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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. This should be interesting. Even though the Pats are favorites, there is a buzz that makes it seem Ny is the favorite. There were a lot of heavies in Vegas all over NY last week and I couldn't find a good word about NE. Considering their usual aura, I find it interesting nobody wanted to hitch their wagon to it. I like NE today. I think Baltimore was ready for the big stage and they flubbed it so i won't hold a close game against NE. NY was all out to win by a fluke and have been on a run. I'm holding the vaunted 5-9 combo in the football pool. It's over before it started.
  2. I think if you took a survey at Attica, the average person would be more confortable having that in their mouth than tofu jerky.
  3. Turkey meatball? I don't know.......I think Tofu Jerky is your Lucic incident. This will not be forgotten for years. The choice of jerkey....one of the most manly food concepts out there...the food cherished by rugged cowboys, and felons on the run in the wilderness......to take that precious, what should be meat product.....then willingly seek out the most dainty and feminine version of it you could ever possibly concoct.....then consume it.....and willingly tell others about it....93% of whom are men following a sport.....and seemingly enjoy it? You can have your pie. People eat rhubarb pie and minced meat pie. You have company. Tofu jerkey? I never knew it existed, and I still am in such shock that I feel as if I walked in on my dad cheating on my mother with another man.
  4. I don't have the energy to even joke about this. I just want to stick an icepick into somebody's spine.
  5. She does great work, but the true art in my opinion is when she expresses "herself". It's some bittersweet stuff. The butterfly..... That's cool you shared this. It's sort of a personal look into you as well. Much respect.
  6. Wow! I just took the time to catch up here, and I'm glad I clicked on her stuff. It's not just the talent, it's what she's saying in certain things. I choked up at the puppy and her before I even read the caption. That is my favorite by far. You have to be a good dude. She is some concentrated oomph with a pressure release valve. You done good. Not everyone can balance.
  7. Someone here last year said Chicago offered Kane for Myers and had it from someone who worked for the Sabres. I said no way, it was probably the other way around if true. It was reported that one of the first things Pegula tried to do was to get Kane in Buffalo. He offered Myers and was turned down. It was in the Edmonton paper I think a few months after the discussion was here. It was a real source though. Not that anyone was lying...the telephone tag game just flipped the offering team.
  8. It's sort of like the Sabres.....if you have a few unquestioned, gritty, veterans who are skilled.....the Roy's, the Stafford's....they are kept in check and learn from the guys who won't take crap and may actually excel instead of run around willy nilly. The Sabres have plenty of solid vets, but nobody who isn't afraid to grab you by the throat and who has the track record to do it.
  9. I would have loved to see him kill Tim Thomas yesterday. It's funny....for as much as I can agree with him and DeLuca on stormcloud matters.....our political views are 180.
  10. Sorry...I have been here long enough to know that I should have viewed all the responses before i posted. :P
  11. Harmon and Norwood wrapped into 10 seconds of gameclock. If Ray Lewis didn't kill anybody before....tonight may be the night.
  12. I think I figured it out....
  13. I'm debating whether to watch the game at the bar tonight, or fire up a leg of lamb to pick on for the weekend and the football games tomorrow. Usually only do it for Easter, but I have a hankerin. Stuff it with garlic cloves and Pecorino Romano and rub it with rosemary, sage and pepper. Hmm....Sabres, or leg of lamb?
  14. They are now a pennystock. You should email that to Ted Black.....seriously.
  15. If you listen to this more than once....I promise you will have it stuck in your head all day. Fair warning.
  16. That's fine to say. Just telling you what the chart says. I would say that the Sabres get at least 21 points over the next 18 games. That doesn't do you much good really, but it is on pace for a 96 point season if the slate was clean. I will be looking to be ON them the next few games against a team that looks like they peaked near term. You can get good odds.
  17. Here is a quick cheat on future Sabres performance. This year has been the tightest channel to this point in the season of them all. That's bad news if you expect a differential from the norm and a big run going forward. In '06-'07 they had a well defined trend to the upside that held after their torrid first few weeks. Overall the '08-'09 season was very tight, but they took longer to define the norm. This year the team has shown the exact top performance of the '07-'08 team. That team started to break out the last few games of the season, but too late. Good news is this team is underperforming right now and should be due for a breather upward in the near future unless they are blown to bits. The bottom lime-green line represents their norm which would put them at around 85/86 points at the end of the season. The top lime-green line is their max-out.....and the point on the chart where if they go on a run and reach, they become a giant bet against. Once they clear that top lime-green line by 3 points.....then you can take them serious as a possible playoff team.
  18. Like Gates Orlando
  19. Cool...Aud Smell Here are some other Buffalo Boys that are top notch. Don Menza....wrote this when he was with Buddy Rich. Great chart. Grover Washington Jr. from Buffalo and Joey Defrancesco from Niagara Falls. This is one of the greatest grooves you will ever hear. 5 stars. Defrancesco with Lonnie Smith who is a legend from Buffalo, and Carmen Intorre on drums who is fairly young and from Buffalo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aHq_mX_0yo
  20. If you are running half marathons....and you enjoy it...you will be fine. Great job. As someone who floats up and down the ladder and can focus like mad for 3-6 month periods....to have a 3 year steady drop is impressive. I think you have rewired yourself. Just stay away from stressors as best you can. The thing is too, even if you have a future setback, once you get your body in shape you now know what to do and it is impressive how much your body wants to BE in shape even if you find yourself down the road needed to get going again. But jeez....if you can do a half marathon, you may be out of the woods. :thumbsup:
  21. He's actually a jeweler. He was just looking to measure her for the ring.
  22. In honor of Darcy and Lindy.........showing some local love.
  23. Sure. I would lend Schopp $100 and expect to be paid back without having to ask. I would lend Sully $100 and expect him to refuse it or he'd pay it back the next day. I would lend Bulldog $100 and expect him to give it back when he could and then do an unsollicited favor for me. I would lend Howard Simon $100 and expect him to thank me 10 times for it because he only got into a pinch and left his ATM card at home. I would lend Paul Hamilton $100 and expect him to pay me back and let me play on his softball team. I would lend Greg Bauch $100 and expect him to pay me back and then I'd have to cheer him up from all the self-imposed guilt he would feel for accepting it. Jeremy White would ask to borrow $300 telling you he'd have it soon, and 3 months later you wouldn't see a penny of it and it wouldn't be mentioned again unless you brought it up. It's amazing how much you can get a feel for people when you see them in action for so long.
  24. Nah....if anything they need more bodies now. Although White is the only person in radio I actually turn the dial away from. He does what some people accuse me of trying to do.....it's just so forced to take a contrarian opinion and huff and puff. If anything, my style of douchebaggery is more the Schopp style of douchebaggery. At least Jeremy pimps horse racing from time to time.
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