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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Here's an idea....punch the guy in the face with your glove on, or at the very least facewash the bejeebus out of him, then hang on for dear life as he tries to hit you and let the refs break it up before you die. I think Sekera even took a quick glance behind him to see who could save him before he asked Lucic if he wanted to buy some Girlscout cookies.
  2. Now that's funny. I have it on VHS in the basement!
  3. I've been around, just have posted more in general discussion. My opinions on the team are well known and I said I wouldn't constantly beat my drum. I haven't until last night, and the only reason is that I think the majority would admit that last night was a monumental moment and one of the most colossal failures in team history. I hope I have cleared up the Sabres/Penn St. link for you. The bottom line is that it is a major bad event that fit in with what was a horrible week for the team. It is another distraction at the very least. I am not accusing anyone and pray to God nobody knew the extent of what was going on. Just stating why this effects the team. If Scott is uncomfortable with the information being posted and wants to remove it, I understand. I could source as well if that is what he wishes. For discussion purposes, everything has been in the media, Buffalo News, and even the bio on the Sabres website.
  4. I am not saying they are involved in the misdoings directly. I am saying, as has been reported that a current state and federal investigation is ongoing where there have been direct quotes from the governor that yes, members of the Sabres management group can be expected to be looked into what they knew and their dealings. I am not accusing anyone of any wrongdoing. I am only saying that it would be expected for anyone going through an investigation with the assumption of settlements and lawsuits involved, to keep quiet until the investigation is complete. This is all public. I understand how some people may have not seen all the facts yet, and there is plenty more to come. It is such a giant case that this will be unfolding for a while. People have been focusing on the football aspect of it. People seem to have a hard time comprehending what I write at times. I didn't want to expand on some of the facts and reports out there given the sensitive nature. This is not some goofy little land deal or tax credits. This is as dastardly as it gets, and I have said many times I just hope that as few people as possible knew what was going on with those kids. People attacked the Buffalo News for even asking for a comment from Pegula and Cliff Benson. So far, the News understands the sensitive nature of this and have been very careful in their reporting as they should be. Simply reporting the well known facts at this point can look like setting up a case. There are dozens of agents involved right now in the investigation, and you just have to let them do their job. I will summarize the facts, many which have been reported in the Buffalo News. Cliff Benson is the chief development officer of the Sabres. He also was the facilitator for Terry Pegula's $88 million gift to the Penn State athletic department. Both Benson and Pegula are PSU alumni. The president of the University at the time, Graham Spanier, has been fired. The athletic director at the time, Tim Curley, has been brought up on charges of perjury in the child rape case. Gary Schultz the former school treasurer has also been charged. Members of the football staff have been fired or put on leave. Jerry Sandusky is the coach accused of raping and molesting children. A grand jury investigation was started in 2008 on the matters. Charges were brought forth after 8 children were included in the investigation. All 8 of these children met Sandusky through his charity named The Second Mile, which was to aid and mentor disadvantaged youth. According to the grand jury report, The Second Mile was informed multiple times of inappropriate action being reported about Sandusky and young children, and they were informed of the investigation opening up in 2008. According to the grand jury, the same lawyer represented both The Second Mile, and Penn State University. Cliff Benson of the Sabres is a current active board member of Second Mile, and was once one of two Financial Chairmen serving the charity. He was a partner in a major accounting/auditing firm and is familiar with law. As a member of the board, he should have know about the allegations about Sandusky, as well as the fact a grand jury investigation was ongoing as this has been reported. He was/is an active member of the board that is involved in decision making and not honorary like certain figures such as Cal Ripken Jr. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett was the acting DA who launched the investigation at the time. His direct quote on the ongoing investigation is: "The relationships between outside charities and the university must be looked at," Corbett said when asked about The Second Mile Read more: Governor wants focus on Penn State victims - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/s_766650.html#ixzz1dekqs8kL The Department of Education is involved in the investigation and multiple states are investigating the possible transport of children over state lines for sexual purposes. There were multiple credible media reports that The Second Mile may be being looked at for other sexual misconduct besides Sandusky himself. That has not been confirmed by officials as of yet, but the story was run by many major media outlets. The DA who was looking into Sandusky earlier in the decade on child sex allegations, disappeared and is assumed dead by his family. His computer was found without a hard drive ditched in water. Moodys has put Penn State debt on negative credit watch due to the assumption there will be settlements and litigation coming, and loss of revenue from other streams for Penn State. Given the timeline, Pegula made his $88 million donation to the Penn State athletic department through the matchmaking of Cliff Benson in 2010, after everyone was well aware of the ongoing grand jury investigation, both at the school and the charity. Sandusky continued to have access to the school grounds up to last week. Pegula also made phone calls on behalf of Tom Bradley, current football head coach who replaced Joe Paterno, to other universities in regard to their coaching jobs. Bradley made a trip to Haiti along with Cliff Benson after the earthquake there. Benson was lauded for his relief efforts and in transporting stranded Haitian orphans to the US. These are all facts that have been reported. I knew nothing about Cliff Benson prior to last week, other than he was associated with Pegula and now the Sabres. I had never heard of The Second Mile charity. I have been following these developments real time, along with many other posters, and had posted with questions of my own, many which would be answered later in the week by media reports. I am not accusing anybody of any wrongdoing. I am reporting the facts. I did not even want to get in depth like this as there is too much on the line for so many people, and the poor children who are bound to multiply coming forward over time. I pray that as few people knew of the true nature of these attrocities as possible. Please understand though, that the Buffalo News has every right to ask for comment, and those asked for comment have every right to give the responses they did. I'm sorry for such a long post, but since I was questioned, I have answered.
  5. So close......so close......
  6. Take a look at the Penn St. thread. All the names involved in this are intertwined in different dealings. Pegula himself I am not that worried about, other than the fact his right hand man is in deep here. If you have followed all the info out there, it is not a good situation. Hopefully everyone knew as little about this as possible. There is a reason that nobody is commenting right now because of pending investigations and litigation. I haven't presented many facts in a detailed fashion because I am praying nobody had a clue and as Derrico said, it would not be too swift right now. Story for the ages though.
  7. I'm never pissed at the league or the refs for the most part. Much like the government, I understand when to expect dead weight and I plan accordingly to handle my own affairs. Unless someone is in conspiracy land, it all evens out over time.
  8. Of course they wouldn't. Look what happened to Kaleta when he came in on Thomas. Thomas whipsawed his legs with both pads, and another Bruin divebombed on top of him as he fell to the ice. RJ was all "horray Kaleta!" at first until the replay showed Kaleta backed off and got plastered, so RJ had to make excuses for him.
  9. Ok..that's fair. That doesn't look to be the case for many though.
  10. How about you guys design both a letter to send to the NHL on behalf of Darcy and Pegula, and a full page ad for the Buffalo News on Pegula's dime, and submit it to Ted Black's suggestion box. Here we are once again looking for a litigious daddy to bail out the failure of an orginazation when it comes to a common sense response. If Miller had a concussion, what was the medical staff doing letting him stick around without medical supervision so he could give his little Churchillian inspired speech?
  11. Ok???????????? Maybe the gang should hang outside the Ralph on Sunday and point out all the open containers to the Sheriffs Department.
  12. They said that Sully was not a hockey writer and came to the arena too infrequently to gain access. I offered to buy Sully a VIP all-access suite ticket so he could go to the lockerroom tunnel before the game.
  13. The hit was fine. Illegal...if you want to call charging, which they did, fine. Only because a guy destroyed an "elite" goaltender in open ice. Hasek tried the same thing 2 dozen times....but he was smart and would divebomb the guy's knees out. He avoids the hit, prevents a score, and almost ends a career if he connects just right. It was aimed to make guys think twice about charging full speed at a puck in his territory. Miller had maybe the toughest pound for pound guy in the league coming full speed at him with every right to the puck. Did he think he was going to stop and kiss him? At least Miller now has an excuse to give up time to Enroth. I don't blame Miller.....the team was disgusting in their response. You have a dozen national media guys making fun of how wussy this team is. This isn't Johhny Blowhard at the end of the bar, these are guys who make a living interviewing these guys. Maybe Pegula will ban all media from the arena like he did Jerry Sullivan.
  14. I'd love to include a building an ice rink quip in there....but I won't....
  15. I'm just waiting for the chicken wing, salmonella outbreak to be reported.
  16. Watch out....you're lucky the negative button isn't here or you'd end up at negative infinity like myself....
  17. I'd give Stafford, Adam, Kassian and 3 #1's for Lucic. He's a once in a decade type of talent.
  18. Maguire is the best!! He didn't play much hockey as a kid.....gets to the show....pound for pound was a great enforcer who could actually skate...then is a NHL ref who tells the union to shove it when they started to play games. One of my favorites.
  19. Ghost of Dwight Drane Second Liner Group: Members Posts: 2,605 Joined: 25-June 08 Gender:Male Warn Status Warning level: 0% Posted 01 April 2011 - 07:48 AM Darcy Regier watching Lucic play is like Liberace at a Miss Hawaiian Tropic contest. I doubt it moves for either of them. Sorry....the thread was closed so I couldn't quote it.
  20. Let's just say it would do my heart good to see being on the board of the SPCA or Wounded Veteran's on a certain bio.
  21. I've learned not to speculate specifics on a public forum. :blush: This isn't a $5 million ice rink. This is as dastardly a deed that could ever be imagined. You could war-game this in many directions. Given what has been reported and credible sources hinting at much more to come, I think the original reason behind my post as a heads up is as valid as ever. As I have said, pray that as few people as possible knew what was going on here.
  22. No, I'm saying the institution is already being torn down because of the actions of a few. It doesn't matter. The face and power structure of the university have been found to be not so swell guys, and everyone that followed their leadership will have to suffer. I'm just showing you real time, real world consequences of such dastardly behavior. Sure, it stinks for the majority of you guys, but the boulder has firmly been shoved downhill at this point.
  23. Well, Penn State has already been put on negative credit watch. They will be hit in the pocketbook by this big time. Who will want to give money when it goes right back out in the form of legal settlements? Bad credit
  24. I've come close to puking a few times. This can go in some really crazy directions right now. You just have to wait for things to get sorted out. The further you look into this, the more you want to puke. Harrington and the news staff have every right to get worked up about this at this point when you take everything into account.
  25. For anyone that has been a soldier, police officer, officer of the court, hospital worker, etc.....many of these people have seen what the average person deems as "unthinkable". With some of the reports coming out so far, and I am assuming you have not heard all the information as some reports have backed off in the past 24 hours due to lack of official comment, but we are dealing with, in my opinion, the biggest scandal in the US since Watergate. This is Catholic Church, meets big business, meets politics....all balled into one. In talking with some people who really understand the psychology behind what might be exposed here, we are all looking at each other going, "No....no...please no." As fine tooth combs make their way through by the authorities and journalists, more questions will need to be asked, and more disgust is bound to come. Some people say "play the game in order to heal." Well...we have only found out there is a cancer. Now is the time to run the tests and scans to see just how deep that cancer goes throughout the body and what organs are involved. Penn State is the lymph system. The cancer has flowed place to place through that, and they are identifying just which lymph nodes are the bad ones and need to be removed. Then the organs themselves need to be treated or removed. This isn't time to heal as the treatment hasn't even begun. There are 15 years worth of kids who haven't had a chance to heal.
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