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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Sorry man..... If people were 20% as good as animals, I would be tapdancing sunshine everyday.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RarnJ0wAiUc
  3. Dr. V George Nagobads ????? Sounds like Darcy's alter-ego he uses in the bedroom. And when making imaginary free agent signings.
  4. Yep.... You're a Sabres Fan!
  5. On a serious note....yeah...happy tax day. From January to April is just 1 form after another and 1 check after another. I get to pay my own payroll taxes....then get charged by the state for an annual report that is joke (name, address, give us your cash). I bet the liquor stores do good business this week.
  6. What's her name...and how much $$ ?
  7. I hate it when Fr. Shanahan tells me he's only checking me for a hernia.
  8. I hate that I can't get a lapdance at the Sundowner for $12.47 American anymore
  9. You know what I hate?.........when it's 2am and you're flipping around the tv.....and nothing's on....but as you're going through 5 channels a second you flash by an unmistakable glistening bare midriff of a lass in her early 20's on some overpriced, underengineered piece of exercise paraphanalia......and you pause 3 channels after the fact...think about it for a few seconds....then head back down to that channel with the fair damsel..........and she's there, doing her thing.....with her toned abs...perfect hair....bossoms ever so slightly protruding from her 1 size too small top.......and you're intrigued....your mouth gapes open just a tad....you start thinking impure thoughts....glancing to your left and right to make sure the mrs. hasn't suddenly awakened and can catch you by surprise.....and you focus back on the tangy vixen....here we go....oh yeah....we're gonna do this...right now.....that's it...swing those hips...keep bent over...wouldn't want you to hurt your back now.....there you go....there you go......................and then BAM!!!!! 250lb. Black guy comes on the screen and starts smiling at you. That's what I hate.
  10. Don't worry.....with a reasonable co-pay, Viagra only runs you about $20 a month.
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