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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Donald Audette would have jumped onto Lucic's back, bitten his ear, and tried to lodge his skateblade in Lucic's groin on the way down to the ice. This has been why there is a TeamStormcloud aura the past 5 years. Certain people keep repeating the same things because not only do we have to put up with our team being a bunch of pansies, but a certain faction of the fanbase supports their actions and people no matter what.....and that delays real change. At least there is sort of something being done about it this year....but Darcy building a viable team in this league happens at the same velocity as my Grandpa taking a whizz.
  2. It's Chz Democracy in action. 3-2 for old......we get new..... BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Sorry....that's not very gentlemanly-like of me..... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS!
  3. I'm thinking of making a batch of bracelets up and handing them out at the arena.
  4. Maybe teams should line up and exchange scarves before each game starts. And players' wives can take turns making snacks for intermissions. Holy cow......Gina Browning should take over for Ted Black. What's a few dozen more felines to do PR for?
  5. "They weren't happy just to make it to the playoffs, and I think that is part of how he coaches. He demands a lot from his players, but he's respectful, and he's a positive coach."
  6. "Wise" choice. Old school and good food. La Bella Sicilia is a really great Italian place on Genesee near Harlem. Huge portions and some old school choices like calamari and tripe. White pizza is awesome and wings are good too. Any meal is good though. Desi's Pizzeria in Kaisertown makes incredible sandwiches. Nice people. Favorite is the Godfather...steak, dandelions, mozzarella and hot peppers on a garlic and olive oil drenched sub roll.
  7. I wish there was a place that cut to the chase and offered the best part of the food. You know how you pick the cheese and pepperoni off of a pizza, or crispy skin off the KFC? Well....F'it.......just cook goodies like that.
  8. Question..... If 8 people here have Anchor Bar as the worst or overrated......how can it be overrated? It's the Daryl Talley Syndrome.
  9. I could explain it, but then the art of it is ruined. Half a dozen understanding the purity of it is worth 200 WTFs. Purity is probably the wrong word in this case though.
  10. 15 wide. My shoes that is. I'm happy just playing Toni Tanti.
  11. It is ok. You can't call it bad, you can't call it good. Had just enough of a sap story to keep the girls interested. Not really deep in hockey innuendo.
  12. Send them Myers....take them both. Philly would want more though.
  13. They're a little busy develpoing real estate right now.......give the guys a break!
  14. It's the Alex Sulzer of Hockey movies.
  15. I won't put you on the hook for no season.......that's not the spirit of it. The Sabres win a playoff series.....you win. Assuming there is a 16 team playoffs! I can see the NHL doing something craptacular like having 20 regular season games and let every team in the playoffs in a giant tourney.
  16. That's funny.....and I appreciate your candor There is no turnover though except Ott for Roy. Hecht and Boyes are gone, but Hecht was a non-entity for the most part and Boyes was just invisible. Scott is the only addition otherwise, and we know full well Lindy will have him in the pressbox sooner than you can say "Hockey Heaven". Uh oh.....we agree on something. Hurry up...call me an a-hole or something! :P
  17. If he just wants to get it out of the way now, so he can semi-enjoy the season...... http://www.yourspca.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=372
  18. I bet you in the town of Pominville.......there are no guns.
  19. For the 43rd time...there is nothing wrong with using statistics as a tool. When you job as a GM is to assemble a roster of 50 contracts, with $70 million a year going to your NHL roster......you better know how to look at a player and everything that encompasses his assets.....and know how to value those assets in creating a balanced team. Darcy Regier has failed to do so, and in miserable fashion might I say. His propencity to quote these types of statistics, and now a few of the posters celebrating the fact certain Sabres players are at the top of some of such lists.......only leads me further to believe he has no F'n clue what he is doing. I am much more forgiving of Lindy Ruff and his failures than I am of Regier. Ruff is a top 5-10 coach when he is on his game. Regier is a bottom of the pack GM. I could name 5 posters here that I would rather have as GM of the Sabres over Regier. I couldn't tell you the name of someone that could outcoach Ruff however. True Dat.
  20. Here is my position. I feel it was stated with the point being fairly obvious. You two boys should go shop together for blue and gold picture frames for your diplomas.
  21. Here's some analytics, 73.4% of your responses to me argue for the sake of arguing, and the rate goes up to 87.6% after I clearly make a response that does not indicate what you are implying. There is a 23.2% chance you have poor reading comprehension skills.
  22. Pitt, Philly, NY, Boston....agree Either Wash or Fla get the #3 seed so.....Buff, according to your own projections are lumped in with NJ (Stanley Cup '12), Car, Win, and Fla/Was leftover in competing for spots 6.7.8. In doing so you are throwing out Ott who were in the playoffs and Tampa who disappointed like Buff. It is 7 teams going for 3 spots.....in essence less than a 50% chance the Sabres makethe playoffs, which is probably DeLuca's contention.
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