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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I like head cheese. You must not be in PA Dutch land. I'm not just talking about Eichel. Ristolainen is a good player and making big strides. In fact I have more confidence in him now than I ever did in Myers. Eichel is almost treating the game at times like it is the X-Games ski slalom. Sure the time counts, but he's trying to rack up freestyle points. Where's the supposed combine standout and guy who posted weightlifting videos online? So far his unicorn outfit is the perfect fit.
  2. Amen I said it in the game thread....that play happens all the time. I didn't come in saying, "Way to blow a goal Eichel by going 87 degrees to the left at the last second while your teammates were starting to accelerate in anticipation of you keeping your pace." I just came to the defense of an all too common pile on. There's an old hockey saying..... Wash a man's balls and his sack will be clean for a day......Teach a man to wash his own balls and he will have a Hall-of-Fame .....
  3. I thank you for joining the coalition of the brave. PA....if there is no move there is no goal......no sh#t! That's why there is a blueline. Odel Beckham can make a 60yd one handed catch in the end zone, but if he ran out of bounds at the 20 to avoid contact on the route, it's no good. Skill is only as good as the results within the structure. The world's greatest yodeler isn't going to take many gigs from Pavarotti.....
  4. I'm not a hockey coach, but I would think with 10~15 seconds left on a transition, these guys are expecting him to gain the redline and fire it in, either having first dibs at a retrieval, or a freeze with 5 seconds left to set up a play. The only reason McCabe was there was because he has situational awareness. 5 minutes in the period and he doesn't rush. If people want to watch a one man ballet, then fine. Maybe there is a reason the guy is on pace for 13 assists on the season... At least Ristolainen is playing within the system and his teammates. I just say hold your horses on making him into a star. It was fun watching Lucic get frustrated with Ristolainen though. He got Hedman too a few weeks ago. If Eichel keeps dipsy doodling he is going to get leveled soon. He leaves himself vulnerable with all the half spins and backhand cutesiness.
  5. I can go 7 ways here.....but I am politely going to just admire the fella's passion.
  6. There was no reason to drag his skate. Gionta and Kane waited on Eichel who had the momentum. You drag when you are faster or the same speed. They almost stopped to let Eichel go full speed. Eichel doesn't get cute, they are half a stride onside. The odds of a goal there are 1000~1 anyway. I'm with the dozen and a half who say replay sucks and it ruins the spirit of the game. I'm not going to sit around and watch a smart vet get piled on because the flavor de jour got cutesy again.
  7. With 8 seconds left? I see 1000 huddles every week in the NFL, but when my team does it down by 8 at their own 25 with 90 seconds left. ...I'm going to call out the coaches and qb for being morons.....
  8. You mean Eichel who had the puck, McCabe who was 6 feet behind to start, and Kane who they were about to accuse? The rule is crap. I'm not mad at Eichel for trying to make a play. I'm pointing out that some people continue to pile on easy targets.
  9. The rule blows. Refs are killing the NFL and NHL. I just see 7 posters piling on Gionta. Very pretty play. I point it out now because you can still watch it. They waited on Eichel and McCabe was trailing so he was fine.
  10. Hey guys.....it should still be on your dvr. Gionta didn't blow it, Eichel did. Kane and Gionta were ahead of Eichel and waited on him. Eichel was going north, then 2 feet from the bluelinr decides to cut left and go to his backhand. Eichel cost us the goal.
  11. Try the Lemonade Rita in those little cans. It tastes just like Capri Sun.
  12. Weber and Franson looked like the synchronized swimmers sketch on SNL with Marty Short and Christopher Guest.
  13. One of those kids better have cancer or something to pull that out of their ass....I'm Sauve's Key +Peele, Obama translator.
  14. "If you have 2, 4 pound cantaloupes, and divide them with 5 1/2.....how many shots of Rumchata result?"
  15. Thinking verbal.....
  16. Actually...,.I just sent an email to the NHL to show them Girgensons scored the goal.
  17. I agree. That's why I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express with OJ. Not really.....it was a Sandals....
  18. Well at least I'll have time to cook a turkey.....
  19. Easy pickins......but we need to avoid another Cody Hodgson trains with Gary Roberts theme. I'll pump out a 1300 SAT score while mounting Sophia Vegara. That doesn't mean I'm going to get you a Stanley Cup at 10 mil a year....
  20. Too bad he can't navigate the distance between a parking space and a doughnut store window with a .18 BAC.....
  21. I said I wanted Ristolainen to get in the record books. People like to project.....
  22. I was the only one to say Babcock is a paper tiger and Bylsma is the real deal. If your condescending theory was true, wouldn't I want to root for the team to win every cup as hard as possible so I could give you the ultimate "I told you so!" Weak sauce, chief....... Ristolainen is a talented fella. So far it's been a lot of telling us how you won a $1,000 jackpot on the slot machine but fail to mention the $1,200 you lost that weekend in Vegas going into the score...
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