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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I will admit I used to get a kick out of Ivan Putski when he did that thing and shimmied the muscles in his boobies....... The reason I wrote a spoof headline is because Mike Harrington wrote the headline, "Sabres Hot to Grab Babcock" in the Buffalo News. Wawrow is the the writer for the AP and the only local writer to have access to the Sabres front office for interviews the past decade. I think you saw what he did here. Hey.....if a fellow poster here isn't too excited by my posts....that's cool. But you have to admit that is some pretty strange stuff. He isn't even upset that I have hinted he's been on the take all these years, he's more upset that I think he doesn't have solid sources. I dunno. Hamilton is by far the best hockey mind on GR. I like Paul a lot. He was probably the first local guy to openly question the motives of the previous ownership and management group. He played the game at a high level and is entertaining. The joke was....we all saw the Wawrow meltdown.....now Harrington puts his Twitter submission in for the NY Post headline of the week to win a retweet....what's next? Paul Hamilton calling in his GR spot from the Sundowner?
  2. Even though he was a weasel, to this day even I didn't think Darcy as a person was rubbery enough to slink out of town without a single mention of appreciation to the city or fans. Not one mention....no comment to the press, no $30 ad in the Buffalo News.......I mean, the guy made probably close to $20 million over the years off of the people of Buffalo.
  3. All the articles from the pizza place are no longer available. To Lindy's credit and a bunch of posters....they said send it to charity. But yeah, both cases are a bit over the top.
  4. For an aspiring sports media member yourself....you have poor reading comprehension. Maybe you should think about developing..........A Gimmick?
  5. Ummmm........yeah....... http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/10620-lets-pay-lindys-fine/
  6. In a span of 24 hours.... we have the Top 2 hockey writers in Buffalo, 1) Coming onto a message board in a drunken high from the fact Terry Pegula recognized him and gave him the quote, "Hello", the only quote in an article that he "scooped", after some poor kid put it out on Twitter in poor judgement, to troll a fan who has never made a cent off the Sabres organization, save selling my tickets in 2007. and.. 2) Leading the sports page with the headline...."Sabres Hot to Grab Babcock". I'm just waiting on Paul Hamilton to call in his live spot from the Sundowner to complete the trifecta. Maybe we should focus a little more on who makes money off of the fans on this team and website, and not as MattPie says....someone with a sandwich board. I also suddenly feel bad for the young chaps in Nova Scotia who failed to do their homework, and the teacher had yet to ask to collect it at 2:58 PM..........
  7. I'm restraining myself from going all Hannibal Lechter in the prison cell on that Chz picture.....
  8. That's cool. I don't know if anything exists out there for such a large group. The idea to do a big draft like this is fun in general, but in the end of the day it's just all us going, "yeah...I like my team". You could probably actually make money off of something like this. The way those FanDuel sites seem to be working, I can see a market for an online sim site. You might have to change the name of the teams to the Buffalo Ginzus and Edmonton Petrol.....Connher McDavis could be the first pick........ Even if someone wanted to play and not put up the cash, they could play for pride. It's a discussion for a future day. All I know is I like to try and cash in on my bad decisions! Just ask Freeman.
  9. This isn't my rodeo, but one of the things that would have made me want to partake is if it was possible to put rosters into a simulator, and everyone throw in $20 to a Paypal address then run a 10 year simulation. I am not a video game guy, but is it possible to have GM mode for multiple people on EA Sports or something else? Have a live draft in an agreed time in the chat room. Should last 3 hours or so. Give the guy putting the rosters in and running the simulation $50-100...something like that. Each sim year, Cup winner gets $40, Cup loser $10. If you want to do the sim over time to stretch out the drama....that would be cool. Like i said, not my rodeo, but if anything like that is possible, sounds fun.
  10. Brady getting traded given the Pats history and the fact they are out a 1st......if the kid goes 3-1 or better......30-40% To the Bills? I think the team would have to have a great defense showing and be 9-7 or so again with crappy QB play. They would be under the gun. I would say that there is a better chance Brady is the Bills QB by next May 12th than there is the Sabres still playing hockey.
  11. It seems like half this board is "not sure" about a lot of things.
  12. I want hard-hitting quotes before I get excited. It could have just gone to voicemail. Thank you for the link though. It really is a defining week for the stellar Buffalo sports print media. Did you see the headline from Harrington? "Sabres Hot to Grab Babcock" Maybe next week we will see, "Richardson Seen as Young, Backdoor Candidate for Sabres Brass"
  13. This could very well be Bledsoe part II. Garapalo has 4 games to show his stuff. Say the Pats go 3-1 or 4-0......I would assume Brady keeps his job for this year....but the Pats are suddenly out a 1st and a 4th. If Billy thinks Rex is all hat and no cattle on offense, why not send an old man to a QB desperate team like Buffalo who you get to play twice a year and know inside and out, and who is only worth an extra win over the kid for a year or two? It's all contingent on how the kid plays.....but a realistic scenario. New England would be -4 1/2 with Brady if I had to guess, and will probably be -2 unless they lose to Pittsburgh and the Bills beat Indy. That's the only way Bills are favorite.
  14. I won't believe it until I see direct quote from one of the participants that is published. Now if Custance said, McLellan answered the phone call, "Hello"......well, then that's gold.
  15. Worthless POND scum......it's pond. Then again our waters are filled with decades of waste from steel plants...and then there's Love Canal. (Insert choice of Tuba or Slide Whistle sound effect here.......)
  16. Seriously.....the whole concept was to Tank a musical and make extra money. Make it so horrible that no logical person would pay money to see it......but they did. Oooh.....maybe I'll work on the soundtrack later.....
  17. Considering we just watched 2 seasons of The Producers on ice.....I think we could do a parody. I'm only 90% joking.
  18. ANTI-SEMITE!!!
  19. I'm not talking the Romanian at $20 a song here......that's my experience.......Olga seems like the goods. She's a tough combo. I'd say.....70% kiss the top of her hand when you meet her, but it has to be the perfect balance of delicate and strength......and 30%, I want to sit on the couch all weekend in sweatpants and no makeup. I think she's too classy, smart and balanced for the average jock, but too down to earth for the investment banker with the hair gel that looks good in a tux, but is probably going to come out of the closet at some point. He's young....he's a baby.....there's more body hair on an artichoke......that's all I'm saying.
  20. Seriously....it's a reality check. That had to be taken the past few weeks, right? 2 years of suffering......holy cow. I'm cool with Olga. She's gorgeous and a nice girl....but those old eastern block classy dames can be a handful.
  21. How awesome would it be if he just took them from last to winning the Cup in a span of 6 months, then retired? Torts is still my favorite as an overal coach....but I admit society is pulling away from his strength. I'd love to read a biography that he contributes to. I think you're lying! :P
  22. I'm seriously not trying to be a dick with this comment.......but I would be scared to turn the keys to my 2004 Chevy over at the valet station of Cheesecake Factory to that person, let alone the keys to a $200 million company.....
  23. My biggest peeve with this whole Babcock thing is that people keep saying how elite and consistant he is. When I show how Bylsma has a better record in almost every category, especially head to head in the Stanley Cup, the excuse becomes..."Yeah.....but he had Crosby and Malkin!!!" Crosby and Malkin played in the same regular season game for Bylsma for a total of less than 3 seasons. They were also hurt or coming off injury in multiple playoff years.
  24. I consider that term to mean an idiot......which a LOT of people around here were implying about him in their giddiness to get him fired. Calm down.......take a drive to Atlanta and hit the Gold Room.....
  25. I'm not sure the dynamics, but if you go to the supermarket at see "roaster chickens", they are usually a decent amount less per pound. I don't know if you eat clams, but the same thing applies. The little neck and middleneck clams are about 60% and 40% the size of Cherrystones, but they cost more. Probably because they are a cleaner and sweeter taste.....but to me, I am all about steaming a few dozen big cherrystones and dipping them in butter. I like the bold sea taste and padded wallet. But I agree on the wings...rather have a crispy smaller wing....when you get those little crusted knobs that are on the drumstick....and a couple fall off into the tinfoil with all the leftover sauce and that vinegar residue.......those are like the fries at the bottom of the McDonald's bag.
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