospect....OK......tell me who Myers' peers are, and if you would give them a #1 + Reinhart....
  18. I don't read it. Who is the person there if I missed? His title is Senior Writer and Editor. That's all I know. And the 2010-2012 Chz and I could turn our sexual tension into a lifetime of soul mate bliss....... Sometimes things change.....and you need to revalue what you see.....not what you remember.......
  19. Good stuff! OJ and Dom. If you could have one guy in their prime on your team, from every Buffalo sports season....those are the two for sure. Off the field/ice they are just as interesting.
  20. Ehrhoff was a #2/3 Dman with 2x the point output, making $4 million a year...... I'm just trying to comprehend the way people cling to and elevate Myers. Maybe I should just accept it, like I accept passing by the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum in Canada, while hundreds a day pay $20 to go in. Hey....they're probably tourists...why not?
  21. Please find me another "#1 defenseman" in the league who has 1 goal, single digit points, and plays 25 minutes+ per game. If Myers played like Scott Stevens, I could understand. He plays like Shadow Stevens........ (look it up, millenials).....
  22. Okey Dokie...... Alex....I'll take Irony for $500......
  23. I was looking for Murray's quotes about how Myers needs to be surrounded by good players to make him good. He said it point blank. I'm not doing more than 30 seconds of research on this POS team anymore. Let God sort'em out.... No SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I'm not saying he should be bought out. I'm saying that everyone with a 1 goal, 25+ minute defenseman's Shaft in their mouth, waiting for Mike Bossy and 2 1st round picks in return for this guy only need to look back a year as to what people were saying before Ted Nolan got here.
  24. The buyout piece was written A YEAR AGO!!! He called Ehrhoff as a buyout.......Leino was a no brainer, but I'm sure January last year a lot of people would laugh at Ehrhoff getting bought out. That's the point.... Everyone is treating Myers as some Santa Claus, mythical figure, when in reality he has been dogsh!t most of his career with a flash here and there. You either pray to get a decent player and a 2nd for him....or you are going to ride this Enron of a player down to zero.....
  25. Murray said in his first few months on the job that Myers has the potential to be a really good player if you surround him with the right people. It was talked about in depth on GR how a really good player makes those around him better, you don't expect him to need to hold someone else's hand. What have we seen the past few years? "Tallinder might get him going!" "Gorges will be good for him!" People keep hanging on to some crazy hope.....meanwhile, the guy has 1 goal this season and is averaging 25+ minutes. Here is an article from the top writer at The Hockey News suggesting that Myers should be thought of a buyout candidate in the offseason, written less than a year ago........ http://www.thehockeynews.com/blog/murray-needs-to-boldy-tear-down-sabres-to-build-them-up/
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