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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
I am trying to separate them. I think Pegula has a right to be mad at Benson if Pegula wasn't told about the investigation. There is no link to Pegula and Second Mile whatsoever being reported. The board of the charity though was told by Sandusky himself about the investigation. Pegula seems loyal to a fault (i.e. Lindy), so I am sure this is a case of him supporting his school and a sport he loves even if there were risks involved if he did know. I didn't even know Benson's name for sure 2 weeks ago. The News asked him for comment and he hasn't. Pegula did put forth a press release at least. The News isn't getting a chance to ask questions though. -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
So, you start a Bills thread with a RUMOR Merriman is smuggling drugs across 2 countries, reporting it as fact, then say you would bet a large sum of money he was doing steroids, even though by stating these two things it would mean he is a felon, and would be out of a job if true? I list 20 facts about an ongoing case that have been reported by national media outlets and I am the one accusing somebody? -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
Thank you. Sometimes common sense and kindness do prevail. -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
Imply what? LOOK AT ALL THE MEDIA REPORTS!!!! This is what happens.....it's because of guys like you that 80yo grandmas get frisked at the airport because "we don't want to profile." -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
I edited the line in the other thread since it caused confusion for some, especially so early in the news cycle. And I don't believe for one second you think I am accusing anybody. We've gone through this rodeo before. People who don't appreciate my style of asking hard questions, doing research, or thinktanking an idea for discussion, would rather attempt to make me look like a fool or try and make me uncomfortable by calling me a slanderer or any other variety of disparaging remarks. There are some people that I don't expect to understand metaphors, comparisons, or analogies....and only a few people who have operated in enough situations to ask some of the questions I ask. It's your kind of PC attacks though along with others here, even if you don't believe what you are saying yourself, that are one of the reasons crap like Penn St is allowed to run wild. People are too damn scared to put their jobs in jeopardy, and people cling to sacred institutions where they are more concerned about the image of something than what is actually happening. Good news is, this story is so big now....enough people aren't afraid to get to the bottom of it. -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
You are much too intelligent to be making condescending remarks in a situation this obvious. If you were a 17 year old here, I wouldn't expect you to understand how glaringly obvious it is that questions need to, and are being asked. If you want to be smarmy and have a grudge against me, fine. Let's leave it out of children getting raped and nobody doing a G'Damn thing about case though, ok? Korab isn't my biggest fan right now either, but there is one guy on this board I wish was there early in this case because I know he would have had the stones to deal with this. -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
I hope he is. He comes across as being a good guy who isn't afraid to say what is on his mind. As more has been learned, my biggest question is.....Pegula HAD to know about the Grand Jury investigation because Benson is on the board of Second Mile. Sandusky himself told the board himself what was happening and the charity had been told at other times about further incidents. If Pegula didn't know, and Benson never told him but got him to donate $88 million to the Athletic department, earmarked for hockey, I would be royally pissed. As much as he may want to build a rink, the future of the entire athletic department is a huge ? right now. If I were a betting man, I'd say that money has a beter chance of going to settlements than getting that program rolling. This is just too big. If Pegula didn't know, how the hell is Benson still on the Sabres payroll? The News reported Pegula made calls last year to get Tom Bradley a job at Pitt or Temple. Benson and Bradley are friends and went on a relief effort together to Haiti. Bradley has worked out with Sandusky for years at the Penn St. complex....even this year as has been reported. Why...when he was next in line to an 84 year old coach, would Bradley be scrambling to get a job at a middling school when he is Penn St through and through? You would have to assume he knew the heat was on for the program. This whole story is just so loaded with connections and big money. Penn St sold Sandusky land to build Second Mile dorms, Corbett, now the Gov., was the DA and assigned only one investigator to Second Mile when at the same time the charity and some board helped him with fundraisers. Then Corbett as Gov. gives Second Mile a $3 million grant? WTF? Pegula was Corbett's biggest donor last year according to Buffalo News....but he has an out since he is such a big Gas guy there. At best the whole story is a lesson on blind loyalty and self-interest for dozens or hundreds of connected people who collectively turned a blind eye. -
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
1 more for sure, maybe 2. He's a gamer.
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
The only things that come to mind by him talking are 1) The lawyer is looking for free giant publicity. 2) Everyone thinking Sandusky was ashamed and would off himself, making this go away, has just been put on notice that he's going to trial and everone is going to have to hit the stand and be exposed. If he's going down, everyone is with him. Supposedly he hated Paterno and if Penn St ended his career, well might as well give payback. -
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
Don't worry....Miller just almost cried in the media (according to Buff news), saying that the team behaves differently behind closed doors and they only ALLOW the media to come in the room so they don't know what it's really like. Yikes....if his head wasn't already fragile enough, he is quickly getting the league wide rep of a crybaby and I can see fans and media hounding him for awhile until he starts playing well for a stretch. MIL-LER chants....buy. -
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
Going to Toronto, not London -
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
The hair was perfect! How do you think I knew it was him? -
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
I sat next to him on a 3 hour flight one day and he was a really nice guy and liked talking shop. He actually called Tampa winning the cup that year, and this was in November. He had a good feel for many of the Sabres and I was surprised at his depth of knowledge. I have been next to football refs before as well and they seem clueless in comparison. Makes me believe in the full time gig thing. -
I think a big key was having Levitre on the inside. He is fluid and a lot of the big Jackson runs came off of counters where he and Wood could move and the big WRs held blocks. Now that Wood is gone, it really stinks. I'm almost to the point where I want them to employ more power formations with the big uglys in the middle and bring in McIntire and Lee Smith as a 2nd TE. A heavy dose of the wildcat might actually be a smart move. If teams don't respect Fitzpatrick's deep ball and want to stack...ok, we can play that game and we'll fight it out in the trenches then spread and catch you off guard. Rome wasn't built in a day and the lack of depth has caught up to them. 3 of the front 4 on D are missing and because of the lack of confidence in any rush, guys like Wilson, Byrd and Scott haven't played as physical and commited to crushing guys and making plays because the QB is getting that extra second. That was the key early on as I was happy the way the D controlled the flow of the game even as they gave up yards. These guys are smart and will give it a go. I just hope Ralph lets them buy up a few guys in the offseason so we can jump forward. I can't blame them for Merriman because they took a shot on a reasonable contract in Barnett and that worked.
Now Wood is gone. Yikes. There is still a way to pull this puppy out, although even Gailey admits they are pretenders if they play the way they did. You have Miami, Denver and Tennessee at home. Miami on the road. It is not a longshot to win all those games even with their current swoon. You split at SD/NY. You go into NE at 10-5 and pray NE is 11-4, which is only 1 more loss for them as well. You win that game and Yahtzee. Looked a little more realistic 2 weeks ago, but this has been such a bipolar season for everyone.....
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
I will admit that you worded it much more civil than i have in the past. -
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
Wow! Dude....we HAVE to call up goons for the 23rd. This is how wars develop. -
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
Take it from me, Androgel works. -
All About the Miller - Lucic incident
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to thesportsbuff's topic in Archive
:D -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
I will gladly rephrase my original comment. However my original comment HAS BEEN QUOTED MULTIPLE TIMES in this thread and will still appear. I have clarified the comment in as clear of terms as I possibly can. I have said that the original point, when showing what a horrible week for the Sabres it has been, could have been worded differently as to avoid confusion. I think I have gone above and beyond clarifying my viewpoint. I am on record multiple times stating that Terry Pegula comes across as a good hearted person and is a great asset as a Sabres owner who will bring the resources that will eventually lead to the best chance as possible to win a championship. I have also stated my admiration for the hands on work he and his family have done in reaching out to the community, and in their work for charity. I have also praised coaches, GM's, and players for their work off the ice. Just because I seriously disagree with the way certain people handle their jobs, which effect me directly as a ticketholder, a fan, and a member of the community, does not mean I cannot appreciate their actions in other aspects. I understand firsthand the sensitivity of message boards. As a member of the thoroughbred industry, my barn, the people and horses involved with it, me, my friends, have been questioned. We have also been outright accused of animal cruelty or cheating, and I in person have been sworn at, told that my horse should break a leg and die, and have watched a friend be told they should have their neck broken. I understand that sensitive slope between someone making a valid point and having questions, and someone who is full of sour grapes or who has no understanding of circumstances. While I may be bold in some of my opinions and questions, I try and keep my own experiences in mind. I have even discussed my role as a fan on this very message board with some people close to me in the industry. There have been times where I have seen some very good points in discussions, and in retrospect some posters/fans turned out being correct in their opinions about racing where I may have not originally agreed. I have just never been one to avoid a tough situation. I have been quiet on the Sabres play this season for the most part as I heard feedback from posters here and agreed that it does no good to make the same point over so many times. But the other night in Boston was the perfect example of how someone handled a tough situation, and all the fallout that came from that action/inaction. I would hope that the irony of the situation is not lost on some. I am sorry for the tangent in this specific thread, but again, I was questioned, and I answered and attempted to clarify. -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
We are writing on a message board. I clarified within minutes of any possible confusion. I can't account for some people's reading comprehension, but when questioned, I clarified. Given the sensitive nature of the subject, I did not want to post all the details known so far, even though everything I have stated has been reported by major media outlets, The Buffalo News, and the Sabres website. I in no way am accusing anyone of any wrongdoing. I am only stating that a major child rape case and coverup investigation is underway. By association, you can expect a certain individual or individuals to be part of the investigation process. I actually defended the Sabres and Pegula's statement when Bucky Gleason slammed him. They need to let the process play out and it is not prudent for the Sabres to comment at this point. If you as an individual do not view this as stressful on the Sabres organization, then that is your opinion. Please do not turn this into an anti-Sabre witch hunt. This is as disgusting of a situation as you can find. I have clarified multiple times now any possible confusion. Scott has the right to eliminate this discussion if he wishes and I would understand and not be upset. As for any flack I take for bringing questions to the forefront on other issues that were originally brought up by other posters such as Kaleta's charity, and Lindy Ruff's practice session caught on tape, that is your right. Just like it is my right to ask questions, make comparisons, and NOT ACCUSE anybody of anything. I don't expect everyone to follow my thought process at times, and I don't expect everyone to have my experience in certain situations. It is my own fault for taking a water cooler mentality when posting here at times. Maybe I'm better suited for Twitter, where you are only allowed to use two lines of text to give a viewpoint. -
off topic Penn State debacle
Ghost of Dwight Drane replied to Ghost of Dwight Drane's topic in Archive
I clarified in great detail. Ask Tim Graham and Mike Harrington at the news if this is relevant. My only mistake was assuming that many people are up to date on the story. Because you ignore a situation doesn't make it go away. It usually makes it worse. See: Boston vs. Buffalo 11/12/11.